Chapter 8.19: Dear Diary, Dirty Day


───── ⋆⋅ Content Warning: depictions of blood. ⋅⋆ ─────

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter even though I’m sure it was shocking! Thank you, Bee (Poses by Bee) for the motorcycle crash poses! You are the best!

See you Wednesday for an episode of Meet the Neighbors, and Saturday for the next installment of Noble Doubt!

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  1. Oh, no! Ohhhh, noooo!!!! OHHHHHH…OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Oh, Kai!!! OOOOOHHHHH KAAAAAAAIIIIIIII!!!!!! Oh, this is soooo bad! This is sooo ghastly! Gosh, this hurts! I hope it’s not the end for Kai…but I’m afraid without a helmet, he wouldn’t stand a chance. Perhaps if this truly is the end for him, maybe he was an organ donor and might have saved some lives if there was anything left that wasn’t pulverized. OMG, this is just awful. 🙁 🙁 🙁

  2. I knew this was coming, but I’m still so sad. I feel much more connected to Kai after reading his narrative the whole day. Also, I had to take a second look, but I think there is no one behind the steering wheel of that car? It’s so crazy.

    • No, there’s no one there. I was disappointed with setting this scene up. The poses were perfect, mind you, but it was really hard getting the car there. I was having all kinds of problems.

  3. YIKES that’s a LOT of blood! I was just admiring those hardcore wheels, didn’t see this coming at all. Is he going to be okay?? This should be a government advert for the need to wear a helmet.

    • Thank you, Caz. I was thinking that, too, actually, about the helmet! lol Yep, that’s a lot of blood. I wish I could tell you whether he is going to be okay or not. We’ll def be finding that out on Saturday.

  4. Oh no. 🙁 I really hope this isn’t the end for Kai.
    At the same time, man, it’s been a long time since one of you evil writer ladies pulled something like this and I’m here for it! 😉

  5. Nooooooo! If he’s dead that’s soooooo bad! You can’t leave us on a cliffhanger like that! That blonde headed witch with a capital B is behind all of this I just know it! Grrrrrr…..

    • Thank you, Audrey. I’m sorry to ruin your day like that. Next week will reveal the answers. Let’s hope Molly Hill didn’t have anything to do with it…. but you know, she might’ve. 😲😲

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