Chapter 10.1: Dear Diary, I’m Amy…


…But after all this time, you knew that already. It’s just that I thought I should begin my first official chapter the same way all the heirs before me did.

Since I’m the last heir, I would like to reminisce about the heirs that came before.

Generation 1

Here is the Founder of the whole saga, Memphis Noble. She was shy, and awkward, and her best friends were books.

Until she met Liev Capra, of course, for when she was with him, she forgot she was shy. They loved watching movies together.

Remember? That night they watched Executing a Crumbcake IV and Slacking With You: a Love Story. I’ll admit I found them on a streaming service even though they’re so old, and I watched them both. I can see why Memphis was laughing.

It wasn’t long after they were married that they brought their first set of twins into the world, Leo and Jilly.

They also had a second set of twins some years later, Rachel and Daylynn.

As a side note, Memphis’s sister, Keniesha, also had twins! It was a crazy generation.

Then, when Leo and Jilly were teens, the most horrible thing happened. Leo and Jilly were in a terrible car accident.

And Jilly was killed.

Leo never got over losing his twin, and he wasn’t expecting to be heir either since Jilly was already designated.

Generation 2

But he expressed himself through music and became a huge rock star with his band, Accidental Therapy.

Throughout his generation, he raised his daughter, Blue, alone as a single dad.

Leo met Layla and he fell in love with her. Eventually, they got married.

Generation 3

Blue began her generation by running away to Winchester Farming Community. Her generation was one of my favorites to read.

She married Mathieu Larochette and they had six children!

Generation 4

Marty was Blue’s choice for heir, and she was funny. She fell in love with Xalen Sprague and…

…they had twins! Surprise! Rosetta and Holden Sprague. To top it off, Marty gave birth to them in a bank vault!

Remember when everyone left for the wedding ceremony but they accidentally left Marty behind, so she hitched a ride on a fire truck?

Generation 5

Holden took the reins as heir next. He was a dancer with a ballet company.

He married Ellie and they had a daughter…

Generation 6

…Bea Sprague. She had a child with her first husband, Kara Poe.

But her true love ended up being Perry Wright, or Mr. Wright, as she liked to call him.

Generation 7

Kara Poe took over and was the generation seven heir.

Throughout her generation, she and Abraham Seaforth (or Bram, as she called him) had an off and on again relationship, not marrying until their son Kai Seaforth was grown.

Kai was my grandfather, but I never met him.

Generation 8

Kai loved his bike most of all until he found out he had a daughter with a past girlfriend, Jade. Her name was Gigi, and she was my biological mother.

After Kai died in a tragic motorcycle accident, my bio mom and her sister, my adoptive mom, were shipped off to boarding school.

Generation 9

My real mother was beautiful inside and out. You could tell just by looking into her eyes how loving she was.

Unfortunately, my parents died in a fire, granted it was a fire they created by fighting with each other. Even so, it was no less tragic.

My adoptive mom was only a teen, but she stepped up to raise me.

And my adoptive dad became human again just so he could marry my mom.

Generation 10

But now here I was, alone, without friends or family, keeping to myself all the time. I was too afraid to explore my new home’s surroundings. People lived on the other side of the lake, but I watched from a distance.

All the while, my empty shelves and lack of personal items reminded me how very alone I was. For there was no other being like me in this world, no one to share my experiences and life with.

I stared out the windows all the time, afraid to go outside because I might run into someone.

Even though the cottage I was renting was beautiful, there was no way I could fully enjoy it.

On the days when I couldn’t stand it anymore, I peered through the trees at the lake.

And if I ventured closer, I never allowed myself to go past the big walnut tree at the edge of the property.

It wouldn’t be long before I fled back indoors, locking the house behind me.

This loneliness was killing me. I had to find a way to be around people again without this crippling fear.

Special thanks to Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for the poses used in this chapter: Just Standing – Males. Most of the poses from the old pictures were also made by Bee.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

Other Credits:
World: Winchester Farming Community
Lot: Anemone House

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  1. Woah, what a ride this story has been! It was so nostalgic, this walk down memory lane ❤️ Your legacy will always have a soft spot in my heart. I have enjoyed it greatly, first by clicking the links you posted on the TS3 site (does anyone even remembers it still after so many years of TS4?), then through WP after I made my account. Your site has also gone through many changes, from the designs down to the very name! I still love the creativity of ‘booomcha’. And then your story inspired me to start mine, in a kind-of-rip-off diary style, lol – I do wish, though, I could say I made it to 10 gens. That’s a great achievement! I commend you for having the will to carry on this long. I wonder what awaits Amy on her journey. I can tell why she enjoyed Blue’s gen the most, haha.
    As a side note, I cackled at my own stupidity when I understood this sentence “She had a child with her first husband, Kara Poe” as Kara being Bea’s husband. I had to do a double take, lol!

    • Thank you so much, Jowita. ❤️ I’m so glad you enjoyed looking at the memories. This is so bittersweet for me. I’m so pleased you’ll always have a soft spot for this story, just as yours does for me.

      Oh, the TS3 site! What memories from there, too! I’ve always meant to go back there, but I’ve never had the time to really spend the kind of time I want.

      I never realized you started your story because of ND until you told me. Which also means, I never thought of it as a rip-off diary style. lol I just thought we both had a great idea. haha 😀

      I do miss your writing. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop saying that. Mostly, I miss it because you have a unique voice and your story was so creative. Maybe someday you’ll return to your creative writing? 🙂

      LOL at Amy enjoying Blue’s gen the most. Right? I mean, it’s all very similar. LOL

      OMG, that does sound like Kara was her first husband! Gah! I should probably fix that. LOLOLOL

      • It makes me happy that you also think fondly of my story ❤️
        I can’t even go on the TS3 site anymore, since it requires logging on Origin and this further requires typing a code you get sent on mail. And my brother’s old mail doesn’t work; it was apparently shut down because he hadn’t been logging in for a long time.
        Yeah, it was because of ND. I enjoyed your story so much, I took the little story I started posting on the TS3 site and put together a blog. I also rewrote the first few parts that I had already posted from the original third person because I loved the diary idea. It is fun but sometimes complicated since Sims type on computers. I even wrote in the rules on my site of how there is a digital copy. I do imagine Sam’s physical diary was taken and locked up as evidence when he was arrested, lol.
        I have a distant memory of editing the prologue in the locker room when I was changing for PE. I was a very unhappy middle school student at the time, lol. The whole idea of the ‘neverdoitagain’ catchphrase was made up on the spot, really, when I was asked for a site title. But it was the first time I tried writing in first-person (which I recall mentioning to you before). My previous story was solely in third person and I tended to be a pretty sarcastic narrator. Sometimes I’d post little pieces of dialogue for fun when I would talk with my characters as a big bad narrator. It was fun, the style was pretty close to the tongue-in-cheek special I did for which I paired my heirs up to talk.
        Aw, do you really miss my writing? It’s funny you mention that since I always tell people when asked about my interests: “you know, I like creative writing”. And then I admit that I also haven’t written consistently for 3 years. And everyone says they wish for me to resume writing and I never do. It’s hard, really, and all the harder the more time passes. Since most of my life I’ve been writing with Sims as a medium, I can’t imagine writing outside of the game. It’s hard to figure out. In the past, even when I didn’t have a big, long story, I would do freestyle stuff for fun and post it as memories on the TS3 site. It was not that demanding with occasional bigger plots that were still not well thought-out. Now I neither have Sims nor do I have the TS3 site or anyone who would read my memories on there. So it’s no longer an option. And then I wonder, if I returned to WP, who would be there to witness it really? Most of our old friends have left. Even in your comment sections I see so many people I have never talked to on here nor have I read their blogs. But not that many people that used to be our mutual friends. And you know, posting without anyone being here to read wouldn’t make much sense because one would get discouraged sooner or later.
        So, I’m stuck with the status quo. Maybe one day I will figure it out. I hope so anyway.

        • I’d forgotten you were using your brother’s account for Sim s3, but now that you mention it, I do recall that. I’m sorry it doesn’t workk anymore and I bet they miss you over there. I remember following your story over there. I thought it was wildly creative! I sensed at the time you were in middle school that you were unhappy and it brought back memories of my own middle school years which were also unhappy ones. That’s about the time I learned to escape my life through writing.

          Everyone wants you to resume writing because you are good at it and it’s definitely enjoyable to read. I would read anything you wrote, tbh.

          I see what you are saying about our old friends. It was as if one by one they began dropping away. I liked reading their stories, too.

          Many of the comments you see are people I have met by reading their blogs. Some are authors while others write about their lives.

          I wonder if you did write, if some of the oldies would come back? You never know.

          I hope so, too.

          • Oh no, I hadn’t been posting on there for a long time. I just wish I could come and see if it’s still alive once in a while, that’s all. I remember joking with Doris about how the only people left on there are German. Every time I would come lurk I’d only see them posting. Practically everyone left so it’s not like I am too worried about not being able to log in. I liked having the choice, though, if you know what I mean.
            I’m not sure which one you mention, I posted so many weird stuff on there. At the time that I was doing NDIA, I was also writing about Cecily who used to be my avatar. I did post Bailey who was a remake of a townie that parodied Bella Swan. That lasted for quite some time, too.
            Yeah, I was definitely unhappy and pretty lonely. That’s one of the reasons why I had so much time to do the story at the time, and engage in our community on WP. I think part of why I did so much dark stuff was because I was unhappy myself. I didn’t feel like doing happy endings. Writing is so therapeutic ❤️ I love that it helped both me and you. I have been writing for longer than middle school. I already did Sim stories near the end of elementary school. I would say I was maybe 11 when I began writing those. And before I had notebooks where I wold write ‘books’ with friends. Funny memories.
            Actually those people I spoke to never read a thing I wrote. They’re just encouraging because it’s polite. I don’t know when and if I would come back to writing for real. I’d love to one day.
            You are so kind to me in your compliments and I don’t know how I deserved though since you’re a far superior writer to me. But thank you for the encouragement.
            Yes, exactly. It’s so sad how they all dropped out. I miss their stories and just them, really.
            Yes, I figured that much. I love how you encouraged writers outside of simlit to engage in your story. I imagine someone who’s not familiar with this form of graphic storytelling might have some inhibitions at first. But ND is so good, it can be a great read to anyone, I’m sure!
            Maybe they would, I don’t know. I completely understand the need to focus on things outside of simlit, but it’d be nice to see them!

            • That’s a shame that everyone left. I wish I had devoted more time to it instead of leaving for such a long time. I guess I’m feeling nostalgic. lol I understand what you’re saying about at least having had the choice. That’s too bad.

              Ooooh Cecily! That was so long ago, yet I vaguely remember that.

              I can understand how what you write reflects how you’re feeling. I have a little bit of Elodie in me although her story isn’t what I would autobiographical, I did move a lot as a kid, so I have first hand knowledge of how she might feel about that.

              You’re welcome. I really did enjoy your story so much. It was unique.

              I miss their stories and them, too. I’ve always wished if people leave, they wouldn’t delete all that wonderful work they did. It seems so sad to me.

              I’m so very glad you’ve enjoyed ND. 🙂 You are so kind.

    • Thank you, Jess. Right now she thinks she can control her power, but she wanted to be alone where the pull to use it wouldn’t effect anyone else, if that makes sense. When it comes down to it, she can’t sustain living like this.

  2. I loved this recap of past generations! I can’t believe this is the last generation for the legacy, but we can always go back to the founder and reread the story. I usually do <3 Happy simming!

    • Thank you, Hilly. ❤ I’m so glad you enjoyed the recap. I loved going through the old pictures. I can’t believe this is the last generation either. I’m glad you like to reread it. Happy Simming to you, too! ❤

  3. Thanks for sharing!!.. is she really going to be the last heir, one wonders… Que Sera Sera… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

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