Chapter 7.12: Dear Diary, Fresh Air & Funny Clothes


Part 1: Landing in a Safe Place

Dear Diary, there it is. Our new home for the time being. I hope. But, let me start at the beginning because I’m sure you want to know how this came to be.

If you remember, Jarah’s psychiatrist was asking too many questions, then, the same afternoon, a strange man came by the house. That was too much in one to be coincidence in my mind. So, I waited until the middle of the night before waking Jarah, and getting us out of there.

Luckily, I already had a plan in place in case something like this were to happen. The other good thing was Jarah was accustomed to following instructions without question. (That reminds me. When we’re out of this mess, I want to help him break this habit. For now, though, let’s keep it.)

Our first order of business was to get far away from the village, and fast. Jarah and I had found a car sitting at the end of a long driveway one day while we were moving into the house by the sea. The old man who owned it, was happy to see it go for next to nothing, but didn’t have any papers for it. That was exactly what we needed! Sure, it was a rust bucket, but reliable enough to do what we needed. Anything new or flashy was bound to garner attention, so the one we used needed to fit into the village better. Everyone drove clunkers here.

Tonight, it was sitting on the hidden lane beside our property right where we left it, covered with branches, and hidden by bushes. Jarah and I made quick work of uncovering the old beast and donning the hats we’d also hidden there. I wasn’t as worried about Jarah’s appearance, but my red hair stuck out like a sore thumb.

I didn’t want anyone who might hide near the house to notice us leaving, so we moved to the rear of the car and pushed it onto the road which was deserted at this hour. As silently as we could, we pushed it a little further. When I was satisfied, we jumped in. I didn’t turn the headlights on, but I started the car, and off we went.

From there, we traveled until we were nearly out of fuel. The choice was simple, fill the gas tank, and risk being caught on a security camera, or figure something else out.

“I think we should steal a car.”

Jarah’s words snapped me to attention. “What? You’re kidding, right?”

He shrugged. “I know how to hot-wire a car. Pick one out, and let me do my thing.”

I don’t know how long I stared at him, my mouth gaping.

“We should take one parked on the street, and dump this one in some water somewhere.”

Who was this kid? “No, absolutely not,” I said, my eyes narrow.

“Okay, then find a gas station that doesn’t have a security camera.”

The challenge he put before me was real. “I can’t believe this,” I said as I pulled over. Once the car was parked, I removed my seat belt and turned to stare at him. “How do you know about hot-wiring cars?”

As he sat there, trying to come up with an answer, he did everything he could not to look at me. First, he picked lint off his pants, then, he undid his seat belt, and inspected the door handle.


Sighing, he finally said, “I don’t think I’ll answer that.” Pointing at a car parked on the street several feet in front of us, he said, “That’s a good choice… poopy brown color, nondescript, mud sloshed all over it.”

He talked me into it. I should have insisted it was wrong, but I really don’t need you judging me right now, Diary. We’re in a fix, and I’m doing the best I can without panicking.

So, we stole the car, which Jarah drove, while I drove our original clunker. True to his word, Jarah knew all kinds of things about this sort of activity. We found a pond to dump the old car in, and stood there watching until it sank, and we couldn’t see it any longer.

“Piece of cake,” he murmured as the last few bubbles from the sunken car disappeared on the surface of the water.

All I could do was stare at him, dumbfounded.

As for the rest of our travels, it was easier than I ever realized to hire a fisherman to take us across a lake or river, and it was just as simple to get a small plane ride. If you showed people cash, they did anything you wanted.

Finally, our small plane flew over Winchester Island which I’d read about in Blue Capra’s diary. During her time as the heir, she ran away from home because her father was a famous rock star and she couldn’t handle the pressures that came from his fans, not to mention the paparazzi.

When she got here, all those years ago, she ended up staying, and raising a family here. My hope was her descendants were still around, and they’d take us in the way Blue was taken in and cared for.

Since there was no place to land a plane in Winchester, we landed on the nearest mainland. Then, instead of taking the ferry, we asked a fisherman to bring us over. To my relief, he didn’t ask questions, but accepted the fifty simoleons I offered in exchange.

It was a bumpy ride, the waves being bigger than I expected, and I thought I would throw up. Jarah took my hand, squeezing my fingers. I didn’t let go until we stepped onto dry ground again.

From a short distance, the farm Blue and her husband Matt worked didn’t look much different than the old pictures in Blue’s diary. Taking in a deep breath, I was pleased at how clear and fresh the air was. It was a strange mixture, being so close to the beach and ocean. The air smelled like rich earth, but also salty sea air.

“Looks kinda old.”

I gave Jarah my best reassuring smile, and said, “This place differs from anywhere you’ve ever been. I’ll show you some pictures sometime. But, basically Blue Capra was my great-great-great-great grandma. Crazy, right? But her descendants, my family, still live here. Blue came here when she was a teenager, about your age, actually. She fell in love with the place and never left.”

“Why do you think we’ll be safe here?”

“Because this is a private island with its own government. A family called the St. Cyrs are in charge… well, if they still are. Their family established this island, and it used to even be called St. Cyr island. I’m hoping this government, and our family will protect us. All we can do is try to convince them.”

We walked a little closer, then stopped again, as Jarah folded his arms in front, and bit his lower lip.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“There’s no power box, no air conditioning unit. I haven’t seen a single car. What is this place? Do they know what year it is?”

Despite the butterflies in my stomach, and still feeling a little green from our last boat right, I laughed. “From what I’ve read, they’re kind of primitive that way.”

The greeting we received was pretty awkward, but at least they didn’t turn us away. In this photo, you can see the parents of this family standing in the middle, their two children on either side.

So, the blond-haired man is my great-great-great uncle Paul Larochette. His great-grandfather was Marty Larochette Sprague’s brother Charles, if that helps at all. It does me because I have the journals to refer to. I’m afraid poor Jarah is lost.

Paul’s wife, standing on his left in the picture, is named Charlotte. She and Paul seem to be about the same age as my parents. Their son’s name is Armand, their daughter is named Michelle, and they appear to be around my age, give or take.

They all have strong French accents, sometimes even slipping into the French language when they converse. I know very little French, but Jarah said he took French in school. He says he’s not fluent, yet either way, at least he’s had that much. It certainly can’t hurt.

Part 2: Trying to Fit In

Once we arrived, we sat with Paul, and his family to discuss the situation Jarah, and I are in. Without bringing anything supernatural into the conversation, I explained everything about Jarah’s family, how I am responsible for him, and that we need a safe place to stay for an indefinite amount of time. I admitted danger might follow us here, although, I tried to be careful in our travels. You just never know.

While it’s been awkward, I’ve tried to pitch in where I can. The more I help, the more I’m hoping they’ll let us stay and speak to the St. Cyrs on our behalf. This feels like our last chance to assimilate into a life without the dangers of the outside world pressing in. I’m so exhausted from running and hiding.

In the end, I offered them money, and our help working the farm, whatever that might mean.

When I finished with my story, Paul stared at his wife for a moment, then turned back to us.

“You may stay for as long as you need. We would appreciate the extra hands, but we do not need your money.”

And, it was settled.

Jarah slept in Armand’s room, while I slept in Michelle’s. One morning, as we made the beds in our room, I asked Michelle how old she was.

“I’m twenty-three.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked as I pulled the handmade quilt to the top of the bed.

She was folding the sheet over the top of the quilt on her bed. “I wish I did. The boys find me…”

Standing up straight, I sat on my freshly made bed, and waited for an answer.

“Well, truth is, they don’t find me at all.”

“Why is that?”

“I have trouble speaking to them, you see. Whenever I’m alone with a man, even the kindest ones, nothing comes out of my mouth. I try so hard. Thing is, men have stopped trying.”

I took her hands in mine and smiled into her brown eyes. “Maybe there’s a shy man out there for you.”

“Not on this island,” she sighed. “When you live here, you already know everyone.”

“Well, you never know who might come to the island. I’m here, and you didn’t expect that.”

I was rewarded with a little smile that warmed my heart.

After speaking with Michelle, I wandered downstairs. So far, I hadn’t told anyone about my pregnancy yet, and didn’t plan to anytime soon since I wasn’t showing yet. It was another complication I just didn’t want to think about for now.

Instead of following the glorious smell of bacon toward the dining room, a painting caught my eye. As I stared at it, realization dawned on me.

“Do you recognize her from her journal?” a soft voice said behind my right shoulder.

As I turned toward her, I smiled. Charlotte was a quiet woman, like her daughter. But, she had sparkling, kind, blue eyes.

“It’s Blue.”

She nodded, wiping her hands on the dish towel she was carrying. “Yes, when she first arrived on the island as a teenager. It’s a Dax St. Cyr original.”

That rang a bell, too. Dax had made a good life as an artist in France, and I bet if they sold this painting, they’d get a lot of money for it.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured.

“I don’t mean to pry,” Charlotte said, averting her eyes for a moment before continuing, “but you’re in a delicate condition, are you not?”

Immediately, I felt the wash of heat in my cheeks, and it was my turn to look away.

“Oh,” Charlotte said, taking my hand for a brief time, “I don’t mean to embarrass you. I only thought to introduce you to our midwife.”

The heat in my face grew hotter, but I managed a smile. “Thank you, that would be good.” But there was more I wanted her to know. “May I speak openly?”

Her eyes widened, but the small smile never left her face. “Of course.”

“I thought perhaps I should apologize for intruding on you and your family. You have all been so kind. I know our coming here wasn’t expected, and it’s probably inconvenient, too.”

“Nonsense,” she said, her voice and eyes warm. “We take family seriously here, and no matter how distant our relation, you’re still one of us. You are welcome to stay as long as you need to.”

“Thank you. But, won’t the St. Cyrs having something to say about that?”

Her smile widened, and there was a wicked sparkle in her eyes. “I wouldn’t worry about that lot. You see, I am a St. Cyr. They’ll hold their tongues if they know what’s good for them.”

For the first time in I don’t know how long, I laughed. Charlotte and I hugged, and I knew, I was home.


I hope you liked today’s chapter, and that this day is treating you well. 🙂 Thanks to Bee who suggested during her editing that Jarah and Kara steal a car. It was so fun to write! haha

The picture of Blue hanging on the wall was made for me by Jowita. I’m so happy to be using it again!

Oh, and, someone called it in last week’s comments when she said St. Cyr is where our duo should hide out. I’m looking at you, Mia Angelina. 😀 You were spot on!

I need to apologize if my responses to your comments are sometimes slow. I’ve been a bit under the weather as of late. Please forgive me, I love hearing from you.

Thank you, everyone, for reading, commenting, liking, and lurking! I appreciate you so much.

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  1. I guess Michelle is a little older than him, more Kara’s age, but isn’t there a new boy who just arrived on the island and that’s Jarah? It would be lovely if they could get together. I’m happy they are staying in Winchester now. The island is so tied in with the legacy by now! Oh, and I’m glad you’re still using that painting, though I’d made it so pixelated it hurts, lol.

    • Thank you so much, Heather. 🙂 I think Winchester is what Kara needs the most right now. I couldn’t believe how strong Blue’s genes are here. lol I’m so glad you love Michelle.

  2. What a great location for them to hide out! I’m glad the family still accepts them. Hmm Jarah, hot wiring a car? Good thing the kid has skills, even if we don’t know exactly where he got them from. Charlotte and Armand seem nice enough so far!

    • Thank you so much, Raymond. I agree! lol Winchester seems to be the place for healing for different heirs.

      Jarah is more help than Kara ever figured he would be. haha

  3. Another fab instalment, sorry I’m a bit late in reading it! I can’t help but wonder where things will go next, and what’ll happen when bub is born; little girl, or little boy heir? It made me chuckle when the maid said about Kara being in a ‘delicate condition’ as I’ve never understood that expression; most pregnant ladies are very robust, healthy warrior women, far from delicate! 😂
    Caz xx

    • Thank you, Caz. No worries about being late, I’m just so glad you’re here at all. 🙂 xo

      I don’t really understand that description either, tbh. lol

      I can’t wait till the baby is born. I haven’t seen yet if it’s a boy or girl.

  4. It make so much sense that Kara and Jarah would end up in Winchester! I didn’t even consider it, but it really is probably the best place they could hide out. I wonder if Bram will find them eventually or if Kara will move on with someone she meets on the island. I’m sure men are the least of her worries though!
    Charlotte definitely looks like a St. Cyr. It’s always nice to have friends or family in high places. 😉

    • Thank you so much, Jessica. 🙂 I was thinking, where would Kara go? Winchester just seemed to fit the bill of what she and Jarah need right now.

      Ooooh, that is such a good question about Bram…. or a new island guy! You never know, but stay tuned. 😀

      I think Charlotte looks like a St. Cyr, too. She has Agathe’s features, but Elliott’s hair color. 😀

  5. !!! Oh my God! You know, I did wonder if they’d find their way back here. And then you delivered! I can’t believe how excited I was to see the old island and home. Aw man, it’s like a long lost friend <3
    Thank goodness Charlotte is there. She's a good ally to have, I think!

    • LOL I try to deliver when I can. haha I’m so glad you feel that way. That’s how I feel, too. ❤ Yes, I think Charlotte is just the person to help sort this situation.

  6. Oooh, I never expected they’d go to the island! This is so exciting! 😀
    Charlotte seems like such a sweet but stern woman, which I think is exactly what Kara needs. I wonder how she knew about the pregnancy though. And Michelle is so beautiful and sweet. I’m hoping she’ll soon snatch her man, lol!
    Hmmm I wonder how Jarah knows all that shady stuff. He is such a mystery!
    I can’t wait to see where this all will lead to! 😀

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m glad you think going to the island is exciting. I’m excited about it, too.

      You have Charlotte pegged, and it’s interesting she knew Kara was pregnant. You never know, but that Michelle might snag her man soon. 😀

      Jarah is definitely a mystery, and he knows a lot of stuff he probably shouldn’t haha

    • I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that. lol I can see why that would be concerning to you. Kara will have to weigh the situation, for sure. Hopefully, the nooboo arrives soon. 😀

  7. This is a good plan, I think. With Winchester being so off the grid, it’s a good place to hide from cameras, computers, etc. Although, with family ties to the island, the organization still might look at the place.

    • Thank you, Violincat. That is an excellent point regarding the family ties. Still, I think you’re right that this is a good plan. At least, it’s the best Kara could do. lol

  8. I wondered if we would ever see Winchester again. it’s great that they were welcome so warmly by this part of the family. It could’ve gone either way, but it’s nice to see how much family is still valued here. technical question for you. Did you Open a new save for this part or did you just continue with the save you had for Blue? You know me and my curiosity. LOL!

    I was dying when they stole the car. Kara was so incensed! Hahaha. I’m curious how Jarah picked up on stuff like that. I don’t think Otto would have taught him personally, but you can read just about anything on the Internet. He seems to have taugjt himself a lot of things, some desirable and some a bit nefarious. LOL! He definitely is a smart kid. I just hope he can come out of his shell. Maybe Winchester will be good for him as it was for Blue. I will say, though, that I don’t think he would be completely happy there. He seems like a kid who likes his big boy toys. LOL!

    • Thank you, Sharon. And, here we are! As for the save, I just continued with Blue’s save, but I took a lot of bulky stuff out of it because it was pretty bloated and laggy.

      I’m glad you liked when they stole the car. I was laughing the whole time I wrote that part. Good question regarding Jarah. haha I love that. Yes, he has taught himself some things. It’ll be interesting (I hope) to see what else he knows, and how he learned it. LOL

      I take your point, and I agree with you. I don’t think he’d want to stay there permanently. lol

  9. Such a great idea to hide out in Winchester! Maybe she’ll be able to get word to Bram where they are somehow. Jarah maybe could figure out a way. He knows how to hot wire a car after all. Lol. He’s a boy with many surprises. And that Charlotte knew she was pregnant was interesting …. I have to wonder how. I sorta like that Michelle and Jarah might forge a friendship since they are both shy.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Seems Winchester is the place troubled characters like to go. haha You just might be right about Jarah getting word to Bram somehow. Things are a little different on the island now than they used to be, but more on that later. That was kind of interesting that Charlotte knew Kara was pregnant. 😀 Michelle’s a little older than Jarah, but you’re right; they might forge a friendship because of similar traits.

  10. Wishing you health, wellness, and happiness!

    I loved this chapter! I feel a bit nervous about them bringing danger here ( I don’t think that arc is going to just disappear), but the people on that island are strong, smart, and brave! I love how Michelle looks like Blue!

    • Thank you, CT. I appreciate that. ❤

      I’m so glad you loved this chapter. I’m with you in hoping they don’t bring danger there with them. But you’re right that the previous arc isn’t going to disappear. I was pleased about Michelle looking like Blue, too. Her genes are strong on this island. lol Her dark hair seems to be dominate, anyway. There’s another character, you’ll meet next chapter, that looks a lot like Leo, but with Blue’s coloring. That surprised me. 😀

  11. Ok, Jarah! I see you have a past! Hopefully we’ll learn more about it as we get to know him better.

    Winchester?! We’re back in Winchester, folks! I don’t really know how I feel about this, but I think I’m excited? LOL

    Man, I knew as soon as I saw Charlotte she was a St. Cyr. Those eyes and that narrow mouth. Sooooo St. Cyr LOL. It’s nice to see some Larochettes again!

    • Thank you, Jess. Yes! Jarah has a past, and I can’t wait for everything to come out.

      We are back in Winchester! I’m glad you’re excited. I am, too.

      I wondered if anyone would guess Charlotte was a St. Cyr. She definitely has their traits. lol

  12. Heh, I like the way the family keeps coming back to the island. 🙂 First Holden, now Kara! And it’s so nice that even though they’re very distant relations, they welcome them with open arms. They’re good people – already like them. 🙂 I can’t wait to see what it’s going to be like! <3
    Lovely chapter, Kymber. <3

    • Thank you, Louise. I was hoping you’d all like that they keep coming back here. They are good people, you’re right. I hope Kara and Jarah get what they need here. ❤

  13. I’m so excited for the next stage of this story. To see Jarah truly come out of his shell. To see Kara become a mom and whether or not they will be safe from all harm or detection. Im kinda hoping for a boy to be born this time and become heir.

    • Thank you, Bee. I haven’t looked to see if it’s a boy, a girl, or multiples. I can’t wait till we know, though. I’m so glad you’re looking forward to what’s to come.

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