Chapter 8.9: Dear Diary, Happiness Is…


Jade had one requirement before she would marry me. I had to ask her father, George, for her hand. It was an old-fashioned idea, but I wanted more than ever to make her happy. She assured me this would do it.

I was confident going in. I mean, her dad knew me already. Sitting there, across from him, though, I realized that might not be the best thing. What if he brought up the time I served? Or the fact she had a baby without me supporting her, even though that wasn’t completely my fault.

What if he said no? Jade would still marry me.


Taking a deep breath, I rubbed the back of my neck. Then, I crossed my legs, folding my hands in my lap. After less than three seconds, I uncrossed my legs, only to cross them again.

Do you see how this was going?

George stared at me, sitting still in his chair like a statue, his brows raised.

I cleared my throat. “Uh, Mr. Greenhill, thanks for meeting with me.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you,” he said, his voice so dry I had the urge to find him a cough drop.

“Yeah, um, it’s been a minute. It’s good to see you, though.” Then, a little too quickly, I added, “You look good.”

His gaze hardened, and it was impossible to pull my eyes away.

“Mmhm. Now you’re just blowing smoke up my ass. What’re you here for?”

Oh, boy. Any minute now he would start chewing me out, I just knew it.

“Uh, well, I suppose you know Jade and I have been dating.”

His expression and tone remained the same. I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before continuing.

“I’m here… I came here to ask if I could marry her.”

It was probably an entire three or four minutes while he sat there, scrutinizing me with hard, unblinking eyes. I gulped, my throat and mouth bone-dry, finally deciding I should make my awkward exit, when he busted out laughing.

“I’m just messing with you, Kai.”

“What?” It was my turn to stare, dumb-founded, at my tormentor.

He was belly-laughing now. “Go ahead and marry her. You already know her in a Biblical sense and have a child together. I think it’s about time you married the girl. Oh, and Kai, welcome to the family.”

I was walking on air. The girl of my dreams, and totally out of my league, agreed to marry me, and Gigi was turning five. To make things even better, it was my day off, so I watched Gigi while Jade worked.

For her birthday, we got the kid a swing set, and a sandbox. I got myself a Polaroid camera. It was fun taking pictures for the photo album I picked up at the store. Then, I realized, Gigi wasn’t in the first group of pictures I took. Sometimes, the things I do don’t make a whole lot of sense.

You may have noticed that once or twice.

We were in the backyard, enjoying the new playground, when Jade arrived with another woman and two kids. Gigi waved excitedly, jumping up and down.

“Mama! Mama! Look at my swings! And my slide! And my sandbox!”

“Yes, I see them,” Jade said with a wide smile. “I’m glad your birthday was a hit.” She kissed the top of Gigi’s head, then turned her attention to me. “Kai, you will be so happy to meet our guests. This is Izabella Roberts, Vincent’s wife.”

That took longer than it should to register. When it finally clicked, I felt like slapping myself in the face. “Oh, wow! It’s so nice to meet you!”

“Thank you,” she said, her gaze steady, her voice strong. “These are our kids, Shona and Wes.”

“Hi there,” I said to the kids.

“Wes is the same age as Gigi,” Jade said.

“That’s awesome.”

Shona looked around a little while Gigi and Wes chatted.

“I have swings, too,” he said. “My dad set them up before he went away.”

“I bet they’re fun,” Gigi said. “This is my first swing set.”

Shona smiled at the younger two. “Let’s play!”

“How’s Vincent’s case going?” I asked.

“It’s looking hopeful. I sat in on his hearing today to see what was happening. That’s how I met Izabella.”

“That’s cool. I really hope the judge realizes Vincent is innocent.”

“Yes, me, too. I just want him home,” Izabella said.

“Of course.”

“It will probably be another week or so before all the evidence is examined, and the judge makes a decision,” Jade explained. “The simple fact is, Vincent was mistaken for the perpetrator but his attorney thinks he can prove it wasn’t him.”

Izabella said, “Yes, that’s right. The robbery happened a couple blocks from where we lived, but Vince wasn’t there that night. He was home with us. Their only witness said she saw my husband rob that gas station. It’s just not true, and they didn’t believe me when I verified his alibi.”

I took Izabella’s hand and squeezed it. “My father told me this attorney is really good, and I trust that.”

She wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “I’m trying to. It’s so hard.”

I nodded. “I can understand that.”

“Thank you so much for helping us, Kai.”

“I can’t take any credit. My dad is an exceptional guy, though. Let’s just get Vincent home where he belongs, okay?”

She nodded, her hand trembling in mine.

The kids’ laughing interrupted any further serious conversation, so we joined them. My heart was full as my baby girl played so happily with her friends. But, it was heavy, too, because my friend who’d done so much for me while I was incarcerated, was still in prison unjustly. Even if it took the rest of my life, I would fight to free him no matter what it took.

I can’t decide whether or not my family is crazy. At get-togethers, we’ve become a loud bunch, everyone animated with their own points in discussion. It’s not unusual for my dad to be cooking some huge dinner while everyone has ten conversations at once. Did I mention it gets loud?

There’s Jade, sitting next to her father. They’re talking about what a handful she was as a kid and how to handle Gigi.

Jade, as you can see, isn’t even close to agreeing with George on this.

Mom and Rob, with occasional input from Dad, are debating on whether pineapple is appropriate as a pizza topping.

We’re not even having pizza for dinner, but it’s a hot topic tonight.

My own thoughts on the topic? All I can think about is how Rob has no right to look that good. We’ll probably examine that point tonight some time over a beer.

Gigi has been non-stop begging for another play date with her new friends Shona and Wes Roberts. The fact she gets along with them makes me so happy.

My biggest hope right now is that they will release Vincent, and our families will become close. I think that would be good for all of us.

My family is a little crazy… silly… and loud.

And they’re mine.

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter. Coming up soon, we’ll find out whether Vincent is vindicated or not, and what that means for Kai. Also, Bram and Kara have an announcement. Oh, and don’t forget, we have a wedding coming up soon.

i’m sorry for the late response on your comments. Please know, I appreciate each and every one. I’ve been quite ill this past week. Today, I have to travel a little bit, and I’m dreading it. But I can’t wait to see what you think of the new developments in today’s chapter.

Thank you again for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking,

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  1. Reposting since my comments don’t seem to be showing up. 🙁

    June 13, 2020 at 1:47 pm

    So much happening now and much more to look forward to. I really hope they can get Vincent off. It always saddens me when innocent people end up in prison.

    I had to laugh at the scene with George. He was really playing it to the hilt. 😀

    Can’t wait for the wedding.

    As far as pineapple on pizza…icky-icky-doo-wah!!! Nasty Ba-Basty!!! Give me meat lovers any day of the week. Hubby would totally disagree. He gets ham & pineapple every time. Yuck!!!

    • LOLOL What is it with pineapple and pizza? hahahaha I love it. 😀 You and Mr. Hawke have much in common. 😀

      I hope Vincent can get off, too. What happened to him isn’t right.

      George is a real character. LOL

      The wedding was sooo pretty, if I do say so myself. LOL

  2. Jade is probably trying to make things better with her dad, therefore asking for his blessing even though it’s uncommon now. 😛

    Here’s hoping Vincent’s case goes well. If anyone can help him, it will be Bram’s hotshot lawyer.

  3. George is something else lol. I’m glad Jade ran into Vincent’s wife. It’ll be cool if they could stay close regardless of what happens.

  4. Aww I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so rough. Having to then travel too will just take it out of you all the more. How’re you managing today? I hope you’re able to take the time out to rest and recoup a little.

    “Now you’re just blowing smoke up my ass” – I love that expression! It’s one of my favourites & I always laugh when I catch it in the American crime thrillers I read 😂 Great use of it here! It’s great to have lots of positivity and smiles in this one. And it’s so sweet that in the middle of the pizza debate, the thoughts weren’t on the pineapple but on how hot Rob looks. Naawww!

    Rest up lovely xx

  5. I hope things work out in Vincent’s favor. Oh come on Kai! Asking the father’s permission to propose is so….. Mathieu Larochette!!! (old-fashioned, need I mention how he grew up?) 😉

  6. Man.. Jade’s dad is the best. But then, didn’t he just asserted his power over Kai, albeit discreetly? 😛 He’s not one to be messed with! Kai’s family is great! Whatever he’s thinking of they’re all good things. He’s just trying to mess with the readers the way Greenhill did him.

    Take care and comments are always here. Health is more important. 🙂

  7. So much happening now and much more to look forward to. I really hope they can get Vincent off. It always saddens me when innocent people end up in prison.

    I had to laugh at the scene with George. He was really playing it to the hilt. 😀

    Can’t wait for the wedding.

    As far as pineapple on pizza…icky-icky-doo-wah!!! Nasty Ba-Basty!!! Give me meat lovers any day of the week. Hubby would totally disagree. He gets ham & pineapple e very time. Yuck!!!

  8. I’m thinking you can see where some of Jade’s character traits came from. My guess will be that Kai and Jade’s father will do well together as family. Can not wait for the wedding and I will have some definite points to add to make it perfect!

  9. I’m sorry you’re feeling bad and have been sick. Take care if yourself and feel better.

    This was a another sweet chapter. I thought it was hysterical that Jade’s father made Kai sweat! I hope they get Vincent off and he really is innocent. It seems that he is. His family is nice. Then they can be friends. And I’m curious what Kara and Bram’s announcement is about. 😱. And a wedding is always fun. ❤️

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