Chapter 8.29: Dear Diary, Graduation


Dear Diary, it was Spring and there we were in the main hallway at school, our robes swishing around our legs as we moved. We were about to graduate, and there was an excitement buzzing all around us like swarms of bees.

It was to be a small affair with parents only. As usual, my mother had not come, nor had I heard from her. While that filled my heart with sadness, I hadn’t expected anything else. Still, I couldn’t help myself steeling a look outside to see if her car was there.

Darcy was in charge of lining us up, but no one listened to her. She kept straightening the funny little hats we had to wear and making loud throat clearing noises as she tried to get our attention.

It was no use.

Miss Regan shook her head every time she glanced our way, as if she still couldn’t believe what disorderly girls we were. She’d never quite caught on to the fact that we weren’t the sweet princesses she believed us to be, so I imagine she thought our unruliness shocking.

Tilly was a surprise, as she was the quietest of us all. She’d spent her entire life at the school and so I wondered if she would be all right after graduation.

Gwen was trying to pay attention to Darcy’s orders, but kept sniffling and blowing her nose.

Meredith… well, she was downright ugly-crying.

“I will miss you all so much,” she said between sobs.

We did our best to console her, reminding her we were only a phone call away.

Miss Regan approached us, I assumed to comfort Meredith, but instead, she took my hand in hers and smiled.

I will miss her sweet face and smile, I thought. She was the only faculty member worth noting for the day.

“I’m so sorry your mother couldn’t be here, Georgia.”

I shrugged, pretending it didn’t bother me at all, but Miss Regan knew better.

She tilted her head toward mine and lowered her voice so others might not hear. “You see, she wanted to come, but her doctor wouldn’t allow her a weekend pass.”

My head snapped upward, and I looked her in the eye, a frown coming to my mouth. “What do you mean her doctor won’t let her leave? Leave where? What’s wrong with her? Where is she?”

“Oh, dear,” Miss Regan said, putting her hand over her mouth. She glanced at Iron Tits, who wasn’t paying attention to us, then turned back to me.

“Please, tell me what you know. I’m an adult now, and I have the right.”

“I’m so sorry. I thought they told you when you had your birthday.”

My frown deepened. My birthday had been as lonely an affair as all the ones before it. Except now I was eighteen and allowed to leave this place.

“They didn’t,” I finally answered.

She took a deep breath. “Honestly, I think you should have known all along, as it might have helped ease your pain. Your mother had a breakdown shortly after you came here and has been in a psychiatric facility ever since. The unit she’s on doesn’t allow visitors or for her to leave.”

My jaw went slack as I processed what she was telling me. Then another emotion took over. I balled my hands into fists.

“Why didn’t my grandparents say anything?”

Biting my lip until I drew blood, I wished I could kill them for what they put me and my little sister through. If we’d only known mother was sick, it might have changed how we felt.

Sure, we’d still be angry she sent us away, but at least we would have known why we never heard from her again.

“This is the worst possible way for you to find out. I’m so sorry, Georgia.”

Her words echoed in my ears as I went through the motions of the graduation ceremony.

Once I was able to step back and absorb what Miss Regan told me, my heart melted a little. My mother couldn’t contact us for birthdays or holidays because she was ill. It was difficult to hold back tears, but that was okay because everyone around me thought it was because I would miss them when I left.

My mother hadn’t abandoned me. She most likely still loved me and Sophie. I imagined her in the hospital, begging the doctor to let her visit us or call us. More tears flowed until I was bleary eyed, unable to see.

Later, after gathering my things, I went to see Sophie so I could tell her goodbye. For now, at least.

I was tempted not to tell her about mother, but then decided I didn’t want any secrets between us.

She frowned, just as I had done. “That explains some things.”

“Yes,” I said, a lump in my throat. “This must be why there was no friction from our grandparents to let you live with me in Midnight Hollow. I’m so angry with them for not telling us about Mom.”

Tears rolled down Sophie’s cheeks that she didn’t bother to wipe away.

“I still hate them, but I’m glad I’m coming to live with you.”

“Me, too.”

“I can’t imagine Mom in a psychiatric hospital. Can we visit her?”

I was glad to see Sophie was melting toward our mother, too.

Shaking my head no, I said, “She isn’t allowed visitors or even phone calls. But I sent an email to her doctor, asking him to keep me updated.”

I tried to hug her, but she pushed me away. “What’s wrong?”

“Did you have to do your hair like her? All I see is mother when I look at you with your hair smooth and pulled back.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. The truth was, mother had worn her hair exactly like this and I’d fixed it the same way on purpose because I do look a lot like her. I miss her so much, my heart twists whenever I think of her.

I don’t think Sophie wanted to hear that, though.

“How should I wear it?” I asked in a soft voice.

“Down, but not curly like when mother has- had hers down. Get it straightened and wear it around your face.”

Nodding, I took her hands in mine. “I’ll get that done as soon as I’m able.”

All at once, she fell into my arms, sobs racking her entire body. I held her close to me, wishing I didn’t have to leave without her.

“It will only be a few weeks before you can join me, My Darling,” I said, smoothing her hair with my hand. “You’ll spend your summer break exploring Midnight Hollow, then in the Fall, you’ll start school there, and I’ll help you with your homework.”

Finally, she pulled away to stare at her feet.

“Except math,” she said. “You suck at math.”

“Well, you’re not wrong about that,” I laughed. “I’ll find you a tutor.”

The last goodbyes were heart-wrenching, but at long last, I was on the train and on my way to adventure.

Dear Diary, how can I describe Midnight Hollow? It is beautiful in its own way if you take the time to peer under the fog that rolls across the land on what feels like a continuous basis. It covers the town like a blanket.

When I first arrived, I thought it seemed dark and a bit on the cold side even though it’s almost summer. The first thing I missed was the sun. It’s scarcely seen here as the sky is almost always overcast.

The first time I saw the house, my heart thumped in my chest like a bass drum, and I felt faint. There it was, in all its glory, and at last, I’d arrived. It was everything I dreamed it to be.

Laris wasn’t there. He’d left me a note that there were clothes there if I wanted them, and he’d give me some time to settle in before meeting with me. Apparently, he had business elsewhere. Trying to hear him in my mind was useless.

I didn’t worry too much about his absence because he’d always been truthful with me, giving me no reason to question him. It felt strange that there were clothes there for me, but they fit me like a glove, and the longer I was in Midnight Hollow, the more I felt his clothing choices helped me to fit in.

Little by little, I began to forget my old life of loneliness and sadness. The people in town were wonderful to me, and even treated me with some reverence. When had anyone ever treated me this well before?

After a time, people from town began coming to me to have their futures told. It felt good knowing I was helping them with their problems, and the money was good. It was during this time, I started making more potions and spells. This seemed to come naturally to me.

Finally, the day Tilly and Sophie were arriving was here!

Sophie and I hugged, and I drew her into the house that had become a true home. I wanted in the worst way for her to feel the same way I did.

“Where’s Tilly?” I asked, moving aside so she could take in the foyer.

“She’s getting some things from the car.”

Then, her jaw dropped and her eyes became huge. “What is that?”

I laughed. “He is pretty impressive, isn’t he? He is Thydon, the Bringer of Freedom.”

“Looks more like the Bringer of Death, or of Nightmares,” Tilly said as she joined us.

“Well, he is just a statue, isn’t he?” I laughed. “That makes him the Bringer of Nothing.”

“Let’s hope,” Tilly said.

“I can’t wait to show you around the house and town, too,” I enthused.

“It’s chilly here,” Sophie said, rubbing her bare arms. “When we left the school, it was so hot, wasn’t it, Tilly?”

“Mmhm,” called Tilly from the living room.

“I- I hope you’ll love it here as much as I do,” I said to Sophie.

“Me, too. It’s just so… dark here.”

I don’t know why, but her small criticism rankled me a bit. Drawing in a breath, I reminded myself that this was all strange to her and she would need time, just as I had, to settle in.

“That’s true, but at least we’re together.”

“You’re dressed so strangely,” she continued, unaware of how her words bothered me.

“Yes, well, I suppose you’ll get used to it.”

We went into the living room, and my hand swept in the piano’s direction like a show room model’s. “Look, Sophie, you can continue your piano lessons.”

“Oh, joy,” she moaned, rolling her eyes.

“Or,” I said, sweeping my arm the other way, “we can listen to records and hang out in here.”

Tilly raised an eyebrow but was silent while Sophie moved to the window.

“Records? Really?” she mumbled as she stared at the sea just below.

“Who are they?” Tilly asked, pointing at the portraits on the wall.

“Probably relatives of Laris. I’m sure he’ll tell us all about them when he gets here.”

“I can’t wait to meet this Laris of yours.”

“You will love him,” I promised her.

We had a meal of soup and bread, during which I told them about the town and all the people I’d met. If they hadn’t been tired from their journey, I would have suggested a walk.

Tilly had changed a lot, but some things were still the same. She was starting her job as a bartender in town in a few days.

“I want to look as sexy as I can. There has to be a rich guy in this place to marry.”

I laughed. “If anyone can snag a rich guy, it’s you.”

“Watch me do it,” she laughed. “It’ll happen so fast, your head will spin.”

“Come join us,” I said to Sophie, who was still staring out the window.

She faced me, a deep frown on her face, her brow furrowed. “I don’t like it here. I’m sorry, but this place gives me the creeps.”

“No!” I shouted, unable to keep it from erupting out of my throat, my hand balling into a fist. “It is not creepy and frankly, I am offended you feel that way. This is our home now.”

Sophie stood there, staring at me for a moment, before bursting into tears and running from the room.

“Wow, Geeg, way to go!” Tilly admonished me before she chased after Sophie.

What happened? How could I have yelled her after something so small? She was trying to tell me how afraid she was that she wouldn’t fit in here. She hadn’t meant to make me angry.

I’ll apologize and give her time to settle in, I decided.

Then everything would be wonderful again.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s post!

Don’t miss out on Monday when I publish a special Book Blast post about wonderful author Jacqui Murray’s new book release called, Laws of Nature! It’s the 2nd book in her Dawn of Humanity series!

If I have time, I’m planning a post from Sophie’s POV on Wednesday at 10 am (EST). We’ll see as I have a busy week with doctor’s appointments and lovely, little children to dote over. 🙂

See you Saturday at 10am (EST) for the next chapter of Noble Doubt!

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  1. Well, this explains a lot about Jade’s behavior. She went completely bonkers after Kai snuffed it, and I don’t think Kara helped matters one bit. 🙁 So sad to see Jade come to that, especially when she was so strong, smart, and full of life before all this. It’s just such a tragedy all around. 🙁

    Sophie has more than a good point, It’s dark and creepy, and I’d feel like I was living in a tomb. That house needs a LOT of work to make it look more welcoming. Even Mathilda, who likes a darker look, would click her tongue and shake her head. Plus, she’d say it’s no place for a teenage girl to grow up healthy.

    Laris has a lot of explaining to do. I think Gigi is relying on him way too much. I don’t like that he’s keeping himself from making an appearance. Something undesirable is definitely going on with him.

  2. And I caught up! Just in time to read the last chapter of generation 8 on Saturday (or I guess, it’s been Gigi’s story for a while now, but it’s nice she had her chance to shine before her generation began)! That was creepy how she was so focused on the house and started talking weirdly to me. I wonder about the pendant. Did Laris put it along with the clothes and is there a chance it’s doing something to her? Well, we’ll see. I’m so looking forward to Gigi’s gen! 😀

    • Yessss you have read so much all at once! I like that you brought up the pendant. That is a good question. And if it isn’t that, is there something making her think in this new way? Because I agree she is acting differently.

      I’m so glad you’re looking forward to the next gen! I am, too!

  3. Also, I’d been worried something had happened to Jade. I even entertained the idea that she had died and Kara didn’t want to trouble the girls with it. SMH. I really hope Gigi can get in contact with her some kind of way. Kara and Bram are canceled!

    • Then, you called it! Jade just can’t handle Kais’ death along with her poor decisions, etc. We haven’t seen the last of her, though.

      I agree regarding Kara and Bram!

  4. If Midnight Hollow wasn’t so desaturated, Gigi would be seeing red flags everywhere. 😂 Jokes aside, I understand why Sophie doesn’t like it. Not getting sunlight and it being cold in the house would be a huuuuge no-no for me. It’s not exactly an ideal place for a teenage girl. It’s also kind of incredible that Laris has been talking her into living with him and then he’s a no-show.

    • Thank you, Louise. Yesssss, Midnight Hollow isn’t showing the color red to her very well. lol Sophie is like, “NOPE.” hahaha

      Yeah, and what is up with Laris?

  5. Wow, “Thydon, the Bringer of Freedom”, is one impressive statue. Quite ominous and scary, too!

    I feel bad for the girls – graduation is an emotional time but just imagine being told your mum had a breakdown and has been locked in a facility with you none the wiser. That’s harsh!

    I’m liking the idea of a big ass renovation for that house. xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. xoxo I thought that statue said a lot! LOLOLOL

      I feel bad for the girls, too. They feel abandoned, but they weren’t in the way they imagined. Some grandparents, though, huh?

      Ooooh, yes, a big ass renovation would be so fun!!

    • Thank you, Jacquie. I’m so with you on the sculpture! lol You’re right it’s not quite the haven the others thought it would be. There is a reason regarding Gigi’s attitude. I’m hoping I have enough time this week for a Sophie post. 🙂

  6. I agree with Sophie. I hate that place and never go in there. I’ve tried several times. Interesting how Geeg sees it differently. I wonder why that is. And I agree with Mmd! I think she hit the nail on the head there!
    Oh my gosh, poor Jade! I can not even imagine her sorrow. Actually I can kinda, after seeing my own mother in the nursing home locked in the cottage. But at least I could take her out for walks etc. To see no one at all……I would think everyone’s worst nightmare all around. Kai why did you have to die! miss you man!

    • Thank you, Bee. I know how much you hate that world. Hopefully, seeing it in this story won’t give you nightmares. 😂😂 LOL I think Mmd hit the nail on the head, too.

      I think you’re right about Jade and the sorrow she must feel. Not being allowed visitors or to leave I’m sure is very hard.

      I miss Kai, too.

    • Thank you, Cathy. I really love Geeg so much. I’m hoping I can get a post in by Sophie so you can all see the contrast as to what she thinks about everything.

      I’m glad you liked the way the colors changed from one part of the story to the next. Gigi and Sophie are used to having such vibrancy around them, this is truly different.

  7. Midnight Hollow *is* kind of creepy, so Sophie has a point there. LOL! I wonder if Gigi’s vision of her father will actually happen. Please don’t let Kai stay dead forever! We know that doesn’t necessarily happen. Maybe he’ll be reborn somehow, someday.

    • Thank you, Hilly. You never know because anything could happen. 😀 Sophie does have a good point. I’m hoping I have time to do a post from her POV.

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