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Friday, September 20, 2024
Old Stone


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Chapter 9.6: Dear Diary, the Fight

Dear Diary, after my breakdown when I realized Laris’ promise was a lie, I fell into a deep sleep. It was as if the horror of it all had drained the life out of me.

How long the sleep lasted, I do not know, but it was fraught with horrible nightmares I could not remember.

It wasn’t until I saw Dad that I came out of my stupor. His face wasn’t clear at first, but gradually came into focus. His eyes were beseeching, and he seemed so worried.

When he spoke, I knew it was really him and not some fake Laris trick.

“Geeg, you have to fight. Don’t give up, I will be there with you. You will not be alone.”

My eyes shot open, and I sat straight up, my mind racing. I rubbed my forehead as tears welled up in my eyes.

“Daddy, please help me. I’m so lost.”

Of course, he didn’t answer. Biting my lower lip, I wondered if it was just a cruel dream after all.

A knock at the door startled me away from my thoughts.

“Gigi, are you awake? I’m so worried.”

It was Sophie.

My chest was so tight, I could barely muster my voice.

Finally, I choked, “Y-yes, I will meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” she answered, her voice seeming unsure.

My knees quivered as I pulled myself out of bed. I needed to get dressed, but my limbs were heavy, my mind muddled. It was only then I noticed my ladies were not attending to me.

Where were they?

An excerpt from the diary of Sophie Seaforth

Dear Diary, Gigi really had me worried. She had some sort of breakdown that was so bad, her hair turned as white as Laris’. I tried to comfort her, but she seemed to be in some sort of daze, wandering off to her room.

Several days passed during which I tried to wake her, but she was in some kind of deep trance. If it weren’t for Sebastian encouraging me to be patient with her, I would have lost my mind.

“She has had a shock,” he told me. “It may not look like it, but this is progress.”

“When she wakes up, will she be herself? The old Gigi?”

Unfortunately, he shook his head. “She is still wearing the spelled amulet. We must convince her to remove it. I wasn’t sure before, but now I’m thinking she might be strong enough to take it off without harm.”

“I hope you’re right. How will we persuade her to take it off?”

He frowned. “That is a good question. Try pleading with her. She stands on the precipice now and could fall either way. The good news is she’s more open now to hearing you.”

I prayed he was right.

Today, I heard Gigi cry out from her room, so I rushed to her door. She told me she was awake (finally!) and that she would meet me downstairs.

It seemed like forever that I waited, but at last she joined me in the living room.

She looked so thin and frail, like she might crumble to the floor any second. Her eyes were distant, and she was frowning.

“It’s good to see you up and around,” I said, my voice faltering.

I planted my feet wide apart and pushed up my sleeves, readying for the moment when she would hear me at last.

“What?” she asked, rubbing her forehead.

Sebastian caught my eye. He was frowning. Was he worried because Gigi was still so out of it?

Every muscle in my body tightened, and I pressed my lips together, willing Gigi to hear me.

“Geeg,” when I said her nickname, her expression softened, and she interrupted me.

“I had a dream that dad was here. He told me to fight and that he’d be with me.”

This threw me for a loop. I mean, I thought she knew now that Laris had lied, but she seemed totally convinced she’d seen our long-dead father.

“That sounds like a pleasant dream, but that’s all it was. Dad isn’t really here.”

That was all it took for her to turn on me. Her hand shook and her nostrils flared as she pointed her finger at me and yelled, “You don’t understand anything! You never have! I’m tired of trying to make you see!”

Maybe I should have played along with her to deescalate the situation, but just like her, I’d had enough, too.

It was my turn to shout at her this time. “I’m so tired of this, too! Don’t you get that Laris still has you under some kind of spell?”

Her lips were pulled back, her teeth bared. “This was real, Sophie! It was really him! Why can’t you just believe me for once? This isn’t some spell! I’m free of Laris now!”

“No, you’re not! You are still wearing the amulet he gave to you and it is spelled! Take it off and you will see clearly for the first time in ages!”

“No!” she screamed. “You’re wrong! I’m in total control now! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Take the necklace off!” I shrieked, my voice breaking from the intensity.

As soon as she touched the amulet hanging from her neck, she jerked back as if shocked. Then she looked around the room, her eyes wide.

“The-the portraits. They are gone.” Her mouth went slack as she peered around the room as if for the first time. “Where is the fireplace? The pretty wallpaper?”

“I don’t know what you’re seeing, but there never was a fireplace, or portraits, or wallpaper. This place is a dump! It’s time you understand that you’ve been in a spell induced coma, walking around here like everything is wonderful when it’s far from it!”

“No,” she gasped. “This can’t be! You’re my sister. Why would you turn on me like this?”

Tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks. “You turned on me, Gigi.”

“Impossible! I would never!” She took a gulping breath.

“Take the necklace off, please,” I implored, sobbing now.

She touched the pendant and immediately drew back again as if shocked. “I can’t!”

“I’m so sick of this!” I screamed, grabbing the necklace myself, no longer caring about my own safety.

Thank you so much, Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for the poses where Sophie grabbed Gigi’s necklace! I couldn’t do my story without you!

I hope you are enjoying the story, and that this post finds you safe, and well. Thanks so much for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking.

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Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱


  1. Cliff hanger! Eeek. Sophie! Noooooo….. Maybe she’ll be okay but something tells me otherwise. I’m curious if she can even touch it – much less take it off of Gigi. I hate that Gigi thinks the awful surroundings are Sophie’s doings and not Laris. She’s close but not there yet. Sebastian is right, she could go either way and right now it looks like it’s the wrong one.

      • We are semi settled. Still too many boxes to unpack and our new furniture is delayed until Oct 15 … so far … I hope it doesn’t keep getting delayed. So we have no furniture in the living room. Always something. I hope in another week things begin to get somewhat back to normal.

  2. Aww man, poor Geeg and poor Sophie. I thought maybe Gigi would be more open to hear Sophie out but obviously she took the dream as meaning it’s all real, rather than an urging to fight off what’s happening.

    I love that the amulet made her see things that aren’t there, like an overlaid image the master wants her to see. That’s SO cool!

    I hope Soph doesn’t get electrocuted touching that evil thing. I’m also glad my hair doesn’t turn white at stress and breakdowns otherwise I’d be constantly having to dye my hair every day! 😆 xx

    • Thank you, Caz. xo

      What you said about the amulet is exactly right; it’s like an overlaid image the master wants her to see. 😀 I’m glad this came over the way I meant it to.

      You are right to worry about Soph being electrocuted.

      That’s funny. 😀 I used to have a reader who tallied up how many bottles of hair dye she needed after each chapter. haha

  3. I hope Sophie doesn’t get badly injured after this… It could be very dangerous to touch the necklace. But then again, I’m not surprised, she must feel so helpless when spelled Gigi isn’t ever listening to her and accusing her when it’s she that doesn’t see clearly. I’m really anxious what will happen to Sophie now and if, even if she doesn’t take the necklace off (which she probably won’t as it’s under a strong spell), seeing her hurt after trying could get Gigi to wake up.

    • Thank you, Jowita. You’re right to worry that Sophie might be hurt after touching the necklace. Things are really coming to a head, and I can’t wait for you to see next week’s post! 😀

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