Miss Regan’s Grammar Class


Miss Clara Regan is young, but firm which is largely what got her the position at the girls’ school. For the most part, the girls behave in her presence. What she doesn’t know is how the girls behave when she isn’t witness. She has a difficult time believing any of the girls would be trouble.

Patti is smart, and she has a lot of potential. Sent to the school by parents who don’t know what to do with her, she acts out upon occasion, but she might be a good ally for Gigi.

Darcy can be a problem. Sent to the school as a chronic runaway, she knows how to secretly get around the school without faculty realizing.

Gwen is studious by day, a closet drinker by night. Her alcoholism is being addressed by the faculty, but not well enough.

Meredith was sent to the school after her parents were killed in a house fire. Strangely, she was the only one who survived that night.

Georgia (Gigi) is quiet but has a wicked sense of humor. Even the most hardened girls find they like her sarcasm.

Tilly is a fighter by nature. Sent to the school after being expelled from every school she’d ever been to, the faculty are determined to break her into submission.

Doris is a raging kleptomaniac. She will steal anything not bolted to the floor. Inside, though, she is a romantic, waiting for the boy who will whisk her away from her problems.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s post!

See you Saturday at 10am (EST) for the next chapter of Noble Doubt!

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  1. Wow, what a motley crew of girls this is! This is going to be quite interesting, to say the least. Still, I don’t think Gigi and Sophie belong here, not at all. I really loathe Kara right now, and Jade isn’t at the top of my warm fuzzies list either although she can have a little sympathy…a LITTLE. Kara can go straight to the Bad Place Downstairs for all I care. And that is horrible to say because I used to really, really like her.

  2. 😮 Oh dear. I can’t help but worry for Gigi now. That’s a lot of characters to manage. I have so much respect for Miss Regan for being able to garner each girls’ respect and manage her classroom. But too right that it is outside her presence that the acting up starts.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 Honestly, I’m worried for Gigi, too. Who knows what kind of influence these girls will have. I like Miss Regan a lot. Maybe she will see the girls outside her classroom, behaving badly. 😀

  3. Love the way you showed off the id of each character. It’s a fun way of showing off everyone. 🙂 They all sound like interesting characters. I’m excited to see how Gigi gets through this.

  4. Okay well there is Meredith, who knows the real story there. Perhaps the author will spill before Geeg leaves? But out of all of them Tilly worries me most. I feel like she could be the most dangerous to Gigi’s well being if she gets on Tilly’s bad side in the wrong moment.
    And isn’t there always one teacher who thinks all the students are basically angels. Gotta love em for so many reasons!

    • Thank you, Bee. Meredith’s story might be a tad sordid. lol I think the author will spill. It’s too much fun not to. 😀 You’re on to something with Tilly. She may be trouble for Gigi.

      Yes, there’s always one teacher who thinks the students are little dears who would never do anything wrong. lol

  5. What a crew. If Gigi gets corrupted while at this school, there will be hell to pay! I’ll have no sympathy for Kara. Jade can have a little.

    • Thank you, Hilly. Part of you might be right about Meredith! We’ll find out in the near future. I’m glad you can’t wait for Saturday. I’m looking forward to it, too. ❤❤

  6. Looks like Meredith may not have a great relationship with her parents and turned into a little pyromaniac. Let’s hope it was a one time thing. 😏 Tilly looks super cute. I’m curious about her. Will the school really break her? What will Gigi get from her time in this institution, I wonder. And what about Sophia? Will we hear how she’s doing? Must be even tougher for her.

    • Thank you, maladi. Meredith is something else, it’s true. lol Hopefully, if she is responsible for the fire, it won’t happen again! I’m wondering if the school will break Tilly or not, too. We’ll find out. We will hear about Sophie here and there although she won’t be a primary focus. She won’t be forgotten.

  7. Okay so Meredith gave me chills. Little pyromaniac rooming with Gigi and her wi led sense of humor! Lol. I love this and will likely refer back to to it during the story until I get to know the girls better.

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