Chapter 8.4 : Dear Diary, I Need You


All I wanted when I got home after the bail hearing was a shower as hot as I could stand it, and my bed. I knew those two things would have a beneficial effect on my perspective. Instead, after dragging my weary body upstairs, Ronnie was ready and waiting to confront me.

When she saw me, she stumbled, hitting her hip on the corner of the dresser. Through her grimace, she said, “You’re home.”

“Are you okay?”

She nodded, clutching her hip and holding back tears. “Yes. I have to go to work.”

My body tensed while I clamped my jaw so tight, I felt the muscles in my face quiver. “I think we need to talk.”

She lifted her chin, then smoothed her shirt with her palms. “What?”

Her tone surprised me. Things hadn’t been the best lately, but we were usually civil. “You weren’t at my bail hearing, and you didn’t take any of my calls.”

She let out a breath at my abruptness.

When she didn’t respond, I continued, trying to keep my voice calm even though my head might explode. “Well, I made bail. Obviously. A trial is being scheduled, but Jade said maybe there will be a plea offer of some kind.”

“Jade… the woman from your parents’ wedding?”

“She’s a defense lawyer.”

Her eyes narrowed. “How fortuitous.”

The vein in my temple was twitching. “Is there something you want to say?”

She glanced away from me, then took a deep breath. “I can’t do this anymore, Kai. What we used to have was stable, but now, it’s just painful and unhealthy.”

Tiny beads of sweat broke out on my forehead, and my stomach plummeted. “What do you mean? Things have been rough, but… what do you mean?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “You were there for me when I needed someone the most, and I’ll never forget that. But I’m not that person anymore. And, the truth is, you never listen. I didn’t want to move here. I wanted to live in an enormous city like Fortress Rock and take advantage of all the opportunities for my business. Instead, it was your way or the highway.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

Her face turned bright red, and I thought she might start screaming. She just had that look about her. When she spoke, her voice was raised, but she wasn’t yelling. Yet.

“I did! Kai, you can be so stupid! And selfish! The first thing out of my mouth was how I didn’t want to follow this plan. You were so wrapped up in your dad’s bribe, you didn’t even care what I thought.”

My mouth went slack as her words hit me in the face like a two-ton truck. It was true, I guess. When my dad offered to get me started in my business with the station in return for living near him, I didn’t hear much else after that. It seemed like too good a deal to pass up, so of course, I was going to say yes. Still, I hadn’t considered or even cared what she thought at all.

“We-we need to spend some time alone together,” I said. “We can fix this.”

She shook her head, planting her hands on her hips. “I don’t think anything can fix this.”

I clawed at desperation like a slow cat with a bird, only catching tail feathers. This wasn’t happening. We swore to each other that no matter what, this would not happen.

“We’ve been through so much together. I need you, Ronnie!”

She wiped tears from her cheeks with delicate fingers, avoiding my eyes. “Yes, we’ve been through a lot. By rights, I should stand by you now because you stood by me.” Her chest heaved as she held back a sob. “This was only ever a relationship of convenience. I was dealing with what happened with the baby, and it scared you to be alone. As much as it hurts to say, I don’t need you anymore, and it’s time for you to stand on your own without someone constantly holding your hand.”

A relationship of convenience. When she put it like that, it sounded so cold, so meaningless. But over time, I’d developed actual feelings for her. Not love, but I cared deeply, and only wanted her to get better after what happened to her. I looked at her now. She was better.

And I was not. I spent my entire childhood alone and desolate. The thought of not having Ronnie there when I came home at night scared me to death.

“There’s a reason Robert and I never hit it off, you know. He’s your cousin, your family, and he can tell I don’t love you. He must be so confused by us.”

All I could do was stare at her, my stomach heavy like I’d swallowed a brick.

Finally, I said… no, I begged like a starving animal when it realizes its human will not share the steak. “Please don’t do this. I know you think it’s pathetic, but I need you now.”

“No, you don’t. You need your family right now.”

Heat encompassed me, and I bared my teeth when I spoke. “You can’t do this! Who was there for you? Who comforted you twenty-four-seven for months on end? Who was always there for you when you woke up screaming at night?”

She gritted her teeth, her voice rising an octave. “You! You were there! And now, it’s time to move on.” She sighed, calming herself. “I’m sorry, Kai. I really am.”

I was still reeling when Jade called to tell me an attorney from the firm she worked for was taking over my case. Dumped twice in one day.

She assured me she would still sit on the case, but some guy she knew named Dennis McNab would lead my defense. Supposedly, he was “experienced,” “terrific,” and she had “all the faith in the world” he would get me the best deal.

With my brain throbbing out of my skull, I told her to do whatever. I didn’t care anymore.

After I hung up, Robert looked up from the book he was reading, and said, “That was a little dramatic, Kai.”

Why was everyone starting on me today?

“Ronnie broke up with me, and she’s moving out.”

His face fell, and he looked genuinely sympathetic. “Oh, man, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”

He didn’t say he saw it coming. He didn’t grin with glee because he hated her. No, Robert was a decent guy. Since meeting him at my parents’ wedding, I wished we’d grown up together. He was a few years older than me, and I thought having him to look up to… well, maybe my life would be different right now.

We chatted some more, I loosened up a little, and by the time Jade and Dennis arrived, I wasn’t as glum as before. Even though I felt better, Robert continued with the concerned look.

“Kai, Robert, this is my colleague Dennis McNab,” Jade said. “Dennis, this is Kai Seaforth and his cousin Robert Wright.”

Once the introductions were over, Dennis started in. He asked me a few questions, then explained what I could expect at trial. If there was a plea offer, he told me I could accept or reject it, and he would advise me accordingly. While he was all business, and professional with me, I couldn’t help but notice a familiarity between him and Jade.

They shared occasional smiles, knowing looks, and there was just something about them that made me wonder if they were a couple.

Robert was asking questions.

“Yes,” Dennis said, answering him, “there could be fines, or even jail time. I will do everything in my power to get Kai a good deal.”

My head was swimming with an overload of information and thoughts of prison.

Dennis must have noticed my pasty face and shaky hands because he said, “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

As the reality of what I was facing hit me in brutal detail, I realized what I’d told Jade was wrong. I did care. I cared very much.

No more wallowing or ruminating on how bad everything was. I’d killed someone, I’d spent a few days in a hellish cell, and my girlfriend dumped me when I really needed her. I would deal with all of that later.

Right now, I had to find the resolve to dig down deep and fight for my life.

Hello, friends! I hope you liked today’s chapter. It might seem like doom and gloom right now, but I promise it won’t always be this way in Generation 8. I really wanted to deal with Frank right away, so here we are.

Just a little note. If you see me following you, it’s because WordPress seems to have taken it upon itself to unfollow some even though I read everyone I follow. I apologize. Just know, I did not do the unfollowing.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting. You guys are the best!

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  1. Good riddance to bad rubbish! Ronnie is bad news, and the sooner Kai realizes thst, the better off he will be. It’s great that his fighting spirit is back because he’s going to need that. Let’s hope this new lawyer can work some magic and get Kai something they can all live with.

  2. I’m glad that toxic relationship is over! I don’t think that either one was good for the other.
    I liked the part at the about Kai wanting to fight for his life. It shows that not all is lost. I just hope this new lawyer can get Kai a good deal.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I think being apart is the best thing for both of them. Hopefully, the new lawyer can get Kai a good deal, like you said. 🙂

  3. I don’t blame Ronnie at all. Staying with someone who has murdered someone is a huge thing to ask from anyone. From their conversation, I’m starting to think the attitude we’ve seen from her isn’t really who she is, it’s a result of her unhappiness with him.

    Just because he’s going to feel lonely isn’t enough reason for her to stay. He admitted that he doesn’t love her, even though they’ve been together a few years. I’m glad she was brave enough to say it knowing that, from her perspective, he’s capable of hurting someone.

    • Thank you, Heather. I totally agree with that; Ronnie never signed on for a boyfriend who murdered someone. I mean, that’s crazy. I think you’re right that there’s more to Ronnie than we’ve seen, and I’m glad you see that because it’s difficult to depict more than what Kai relates to us, if that makes sense. That’s one reason I feel like writing in 3rd person is sometimes easier.

      When you put their breakup into perspective like that, it is indeed very brave of Ronnie. Good points.

  4. I’m not mad at Ronnie. Kai knows deep down they were like like two ships passing in the night. Their relationship has been stale. It’s unfortunate it came at a time like this but she probably felt like if she’d stayed now she was never going to leave. I’m also glad Jade has someone else representing him in the is case. I may be getting ahead of myself here, but with her not being on the case there is a chance the two of them… Never mind. Too soon.

    • Thank you so much. You are definitely right about the two ships passing in the night thing. Kai knew that, for sure. Ronnie probably did the right thing even though it stings. Dennis the lawyer will be good for Kai, and Jade did the right thing. You go right ahead and get ahead of things because I like that idea! lol

  5. I quite admire Ronnie’s resolve and realising whats best for her. So many partners think they ‘owe’ it to their s.o. to stick by them when the relationship becomes toxic. Not saying it is here, and their break up came at the absolute worst timing, and maybe we can argue that she should’ve stuck around since Kai was ‘there’ for her so she should return the favor. But really there’s no wrong/right in this. It’s all debatable. I feel very very sorry for Kai too, and he really needs the support now. But I don’t think she’ll be able to give him that great a support in the first place even if she stuck around.

    Great chapter as always!

    • Thank you so much. You hit the nail right on the head, my friend. I think Ronnie does need to think about herself. She didn’t exactly sign on for a boyfriend who murders someone. lol I think you’re right about the debatableness on this subject. Okay, I think “debatableness” is something I just made up, but you know what I mean. haha Kai does need all the support he can get, but maybe Ronnie is right that he should rely on his family right now for that. I think you’re right that if she had stuck around, she wouldn’t have been able to give him the support he needed anyway.

  6. Poor Kai, he’s growing up the hard way. Despite the neglect of his parents, he’s always had the attitude and behavior of a spoiled, rich kid. And, if he gets off, however justified he may have been, he will still be somewhat all of those things, because he can afford a good attorney to help him get off.

    • Thank you, Jo. I agree with you in a big way. Kai acts entitled a lot, I think, and needs to grow up. I also agree with what you say if he gets off for this without paying any sort of price. I really don’t think it would be in his best interest, but I’ll elaborate on that in the next chapter. 🙂

  7. I’m glad that relationship was over with. I know there hasn’t been a lot of talk about them but I wasn’t feeling the love. Convenience is not a reason to stick together bro. And seriously what kind of person is she anyway?? I mean even if she isn’t feeling the relationship, considering what he has done for her, and she can’t return the much needed favour???? Hit the curb chicky and keep walking. She is a five time marriage statistic just waiting to happen.
    Loving the look of all the pics!

    • Thank you, Bee. I’m glad their relationship is over, too. This actually wasn’t scheduled to happen for three more chapters, but I didn’t like how it was going for them. I never meant to make Ronnie so unlikeable honestly. It just came about that way. So, I agree! Hit the curb and keep moving! lol I love the 5 time marriage statistic. haha

  8. Ha, ha, all the other commenters are hating on Ronnie and I’m over here feeling like Kai is a bit of an ass. Maybe he was there for her at one point, but that doesn’t mean she’s under any obligation to stay with him through a trial for killing someone. She didn’t sign up for her boyfriend killing someone. What we’ve seen of their relationship has also been sort of lukewarm. Maybe she’s not the best girlfriend, but Kai’s acting poorly as well.
    Great chapter, Kym! 😊

    • Thank you, Louise. Yes! Kai IS a bit of an ass. LOL Honestly, I think he is too entitled. Perhaps she’s right that it’s time he didn’t have a gf as a crutch? You’re so right that this is a serious matter, and she didn’t sign up for that.

  9. I get that he needs her, but “I don’t love you” is about as straightforward as it gets, I think. I think he’ll be better off single than with her. Right now he needs to focus on himself and his situation and not on arguments at home.

  10. I really like this chapter. It feels like he’s not so much in denial anymore, and he’s beginning to honestly look at how he feels, what he’s done, and what he needs. That’s a real start!

    • Thank you, CT. I’m so glad you liked this chapter. I think you’re right that Kai is facing reality here now. This is rough for him right now, but it can only lead to better things if he’s honest with himself.

  11. I can’t recall the last time I was so happy to see someone exit the storyline.

    As to Jade having someone else take over it’s a good legal move because of her personal history not just with Kai but with the perv.

    • Thank you so much, mama dragon. I wasn’t planning on Ronnie being so unlikeable, it just happened. lol I don’t blame you for happily waving goodbye. haha

      I agree with you regarding Jade letting someone else take over the case. I think she realized it was a conflict of interest.

  12. I’m so happy to hear that Kai is going to fight and not just give up! I felt soooo bad when Ronnie dumped him. She was almost cruel. But maybe that’s actually what he needed to get through this. She would have been a crutch for him to whine to. Poor guy. I’m sure his family will be there for him.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Yeah, I hear you. I think it’s good he’s going to fight, too. You’re right about Ronnie, and that maybe this is what Kai needed. The relationship was pretty unhealthy, and you’ll learn more about it in the near future. His family will definitely be there for him.

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