Chapter 8.5 : Dear Diary, Miss Georgia Greenhill


The more I speculated about the upcoming trial, the more weight I lost. Dry heaves, and hyperventilation was the new normal. The mere thought of returning to a tiny, fetid cell was enough to make me chain smoke and drink too much.

But that wasn’t the answer. And if it wasn’t, what was?

My family couldn’t have shown more support. My parents let me stay with them, and my cousin Robert and I spoke almost every day. For all the times I felt alone as a kid, I knew now, I wasn’t. I don’t think I can ever repay them for everything they’ve done for me.

Jade was still all business, and I was afraid I’d ruined our friendship forever. Yet, if that was true, I don’t think she’d continue working on my case. I’ll never lose hope that someday we’ll be close again.

Two weeks before my trial, Dennis called to tell me the prosecuting attorney wanted a meeting. Jade seemed to think they would offer some kind of plea deal, but she told me not to get too hopeful because it didn’t mean it was a good deal.

The inside of my lower lip was bitten raw, and I was picking at my nails as we all met at the station. The dingy green walls looked like the thick mucus that comes with a nasty cold, making me gag. Or maybe it was the smell of stale coffee and body odor. No, it was definitely the walls.

Dennis began the meeting. “Why are we here, folks? We don’t have all day.”

The prosecutor, Diana Rigsby, gave him a stern look, then said, “After reviewing your client’s case, I’ve decided to offer a plea deal.”

Dennis nodded. “Go on.”

Ms. Rigsby cleared her throat and placed her hands in her lap. I glanced between her and Detective What’s-His-Name, who was also there.

“Mr. Seaforth pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter and serves two years in prison.”

I think my gulp was audible because Jade poked me lightly in the back as if to tell me to be cool.

Dennis was calm and even snickered. “You’re joking, right? My client doesn’t deserve any jail time for this accidental death.”

The prosecutor wasn’t backing down. “Mr. McNab, whether this was an accident, you know if we go to trial, I could get a lot more.”

I felt hot all over, yet I was shivering as I looked from Ms. Rigsby to Dennis.

Finally, Dennis spoke. “He enters a plea of nolo contendere and serves no prison time.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from sounding like a thirteen-year-old girl.

“We’ll talk when this is over, Kai,” Dennis said. “You haven’t accepted anything until you say so.”

I think I nodded my understanding, but I’m not entirely sure. Jade’s hand rested on my back now, which was only a slight comfort.

The prosecutor and Dennis continued their negotiations.

“No contest, and twelve months,” Diana Rigsby said. “That’s my final offer, and a fair deal. A man is dead, Mr. McNab, and justice must be served.”

“We’ll let you know,” Dennis said.

With that, the detective and Ms. Rigsby left the room. Jade took one of their empty chairs so we could discuss the situation.

Dennis wasted no time in explaining the offer. “So, by pleading no contest, you’re not admitting guilt, but even so, you’re agreeing to take the punishment which in this case is twelve months.”

“Without a criminal past, and with good behavior, you would be out sooner, though,” Jade added.

“What happens if I say no?”

“Then, we go to trial and try to get you off.”

“So, is this a good deal?” I asked.

Dennis shrugged a little. “I don’t think you should take it, but there are no guarantees if we go to trial that this will end any better. Take tonight to think about it, then we’ll talk in the morning. You don’t have much more time than that to decide.”

That evening, Dad made a nice dinner to help us forget the big decision in front of me, if only for an hour or two. We weren’t quite finished when Jade called and told me she had something urgent to talk to me about. I rushed right over to her.

She lived in the house she grew up in with her father. Her Mom died some years ago, and her dad was at an age where he needed her there.

Jade looked worried as I stepped inside. I hadn’t been here much, but the place looked the same as I remembered from childhood.

“What’s going on?”

She took a deep breath. “I’ll make the story short. I used to date a detective, and he knows about your case. I can’t tell you anything more than that because he could get in trouble, but Kai, the recordings were found about a half hour ago.”

A huge lump formed in my throat that I could barely swallow around. “I-I haven’t told my parents about that yet.”

Her face turned red, and she clutched her hands as if she wished she could strangle me. “Well, that’s the least of your problems with this news. This shows intent, and I can see your plea deal melting away as we speak once the prosecutor finds out about this. If you’re going to take it, you need to act on it right away. Now, in fact.”

“But Dennis told me not to take it.”

“That was before they discovered the recordings. This will not look good for you.”

“So,” I said, pausing for a moment, “I should do it then.”

“I can’t tell you what to do. All I know is, things just got a lot harder for you, and I’m worried. I think Dennis will do a good job, and he’ll get you the best deal he can, but it’s unpredictable.”

I swore under my breath, raking a hand through my hair. The thought of prison was almost more than I could bear.

“Mama, you said we could watch Little Dragon on the Moon,” a little girl said as she joined us in the hall.

“Gigi, I told you to put your pajamas on and wait for me in the TV room.”

“I’m tired of waiting.”

“Who is this?” I asked, glad for a chance to think about something else, no matter how brief.

“I’m Georgia but everyone calls me Gigi.”

“That’s enough,” Jade said, her voice firm.

I smiled at the little girl. She was cute. Then I realized…

“Jade, are you married?”

The girl giggled as Jade shook her head. “No, I’m not. Gigi, go upstairs and put jammies on like I told you.”

Instead of obeying, Gigi ignored her mother, staring at me.

“Are you mama’s friend?”

“Uh, yeah, sort of,” I stammered.

I never paid much attention to kids before, but Jade-Junior was cute. All at once, a sobering thought hit me.

“How old are you?”

“Four,” she said, standing up straighter.

Looking from the child to Jade, everything was becoming clear.

“Is she-“

“-No!” Jade barked. “She is not. And this is not the place or time, anyway.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, my heart thumping against my ribs. Even though Jade was adamant, there was something more in her eyes. Her chin was quivering, her shoulders were drawn up with her arms tucked into her sides. I was certain she was lying.

This little girl is my child. Jade denied it, but I could feel it in my gut as surely as if I had a paternity test right in front of me. Warmth rushed over me, and I was lightheaded.

“All right, I’ve had enough,” Jade said, turning to her daughter. “You march those little legs upstairs right now.”

Gigi sighed over dramatically. “All right.”

As she walked in front of me to get to the staircase, I stopped her. “It was nice to meet you.”

She grinned at me. “What’s your name?”

“Kai,” I said, my voice choking on the lump still in my throat.

“Well,” she said, her hand on her hip, “I’m Georgia Sophie Greenhill, and it’s nice to meet you, too.”

“You named her after George.”

Jade nodded, averting her eyes from mine. “I was such a terrible teen to Dad, he deserved to have someone named for him.”

In other circumstances, that would’ve made me laugh. Tonight, however, I just wanted the truth.

As if reading my mind, Jade glared at me, her eyes on fire and fierce. “I can tell what you’re thinking from here, and you can get that idea right out of your head. She is not yours, okay? So just drop it.”

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. “Okay.”


“I have a lot to think about, so I guess I’ll get going.”

She nodded, her eyes rimmed red, then she hugged me. “Let us know your decision soon as you can.”


My decision. What a nightmare. After everything, though, I knew what I had to do.

I called Robert on the way home and asked him to meet me at my parents’ house.

Once I was face to face with my family, I told them everything that happened beginning back when I was working for Frank Cooper.

Dad’s face became more drawn as I told my story, and I thought Mom might cry. To her credit, she didn’t.

“I wish you would have told us this back then,” Dad said.

“You don’t know how much I wish I had,” I said, holding back tears of my own.

“There is no point focusing on what should have happened now. What else did you want to say, Kai?” Mom asked.

She was so much stronger than I ever thought. All those times when I was a kid, angry with her for being absent when the whole time, she was exhausting herself without complaint while going to nursing school and working full time. It was like for the first time, I was seeing who she really was. And I was glad she was my mother while ashamed to be her son.

“Dude,” Robert said, “you’re not seriously going to take the plea deal, though. I mean, what if you get through your trial and don’t have to serve any time at all?”

He was right, I might be found not guilty, and get to continue on with my life like nothing had happened at all. Except it had happened. Frank was dead because I lost my temper. It was an accident, but I lost control of myself and, he was dead.

Even though Jade denied it, I was pretty sure I had a little girl. She didn’t know me, and for now, that was best. Later, if she did get to know me, what would she find in a father? How could I look her in the eye when I killed someone and never faced any consequences for that?

I had a lawyer that might be skilled enough to get me off. Maybe not. The thought of twelve months in prison curdled my blood. So did the thought they might find me guilty with an even longer sentence.

This was it. I made my decision.

“I’m taking the plea deal.”

Dad swore, Robert shook his head. But my mom… she held me tight in the last mom-hug I’d have in a long while.

“We stand with you, Kai,” she whispered in my ear. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mom. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

Thank you, Bee (Poses by Bee), for the help with Gigi. Don’t know what I would’ve done without you. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter! Thank you so much for your support,

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Shakespeare, William. “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.” Hamlet: Entire Play, 1993,

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  1. As comments have been acting very weird lately, I’m going to repost this one in case the original was missed. It shows as there on my end but who knows right now with WordPress being wonky?

    June 10, 2020 at 5:31 pm

    I think Kai was smart to take the plea deal. Sure, he could have taken his chances in court, but I think it would’ve turned out badly. With the tapes being found, that motive would’ve come out, and things might have gone downhill very quickly. I wonder about Gigi. Jade is acting awfully funny about her, so I think she is lying. Can’t wait to find out more about her.

    • I’m sorry about your comment. It’s not in my spam folder so I can’t imagine where it went. Just glad this one is here. 🙂

      I’m glad you thought Kai made the right decision. Either way, he’s not in a good place. Once he gets through this part of his life, hopefully, the trouble will be behind him.

      I can’t wait for you to find out more about her, too!

  2. I’m sure you used that line from Hamlet before with Leo! I remember laughing at it before.
    I think he made a good decision. It would be hard to defend him once the recordings are out. But, they do need to find a way to destroy them somehow. Can’t have teen Kai and Jade having sex out in the internet.

  3. I think Kai was smart to take the plea deal. Sure, he could have taken his chances in court, but I think it would’ve turned out badly. With the tapes being found, that motive would’ve come out, and things might have gone downhill very quickly. I wonder about Gigi. Jade is acting awfully funny about her, so I think she is lying. Can’t wait to find out more about her.

  4. I think he’s making the right decision to take the plea deal. Since officers are investigating Frank now, that motive would come up in court.

    He’s finally understanding everything his mom went through!

    Idk, Georgia looks just like Jade to me, I don’t think he should assume that she’s his daughter. The timing may match up, but anything could have happened.

    • Thank you, Heather. You’re most likely right about the motive coming out regardless.

      Yes! He finally appreciates Kara! lol Finally! 😀

      Georgia looks just like Jade, for sure. I looked at her aged up in CAS and the resemblance to Jade is strong. I agree that Kai shouldn’t just assume.

  5. I hope the plea deal is the best decision. It certainly seems that way to me but I’m no lawyer lol. Hmm I wonder about Gigi…. Is she his child? Ahh what a thought! I’m so excited to find out

    • Thank you, Raymond! 🙂 I know what you mean about hoping the plea deal is the right decision. Is Gigi his child? Aaaaaah! He sure thinks so. lol I’m so glad you liked the chapter and are looking forward to more.

  6. I think that taking the deal is the best option. You never know how juries are going to decide. On one hand they could be sympathetic to the troubled teen that was taken advantage of. Yet, who knows how the prosecution could spin this? They could see the tapes as motive and send Kai to jail for the rest of his life.
    Then you hit us with a possible child between Jade and Kai!
    Is that why she has gotten so close to Kara?

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I think that’s a good point about the jury, and unknown outcome. The prosecution could spin the whole thing as the reason Kai would commit murder, as you said. And, yes! Is Gigi Kai’s daughter? I like how you remembered wondering why Jade and Kara got close. 😀 More on that soon.

  7. Oh wow, i’m missing so many chapters!
    But this one’s got plenty of tension and hints that I wish I had enough time to go back to generation 7 and pick up where I left. And I thought you were in a hiatus too!

    • Thank you, Jess. You did say that more than once, I think, about them having a kid. lolol That’s great you agree with his decision. Hopefully, it was the right one.

  8. I have a lot of catching up to do. After checking your page, this is my first read. I really like your storytelling.
    Nice to see so many people keeping up with it in comments hahaha, this is usually me when I read the latest manga chapter and make guesses 😂

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve come by, nice to meet you. 😀 i hope you’ll continue to enjoy the story. The readers here have been so supportive, it’s wonderful. That’s cool how you’re in to Manga. Awesome!

  9. But what if the little girl really isn’t his? Although, I doubt it. The timing is right.
    I wonder what sorts of connections sleazebag Frank might’ve had in high places. They seem a little eager to put him away, those prosecutors.

    • Thank you, Violincat. That’s a good point about the little girl. And, if she is Kai’s, why didn’t Jade tell him? 😀 Another good point! They do seem kind of eager to put him away, don’t they?

    • Thank you so much, Jo! I’m so glad you enjoyed this episode. Kai is just starting to get it, I think. Learning about Gigi helped push him over that line, too. lol I can’t wait for next week, too. 😀

  10. Aaaw, secret baby! I feel like Jade isn’t super pleased with Kai anymore if she kept a daughter from him – she definitely didn’t want to co-parent.
    As for what’ll happen with this plea deal, I’m excited to see. Hopefully he’s made the right choice.
    Sorry I’m not as wordy as I normally would be – It was a lovely chapter, Kym. ❤

    • Thank you, Louise. Awww don’t worry, I’m just so tickled you’re here. 🙂 ❤ Yes! A secret baby. I think you’re probably right about Jade and her feelings, although, all I’ll say for sure is that there is something else going on. 😀

      I hope Kai’s made the right choice, too, but you never know.

  11. hmmm .. those genetics run strong .. is it real .. I never buy off on yours right aways LOL AND I am NOT sure he did right with the plea deal .. but waiting for the rest of that story arc LOL

  12. Kymber, this is such an engrossing story. I’d swear you were a 30 year veteran of the Justice Department and know every detail down to the exact emotional state of everyone involved in such a case as this. Not only is this top notch writing with the added bonus of being a graphic novel, it’s a cautionary tale that grips the mind and heart. I give this a four dragon thumbs up. If I had more thumbs, they would be up too. 😊

  13. Oh boy I could write a ton here and I did warn you during editing to be ready for my comment. So here it is: Kai was wrong in not accepting his father’s high powered lawyers. He wouldn’t even be looking at a deal if he had done so. It was his past loyalty to someone he slept with that encouraged him to make that decision and now he is paying for it. Secondly, the police can’t even prove Kai knew about the tapes in the first place to use that as motive. He told no one. And Frank is dead, so he aint telling. Thirdly he could say what he wanted about the conversation between him an Frank. No one knows what Frank said to him the day he died. He could have been threatening Kai for a number of reasons and Kai feared for his life. Frank could have swung at him first…… Kai is trying to be honourable here because he is aware of his past. High powered lawyers would have squashed that all so quickly and Kai would be a free man. I’m not saying that people who commit manslaughter should go free, I’m saying in this cause, Frank being dead is such a good thing.

    Jade has grown up to be totally beautiful! I imagine their daughter will be too. Oh we all knew that would happen, a child would be produced. You did not let us down!

    I could say more but, and I could have told you during editing, but I will never influence your story or process. Hence the heads up! LOL

    • Thank you, Bee. lol Kai definitely made a mistake, and I have something else I’ve been keeping close to the vest about in this story arc, too. 😀 When you find out, it will all make more sense. I love all the things you pointed out; with more experience, I think Jade would have realized more. She’s fresh with her license, though. I can’t wait till you find out. 😀 😀

      Jade is so pretty, and I love her so much. Thanks so much for your help. I was quite distressed, as you know. lol Everyone kept asking if there was a baby! haha

      LOL I loved the head’s up, and I can’t wait for what’s to come.

    • Oh my god! I came here to say all this and boom you summed it up perfectly! High powered lawyers get off people who really are scum and Kai is far from scum (dumb as rocks maybe) but he is a decent guy.

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