Chapter 7.19: Dear Diary, Catching Up


Part 1: Catching Up

Dear Diary, I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I’ve ignored you for so long. I’ve said it before, but I truly mean it.

If you remember, Michelle Larochette (a distant cousin from Winchester) moved in with Jarah, Kai, and I. What was to be a temporary situation, turned long term. But I don’t mind.

Not only has she helped take care of Kai, we get along famously. Also, I should mention now, she and Morrie have been dating. They are quite serious, too.

“Can you believe it?” Michelle asked me now.

My smile and happiness were genuine, but so was my wistfulness.

“Congratulations,” I told her. “I know the two of you will be happy.”

Yes, wedding bells were soon to ring, and I was still single. Bram and I were friends again which was nice, however, life kept getting in the way of any real kind of relationship.

We love each other, and I think we always will. Yet, I’ve come to realize I can’t support Kai the way I should on a CNA’s wage. Next week, I start my prerequisites for nursing school.

I was able to get a student loan, and while Bram pays for a large portion of Kai’s needs, I want to pay for my house on my own. It might seem silly, and I don’t want to lose it. So, I have accepted help from Bram for now with the mortgage payments.

As soon as I’m making nurse’s pay, though, I want to be independent. It’s something I’ve never really been, and I think it’s important to show Kai how to be self-reliant.

Part 2: Kai’s Birthday!

The whole family came for Kai’s milestone birthday. Soon, after the caking, he would be a child, ready for school. I could scarcely believe it!

Bram was reserved during the festivities, and I couldn’t blame him. Kai was more familiar with Morrie and preferred him over his father. While Bram didn’t complain, I could tell it bothered him.

I wish I could have changed that aspect of things, but Bram was out of town so often with The Inheritance, it would take time to flesh out a bond with his son.

Mom was also quiet that day. I know it was wrong of me to disappear without saying anything to her, especially after what she went through with my kidnapping when I was a child.

During our last visit, we had it out big time. I hoped today, we would be able to work out our feelings for good.

And, here comes the birthday boy!

“Happy birthday to you,” I began singing.

He was not impressed.

Part 3: A Good Mother

Later that day, mom and I slipped upstairs.

“I’m glad you want to talk,” I said, picking at my skirt.

She watched my fingers for a moment as they pulled at a loose thread, then she said, “You’re going to ruin your skirt.”

Said just like a mom!

“Can you blame me for being nervous? All I want is to get our relationship back to how it was.”

“You really hurt me, Kara.”

My eyes plead into hers as I spoke, searching for any inkling of forgiveness.

“I’m so sorry. I’ve apologized so much already, but I mean it.”

Her eyes left mine, and she gazed around the room.

“I suppose you will need help packing up the baby things.”

I tried to smile. “Is that an offer?”

“Of course.” She sighed again, but her eyes were soft with the kind of motherly love I craved. “I am so proud of you. When you told me you were going back to school to be a nurse, I thought my heart would burst.”

Tears filled my eyes, a few rolling down my cheeks, dripping off my chin.

“Mama, that means everything to me.”

“There’s something else. I was frantic when you disappeared. It brought back such horrific feelings and memories. But, what’s done is done, and no matter what, I love you. Do you understand?”

I nodded, my heart pounding.

“No matter what you do,” she continued, “you will always be my child, and I will never stop loving you.”

It was all I wanted. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve a mother like Bea Wright, but I was glad for it.

A message from Kymber…

Greetings, friends, and gentle readers.

I owe you all a huge apology for going MIA. Please know, it is not what I wanted to do, but how it worked out.

I’ve been ill; well, I have a chronic illness, but this last few months have been especially difficult. It’s nothing life-threatening, it’s mostly annoying and painful. Anyway, I’m feeling better now, and I plan to write again.

Your comments are so kind, and I’m so happy to see them. I will respond to them all as soon as I can.

Because I’m so behind in your stories, answering comments, and my chapters, I’m planning on writing ahead. You may even see some chapters come out on Wednesdays. Yes, I’m excited about Kai’s generation. lol But there are still some things in Kara’s to look forward to.

As always, thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting,

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  1. Congrats to Michelle and Morrie! I can’t believe he’s always in his uniform, I’m not sure we’ve ever seen him in regular clothes. I’m glad Kara had another heart-to-heart with her mom.

    • Thank you, Jowita. Yes! I really liked the thought of Michelle and Morrie together. I think you’re right about him being in uniform all the time. lol Oops.

      Kara needs those heart to hearts. lol

  2. Hi Kym! <3 I'm so sorry for being so late to comment!I've been ansent for some months and then I was so overwhelmed by the number of chapters I had to catch on, lol! But I'm back! Oh, and I'm so glad you're feeling better! <3
    I missed reading about Kara and her family! And I still hope Bram and her will get back together… someday.
    Lol at Kai being unimpressed with his mom's singing, lmaooo! He's super cute btw 💕
    The scene with Bea was truly heartwarming <3 Did I say I really missed those characters? 🙂
    It was so great to read a chapter of yours again! Expect more of my comments soon! 😉 <3

  3. Sorry to hear you were feeling unwell. I’m glad you’re feeling better though. Illnesses aren’t fun, and they can really put a monkey wrench into things you want to get done.

    Some definite milestones in this chapter. Kai is a real cutie. I had to laugh when he wasn’t amused over his mothe’s singing. 😄

    Bram needs to do something about his non-relationship with his son. Sure, it bothers him, but he needs to do something about that. You can’t forge a bond when you’re constantly out of town. I think Kara will make A great nurse. I’m glad Bea finally came around. Kara’s actions weren’t done to deliberately hurt her mother, and she needs to realize this. Yeah, the kidnapping was such a traumatic experience and something you never, ever get over, but she also needs to understand that Kara had to act quickly and did the best she knew how to. They took a step in the right direction, which is what counts.

    • You’re so right about that. Thank you. 🙂

      I’m glad I made you laugh. That’s awesome.

      You are so right! (I’m going to be saying this a lot, I bet). LOL I think kara will make a great nurse, too. And, Bea really does need to realize that, it’s true. But at least they’re talking again.

  4. Sorry I take so long to comment. 😣 It’s great to see you coming back to this story. I hope you are doing well despite everything going on and that your toilet paper rolls are aplenty. 😉

    Well Bram if you want to be Kai’s favorite you have to spend some time with him, smh. Glad Kara and Bea are working on their relationship.

    • Thank you, Heather. Don’t worry about how long it’s been. Look how long your poor comments sat there before I could answer them. I’m so glad you’re here. 🙂 I hope you have tp rolls aplenty, too. 😀 😀

      You’re so right! LOL Bram needs to get a clue. I think it’s good Kara and Bea worked out their relationship, too.

  5. I almost didn’t believe that you were back. I am so sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope that everything is getting better. Your health is more important.

    I am proud of Kara. She has always wanted to be independent.

  6. Lovely to see you back again – we’ve all missed you! I’m so sorry you’ve been so extra poorly. But you’re getting back to your baseline now..? Fingers crossed it’s ‘onwards and upwards’, as they say  ♥

    I think I’d want be independent and to do what she did with getting a loan and trying to pay for the house myself, with help from Bram for the mortgage. Happy (belated) birthday, Kai! Aww I’m so glad things have been smoothed over with Bea, I hope that’s the start of a stronger relationship because that mum-daughter bond is so important.

    Caz xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. xo I’m so glad to be back. And, I’ve missed you terribly. Your blog is so encouraging to me, I can’t even tell you in words how much it helps reading your articles. ❤️ I’m nearly back to baseline, not quite, but going in the right direction.

      I think Kara’s life is getting on track now. At least she knows what she wants now. lol I think Bea and Kara’s relationship is much stronger now, or at least heading that way.

    • Woot woot! Thank you, Faith! ❤️ I’m so glad to be back. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words. It’s nice to know (although I’d never wish this on anyone) that you understand. ❤️

  7. So glad to see you back, I’ve missed you!! I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Your health always comes first! It’s so good to see Kara and her mom working things out. Having positive relationships and support can help a lot. And she’s going to be a nurse!! I think it suits her very well 🙂

    • Thank you so much. ❤️ I’ve missed you, too! I think it’s time Kara really understood the impact of her decisions on Bea. I think nursing suits her well, too.

  8. Welcome back! Glad you’re doing better. You know I love your story but your health and well being comes first. Always.

    Time flies! Happy birthday Kai … he’s cute and is a nice mix of genes from both sides of the family tree. Am happy to see Kara and her mom trying to work things out as well as Bram & her trying to find some sort of common ground since they will always be connected via Kai. Nursing is such a perfect fit for her! May it be personally rewarding in addition to paying well so she can be as independent as she’d like to be.

    Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

    • Thank you so much, Addy. ❤️ I’m so glad you love the story and you stuck it out with me. 😀

      Time does fly! It will fly even faster on Wednesday. lol I think nursing is a perfect fit for her, too. She has big dreams right now, and I hope they all come true.

  9. Welcome back! ❤️ I’m so glad you’re feeling better and wanted to get back to your story. I’ve certainly missed it!

    Kara and Bram. It’s so sad they’ve grown apart like that. And I can see why she wants to be independent. I think she still has some healing to do from all she’s been through. She’s been badly hurt by nearly everyone she ever loved. I’m glad that she and Bram have Kai to bind them together. They truly need each other but they are each so stubborn. But I think maybe he’s waiting for her to get settled and feel like she doesn’t need anyone. Then maybe she’ll realize she doesn’t need Bram but wants him in her and Kai’s life. I hope that one day they can be a real family. ❤️ But I suppose only you know if that will happen!

    • Thank you, Audrey! ❤️❤️ It’s so good to be back.

      I think you’re right about Kara needing to heal. You’re right about both Kara and Bram being stubborn, too. lol Maybe you’re on to something with Bram, and that he’s waiting for her to get settled. He tried pressuring her, and that backfired, so all he can do now is be patient.

      We’ll find out pretty soon if they can be a family or not. 🙂

  10. You must’ve known I was thinking of you and you missed us too it seems.
    I too, have been busy helping my sister, out in Florida. She finally had most of her brain tumor removed two weeks ago. It has been a slow recovery and we don’t even know if she will completely. They were unable to get every bit of it, so the remainder will have to be shrunken with radiation. She’s not herself yet, but we have seen inklings of her old self on and off. We’ve been told it will be months of therapy before she is well and we don’t even know if she will ever be the same. We keep reminding ourselves to be patient and telling ourselves, “baby steps”.

    We’ve certainly missed you and are glad you’re back, there is no doubt about that!! I hope you too will heal and feel better. So sorry, you had to go through this.

  11. Please get better soon <3 <3 loved reading .. a sweet treat. I was rolling over Kai's response to his party (I have one of those children – even grown she only tolerates it … lol does not stop us AND TBH I think if we did not she prob would learn that it hurts her feelings not to be remembered)

  12. So so glad to have this story back again! And especially glad to see everyone moving on with life. I think she will make an excellent nurse and I’m not surprised she wants to be independent. It suits her well.

  13. I’ve missed you, and I’ve been a very patient reader! So nice to see this story back, and I hope that health returns with the spring!

    I’m on a bit of a writing break, it seems, so you won’t have much to catch up on from me! You’re welcome!

    • LOL Thank you, CT. I’ve missed you, too, and I appreciate that you came back. 🙂 I’ve been doing much better, thank you.

      Oh, you’re on break. Well, I will be by to see what I’ve missed. 😀 😀

    • Me too <3 .. I think I am just over a dozen since the first of Oct and most of those are for the Short Story Challenge 🙁 I keep trying to kick my own butt but so far it is a challenge LOL

        • OH Kymber NOT to worry!! Your health and that grandbaby are most important. The Challenge has been an up and down experience and I honestly do not know how long I will carry it on. The fates are against me LOL because just when I think I have had enough (many just use it to promo their own stories and do not support the others – some do but not all – and when I pulled the plug on that in the latest challenges they stopped submitting. It is a heart-breaker) and I am going to quit a new scribbler pops in and I do not have the heart to quit. I have been doing it for nearly a year and I am still the outsider in the simlit community. This challenge really needs to be run by someone who has respect from that community .. try as I might I cannot connect. Sorry to grumble .. been struggling for months over this.

          • I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m sorry to hear how difficult it’s been for you. You can grumble all you like. I just wish I could make it better. ❤️

            • Well <3 after all that griping I come to the conclusion that I have to pull my big girl panties on and do what I need to do – do what I set out to do – support a community that is often reticent to accept "new" people even 4 years later. Warm fuzzies or not … I will go forward. TY for just hearing me gripe. I had not said it "out loud" to anyone and prob should not have hijacked return story with my exasperation. I will behave now <3 HUGS sweet scribbler!

            • You are very brave to move forward. I hope it improves for you, and that you can have fun. You can gripe any time you like, you didn’t high jack my return. LOL 😀 ❤ ❤ Hugs to you, too. xo

  14. Welcome back! I hope you’re doing better. I’m excited for new drama and adventure in your story, especially now that I’m all caught up. I was so happy to see your announcement that you’d be updating regularly again. Missed your story.

    • Thank you so much! 💕 I’m doing a lot better, and I’m excited, too. I’m so glad you read the story, and even happier you liked it and are looking forward to more.

  15. Hi Kymber. I have certainly missed you, but we INFJ’s are famous for our disappearances and so I continued to plumb the universe for your shining aura. I am sorry to learn your illness has held you prisoner but nothing can hold an INFJ forever. We are just too cool for that. You have come back as good as ever with your story. I am constantly amazed at how well you put it all together. I’m sending you the INFJ regenerator vibe and hope it energizes that lovely smile and bright eyes you possess. Looks like Cesare also needs a boost. He’s flat on his back in cat nap mode. All the best to you 🤗

    • Thank you so much. I’ve missed you terribly. You’re right about the INFJ and how nothing can hold us forever. 😀 Thank you for your encouraging words, as they mean so much. And, also for the INFJ regenerator vibe. As for Cesare, in that pic, he found there was a heating pad under the blanket. So, you could say, he found his catopia. 😀

  16. It’s a joy to have you back. ❤ I’m really happy that you feel better and that you’re ready to get back to the story. However, do take care of yourself. All your readers want is for you to be happy and healthy. I’ll definitely always be happy to wait for the story. ❤
    As always, it’s good to see Kara again. I was glad that she repaired her relationship with her mother, at least somewhat. There still seems to be some hard feelings there, which is understandable. And Kai turned out quite cute. 😊 I’m excited to see more of his personality.
    Great to have a chapter again. I’ve missed these Saturdays. ❤

    • Thank you so much, Louise. 💕 I’m glad to be back, and so glad you stopped by to see about Kara. I’ve missed these Saturdays, too.

      As for Kai…. oh my goodness! We’ll have a bit of a time jump next week, and so, you’ll definitely hear from him then! Actually, not next week, but on Wednesday. 😀

  17. Missed the story. Hope you’re on the fast track to healing like me. We can get better together! Love you Kymber!!! I’ve known you so long that we’re not friends anymore, but extended family.🥰

      • I’ll keep you updated on my ‘alternate Noble Doubt’ (no story, just sims who resemble Memphis’s biological parents…. kind of in Lily’s case) through PMs and Group Posts. But here’s a little snippet: Lily and Scott had their first kiss and first/second AND third dates! And I’m barely into the second Sim-week of starting over. 🙂

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