Chapter 8.30: Dear Diary, Ceremony Decision


An Excerpt from the Diary of Sophie Seaforth

Dear Diary, do you ever have moments when you go somewhere and your skin prickles just like little ants crawling all over you? It’s hideous! And, yeah, that’s how it has been for me since joining my older sister Gigi in Midnight Hollow.

She promised so much, and I expected a lot, I know. But this is crazy! Why can’t Geeg see that?

I’m not sure what’s going on with her.

There I go, saying a whole lot of nothing. Let me begin again.

When I was still a child, and Gigi was a teen, our father died unexpectedly, and they sent us to boarding school. That’s the short story. If I write out the long story, I’m afraid my hand will fall off from cramping.

Anyway, once there, they split us up, and I didn’t see Gigi much. It was really hard on me because I’d always depended on her. I’m six years younger than her, and she was my whole world.

Our family is a hot mess. Mom is in a psychiatric hospital, and Gigi had me and her friend Tilly move in with her after she got settled in Midnight Hollow.

Just the name gives me chills. Midnight Hollow. Sounds like the place to go if you enjoy waking up in nightmares. But it’s not just the name. It’s that it lives up to my worst fears. There is no sunshine as the sky is always cloudy. It’s a cold and damp place even though it is summer.

One of the first things I noticed as our train pulled into the station is that many of the trees don’t have leaves or blooms. They’re big, hulking, bare things, their branches reaching in every direction like spooky tentacles.

A man with glowing eyes helped me off the train. Yes, I said glowing eyes! And he kept licking his lips as he looked at me. It was disgusting, yet almost mesmerizing. I followed all of his instructions without concern, but later, I realized I’d never seen his lips move.

Had I?

I feel like I should wear my shoes on my head because that’s how upside-down everything is! If I did wear my shoes on my head, I’m sure my sister wouldn’t even notice. She glides around this creepy-ass house like Morticia from the Addams Family. It’s like she’s completely unaware that anything is amiss!

Whenever I mention the cold, or the terrifying chills I get down my back, she gets offended like I said something personal about her, which is totally off base.

Tonight, she came to my room wearing some shocking black nightgown thing. What I know is, before she came to this place, she didn’t dress like this, and she didn’t act this way.

“I came to tell you goodnight. Do you need more blankets or anything?”

I’d already emptied her linen closet of all the extra blankets (and Tilly had sneaked in and taken two of them away from me because she was cold too).

“No,” I said, “I have plenty of blankets.”

“Good, I want you to be comfortable.”

“Geeg,” I asked, “can I talk to you without you getting offended or angry?”

Her smile was pleasant. “Of course, you can. What kind of question is that? Haven’t we always been close?”

My smile was slower to come because I wasn’t sure she would keep her cool. If the past couple days were any sign, it would probably be heated and I would go to bed crying.

“Well, why… why do you like it here so much?”

Maybe if she could make me understand, I’d see things differently. I tried to have an open mind, but I doubted I would ever like it here.

“What’s not to like?” she said with a little laugh that told me my question was absurd. “We have a big beautiful house by the sea. We live in a beautiful town with friendly neighbors. Laris has made sure we want for nothing.”

She was mentioning this Laris-guy a lot, but I hadn’t met him yet. Apparently, they met while we were at school. How? I have no idea since it was an all girls’ school, miles from anywhere or anyone.

One day, she just met him. Whatever was making her act like what I thought of as trance-Gigi, I blamed on Laris.

I mean, how close could they have become while we were in an all girls’ school, miles from anywhere or anything?

I’m repeating myself constantly, and I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t overwhelmed with confusion and bewilderment, I might stop doing that.

Gigi touched my arm, and her fingertips were like ice, giving me the heebie-jeebies.

“Sophie,” she said, her voice calm, “I understand it will take time for you to become accustomed to life here. But please, don’t worry. Laris and I have everything worked out. After tonight, you’ll see.”

This gave me concern. “What’s happening tonight?”

She smiled again, then gave me a hug. “Something special.”

An Excerpt from the Diary of Georgia Seaforth

Dear Diary, while Sophie’s reluctance to give Midnight Hollow the chance it deserves, I’m positive she will come around. Especially after the ceremony.

I haven’t seen Laris in weeks, and tonight, he will wait for me in the copse of trees at the base of the hollow.

My skin is tingly with excitement, and I can barely contain myself. Laris said taking part in the ceremony was my choice, and I’ve decided to go forward with a bold and resound yes!

Even though I was unsure what would happen, I couldn’t wait. I missed Laris with every fiber of my being. Since coming to Midnight Hollow, my dreams of Dad were more frequent. How I missed his smile and the feeling of family.

Laris promised me if I went through with the ceremony, my father would return to us. I couldn’t tell Sophie this without her thinking I was mad, so I kept things to myself.

Once the ceremony was over, I would be joined to my love Laris forever and have his child. Our child, and his or her children would replenish our race of peoples. He and I were the only ones left, but our clan would thrive again like they had in ancient times.

“My Angel,” Laris said as I approached, reaching his arm out to me. “I am so pleased by your decision.”

My heart leapt when I saw him, and I could feel my pulse in my temple. Gone was the teen boy I’d known from before. Now he was a grown man, and more handsome than I remembered.

After I took his hand, he drew me further into the copse where there were four others waiting. Laris introduced them to me, then we began.

He assisted me in lying on a stone slab. Then they all surrounded me, raising their arms and chanting. It was a moment before I realized they were chanting the ancient language written in the mysterious book of spells I’d found at school.

Armon, Lord of the Werewolves, and Lady Cinnabar Jinx, ruler of the Witches, were on my right side…

…while Radu, Lord of the Vampires, and Lady Forsythia Quickspark, ruler of the fairies, were on my left.

Laris had a small crystal ball with which he was performing some magic spell…

When it was over, we faced one another, and he crowned me.

“And, what name will you go by?” he asked.

“What name?” I hadn’t even thought of that.

“Shall I choose?”

I smiled and nodded.

With a loud, firm voice, he announced, “Lord Armon is ruler of the Werewolves, Lady Cinnabar Jinx is ruler of the Witches, Lord Radu is ruler of the Vampires, and Lady Forsythia Quickspark is ruler of the fairies. As King of all of them, I now proclaim Georgia Noble queen of all of them.”

“Do you feel our child within you?”

Putting my hand over my stomach, there was warmth and instinctually I knew I was with child.

“Yes. I do.”

There was clapping by the others, bows and curtsies as we turned to face them.

With wonder, I said, “But you have never told me what we are.”

“Have you never guessed? My Angel, my Queen, we are all of them… wolf, vampire, witch, and fairy. You have come into your full power. And now, we will have our child, and rule the magical realm as we were meant to.”

A special thanks goes to Bee (Poses by BeeStories by Bee) for the ceremony poses. I thought they were amazing! Thanks, Bee!

Can you believe we are heading into generation 9? Noble Doubt finishes with Generation 10, so we are coming to the end soon!

Look for Generation 9 to begin on August 14 at 10am (EST)! I’m looking forward to it, and I hope you are, too.

Thank you so much for your devotion,

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  1. I forgot to mention this before, but your website looks awesome, Kymber 😊 The white + gold palette is pretty and I love how you’ve matched all the graphics, it’s really satisfying to scroll through ❤

    Well, that was quite a wild ride with lots of surprising twists! Kai’s maturing from his reckless teenager days and newfound purpose of being a stay-at-home dad was sweet, seeing how much pure love and joy he derived from Jade and his children, plus his friendship with Vincent. His difficulty with Jade working so much was particularly sad because that’s basically what happened to him in his youth—being unseen/neglected by his mother because she was too caught up in working. And I was shocked that Kai was killed by that horrible stalker neighbour halfway through his generation! It would have been nice to see more of his journey, but I think Jade and Gigi were definitely the stars of the show. Their personalities were strong and vibrant, and they were such beautiful sims as well! I love how Jade grew up from this rebel who wanted to spite her parents to a confident, elegant lawyer fighting for good. She was my favourite character of the gen so I’m worried about her apparently ending up in an asylum. Kara and Bram’s behaviour is suspicious in this department, not telling Gigi and Sophie about it, so I’m wondering if that’s the truth or the getting vengeance for Kai’s death went wrong…

    I’m very worried about this magical cult situation with Gigi. It’s not like her at all to walk blindly into something so dark and dangerous. Laris is extremely suspicious with how he never discloses his real appearance or age (and keeps calling her my angel… downright creepy). It seems like he’s using her powers to conquer the magical realm. I really hope not all is lost and Gigi can realise what’s going on, even though it seems like she’s gotten into super deep crap regardless. Excited and apprehensive to read what will happen in her generation!

    • I’m so glad you like the look of my site, Lila. I’ve worked so hard on it. 🙂

      I’m also so glad you loved Jade. She is such a star! It’s too bad she had a breakdown after Kai’s death. She loved him so much.

      You’re right that Gigi is acting out of character. I think this is a lack of parental supervision. She feels so alone and unwanted, meanwhile, Laris seemed to have all the answers she wanted.

      I hope you enjoy Gigi’s generation. 😀

  2. That feeling of NOPE has just increased since Gigi has been in Midnight Hollow. I’m afraid Geej is lost at this point. Sophie, I implore you, RUN!

    I’ve tried to play in Midnight Hollow in the past, but it’s just way too dark for me. Like, I start to feel physically cold if I’m there too long. Then I take a walk out in the desert sun and feel better. 😀

    • Oh my goodness, I’m feeling exactly like that playing in Midnight Hollow. Cold and dark.

      I agree about that feeling of NOPE. lol I hope Geeg isn’t lost, but she may be. We’ll soon see if Sophie can get away.

  3. Ooof, I’m slow again. To be fair, I did read this a few days ago and was waiting for the right moment to comment – and it has come!
    I think I’m just repeating what’s been said over and over again: This whole ceremony is bad, bad, bad news.
    Why do I get the feeling that the people saying Laris has been causing Gigi’s views of her dad are right? I’m afraid our girl is going to find out she won’t get her dad back but that she’s been manipulating into helping with visions of her dad, which is just… extremely cold. 😔
    I’m excited to find out what’s actually going on and hopefully next generation will include Gigi getting the hell out of dodge sooner rather than later!
    This was an excellent generation and a great finale to it. I’m excited for the next one!

    • Thank you, Louise. 🙂 I’m glad you found the right moment! LOL 😀

      Bad bad news is probably right. Especially with the blasé attitude Gigi has had.

      I know a lot of you think Kai isn’t coming back, that Laris is manipulating Gigi, and you all may have called it. We’ll definitely be finding out. I agree if Laris has done all that, it’s pretty cold.

      I’m so glad you’re excited to find out what’s going on! I’m excited to tell you! You’re right that Gigi should probably get the hell out of dodge ASAP.

      I’m geeked you enjoyed the generation, and I hope you will like the next one, too. xo

  4. “There is no sunshine as the sky is always cloudy. It’s a cold and damp place even though it is summer.” < Are they sure they're in Midnight Hollow? Sounds like they've wound up in my area of England 😆 I'm curious as to how Soph will settle in and what something special is coming her way! I actually kinda like the sound of this creepy Midnight Hollow! Amazing stuff, Kymber xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. xo LOL I had no idea I was describing your neck of the woods. LOLOL Hopefully Soph does settle in. lol I’m so glad you like this creepy Midnight Hollow. The story might get dark before there is light again.

  5. Man, I don’t trust Laris at all. In Sophie’s and Tillie’s shoes, I would’ve kidnapped Gigi out of that house, except I feel like she would’ve come back.

  6. Jowita covered so much! And definitely all agreed upon. Here is my take:

    You know how you play with a ouija board and they say that opens you to things evil that can affect your life? That is what I have thought all along. So she was already experiencing grief and intense anger, which led Laris to her and she continued to open the door to evil ever time she reached out to him. GAWD I really hope this is all on the up and up and not something evil.

    And because I warned you I would, I have to say this: “…… replenish our race of peoples. He and I were the only ones left, but our clan would thrive again like they had in ancient times.”

    Just how many babies does it take to replenish a race?? Does she even know what she is saying? Seriously creepy, to copy Jowita’s word of the day!

    • Thank you, Bee. You’re right that Jowita covered a lot there.

      Yes, I think the ouija board is a good analogy. I can totally see what you’re saying here. It’s true, too, that her intense grief and anger (the big trauma) is how Laris even found her. This is my first foray down this road with a character, as you know.

      LOLOLOL I knew you were going to say that even though I changed that sentence. Yeah, I don’t think Gigi is really thinking too clearly there. haha

      I’m glad you thought it was creepy, too. 😀

  7. Seeing her use Noble makes me emotional. This chapter was…… I have no right words for it. Can we guess the gender of baby Noble? If so I say girl!

    • Thank you, Hilly. I thought the name Noble might have that affect on you. It’s okay not to have the words for everything that happened in the chapter. There’s a lot there to take in and process. ❤️

      A girl, eh? Well, you might be right. We’ll find out in Generation 9! 😀

  8. Wow. How can I add anything to Jowita’s comment? She nailed it all. And when he said her name was Georgia Noble…we’ll, yes…it seems perhaps this legacy is indeed going to wind down and her child will be culmination of all of the gens. I also thought he would take her sexually, but it seems it was done via the ceremony. Laris seems to care for her, but I think it’s mostly because of what she is not who she is which is sad since she’s convinced herself she’s in love with him and he does care for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if once the baby was born he takes her, but then he may want her to have many children.

    • Hi, Audrey, thank you. Jowita did say it all. hahaha But I like what you said here, too. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the whole story wrap up with a Noble? 😀

      Bee and I discussed whether he should take her sexually, but in the end, I liked the mysteriousness of it happening this way.

      Laris does seem to care about her, but you’re right, he may just be manipulating her, too. She’s convinced herself she loves him so we’ll see how that all plays out in Generation 9.

  9. How I missed being one of the first to read your Saturday chapter! <3 It's so good to be back, Kym.
    Okay, so I'm creeped out. I knew she'd go through the ceremony because let's face it, that was what we were all waiting for and why we were hooked up for this gen, even though I'm sure it is somewhat dangerous. I feel like Laris is not telling Georgia everything. It's not like they have a contract or something… or pact with the devil?… written out with all the rules and what she'd be obliged to as a queen.
    But I'm going to tell this again: I feel like Laris and this town is messing with her head. But I really do feel there was some build-up before this time with the visions of her father and all the like that I feel Laris had something to do with. After all, Gigi knew nothing of the house he'd prepared and yet there she was, with the visions planted in her head long before she'd seen it. I refuse to believe it's just her ability to foresee the future.
    I loved the excerpt by Sophie at the beginning of this chapter because she voiced all of my concerns about Gigi I had in the previous chapter perfectly. This was just perfect: "If I did wear my shoes on my head, I’m sure my sister wouldn’t even notice. She glides around this creepy-ass house like Morticia from the Addams Family." A-and worrying! Isn't it?
    It was giving me all the creeps, but somehow I'm livin' for it!
    This was super creepy: "Laris said taking part in the ceremony was my choice, and I’ve decided to go forward with a bold and resound yes!" I swear something did happen to her. It seems as though after coming to this town, all her rational thoughts and well-founded worries went away like poof! and they were gone.
    I have to say I loved the ceremony pictures and Bee did an awesome job with the poses as always! But the coffin-like thingy they had her lay on was again creepy. I'm repeating that word a lot, aren't I?
    And the best part: Laris calling her Noble! Like Memphis Noble and like Noble Doubt! I feel like this is coming together. Maybe the child could have that surname again and you'd end the legacy with this surname? I love the thought. But do they reproduce asexually or what? Does she even get to have some fun in bed with her new husband, I wonder? Haha, sorry, just a thought, LOL.
    Anyway, these people at the ceremony seemed shady. Like some cult. I realize they're supernaturals, but I could only think of some dangerous rituals done by deranged people when I saw them!
    And this is the end. This gen was so special because of how we lost Kai in the middle, which has never happened before in your story, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And we got more time to spend with Gigi apart of only her gen, which is good!
    I am looking forward to her story. It seems like such a long wait, maybe I should have caught up later, but oh well… I'm sure it'll be worth it.
    I enjoyed it a lot, Kym <3

    • Thank you so much, Jowita ❤️❤️ How I’ve missed you being the first to read my Saturday chapters! xo

      I think you’re right not to trust Laris. He’s super shady and I can see why you think he’s not telling Georgia anything. Did she even know this would make her some kind of queen? She was so mesmerized she didn’t ask anything even though she should have. The red flags are there, flying high,, but it seems only Sophie, and probably Tilly see them.

      I like what you said about how you don’t buy that she’s totally been seeing the future when she’s had her visions of the house. It’s fair to say Laris maybe planted those visions in her head, like you said.

      Ah, Generation 9 has a lot to answer for! lol And “creepy” is the word of the day! 😀

      Are they a cult? Are they deranged? Could be. lol I can’t tell. lolol

      I’m glad you thought this generation was special. Kai was fun to write and it was hard for me to see him go so early in his story. I wanted to try something new, so there you have it. haha

      I’m so geeked you’re looking forward to her story! It’s so incredibly fun to have you back. ❤️❤️

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