Chapter 6.30: Dear Diary, the Cherry on the Cake


Author’s Note:

Welcome to the finale of Generation 6! I wanted to thank you for always showing such kind support. I hope you enjoyed Bea’s story, and that you’ll also like Kara’s.

Thank you.

Part 1: Kara’s Birthday (An Excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

Dear Diary, today my baby girl became a young adult. It’s so difficult to accept that her life is her own now. It still feels as if I’ve only just gotten her back. The good news is, she is stronger than anyone thought… a true survivor.

There are so many things Kara could be bitter about, yet she chooses to rise above. I’ve never been so proud of anyone, and she deserves all the accolades coming to her.

Today was her birthday, and as with any special event in the family, we invited everyone over, including Kara’s friend Abraham Seaforth. At first, when they became friends, it concerned me. The Seaforth family is powerful, runs The Inheritance now, and is not to be trifled with.

The thing is, he’s Kara’s only friend in the world. How could I ever tell my precious darling she is not allowed to have this one friend just because of his last name? I knew I had to come to terms with this.

He came to the party, and it was the first chance I had to get to know him. The verdict? A resounding YES! I love him. He’s thoughtful and quiet, yet he is confident and kind. What else could a mother ask for?

Every time I watch her, I see Kara stealing glances at his handsome face. It was then I realized she is in love with him.

My little girl who is so shy, she cries when a stranger looks at her. But, no, now I am seeing the person she is inside. Because when he is around, she’s no longer the shrinking violet. Her eyes are alive, her face expressive… and, OMG she’s in love.

I’ll never forget the last time she looked at Bram as a teen…

… then as a young woman.

This girl is ready to take on the world.

Part 2: I Love Us (An Excerpt from Kara’s Diary)

After the birthday party was over, I asked Bram if he would like to go outside. We have a fire pit, so I thought it would be nice. Boy, was I wrong. The smoke made my eyes burn, and it seemed attracted to me.

Thinking of that, I remember when I was a child and no matter where I sat next to the fire, the smoke followed me. My eyes were burning then, too, but not because of the smoke. It was because my father noticed and said, “Smoke follows ugly.”

Was he kidding around? Maybe. I sure didn’t take it as a joke. Often when he said hurtful things like that, he was angry at something. For instance, he’d say I had my mom’s eyes, but instead of telling me they’re beautiful, he would make me wish my eyes were like his so he’d be happier with me.

Bram scooched toward me, then wound his arm around my back. Every time he touched me, whether on purpose or accident, those butterflies I always felt fluttering around in my abdomen returned.

I loved the smell of him. I’ve never tasted alcohol, but I can imagine being intoxicated by his cologne, his breath on my throat as he leans in to talk to me. And, that hand behind my back.

As if he read my mind, he said, “You smell so nice.”

“I take a shower every Saturday whether I need it or not,” I said.

He laughed, then asked, “Is where we are private enough to talk?”

It occurred to me he didn’t know if my family was nearby or ogling us from the windows. So, I took his hand, and when he stood, I did what he taught me early in our friendship regarding the safest way to lead him somewhere. Once he stood, he took my elbow, and as we walked across the yard, behind some trees, I made sure he was a step or two behind me so he wouldn’t trip on anything.

“No one can see us here,” I told him.

“Kara, I wanted to tell you…”


He hesitated and cleared his throat. “I know you’re going away to university after you graduate high school.”

“Yes, I want to get a degree in psychology so I can help teens the way the center helped me.”

He leaned in closer to me, and the skin on my neck prickled from his hot breath. “I love… that about you. You have a generous spirit.”

I’ll admit that wasn’t exactly what I was hoping to hear, but it was an excellent start. The fact was, I didn’t just love him, I loved who we were when we were together. I loved us.

“That’s something I love about you, too,” I said.

He pulled me into his arms, embracing me with a firmness that made me wish I could stand there like that forever.

Then, as if we both thought the same thing at once, I stood on my tiptoes, my lips finding his. It was the first kiss for both of us.

And, it was wonderful.

Part 3: Passing the Torch (An excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

Kara was sitting in the living room by the fire when I found her. Everyone had gone home, and I think she needed to decompress a bit.

“Well, Darling, you are an adult now, and graduating next week. How does it feel?”

She fixed her blue eyes on mine, chewing her lower lip which is something she always did when she was thinking.

“It feels… scary, exciting, kind of sad, but kind of happy, too.”

This brought a smile to my face. Wasn’t it only yesterday when I’d told my parents I was leaving them to live on the same island our family legacy began with Memphis Noble? It sure seemed like it.

“What you’re feeling is normal,” I said. “I felt the exact same way, and I never went through half the stuff you did.” Her left eyebrow rose as she considered what I was saying. “I’m proud of you, Kara. Things have not been easy for you, but you’re future can be anything you want it to be. The world is yours.”

This brought a smile to her face. “Thank you, Momma.”

I shook my head. “Don’t thank me. You are the one who’s done all the hard work to get where you are. You’ve come so far.” I wiped a stray tear away with the back of my hand. “And, you’ve met the goals I had in my mind. And, then some.”


“Oh, yes, you’ve done so much! After they found you, I didn’t know how we’d get you into school, or interacting with the family. But, I always had in mind you were going to join your graduating class in school, and you would learn important skills for your future. You’ve done this all by yourself, and anything you do from now on is just the cherry on the cake. You’re going to be great!”

“No, not by myself. You and Perry, Dr. Fellowes, and my brothers all helped.”

“Well, you did most of the work. You are so determined, and that is why I’m sure you can be whatever you want to be.”

Tears came to her eyes, a few escaping down her cheeks.

“Kara Darling, what’s wrong? Are you scared about university? Because your plan is solid.”

She shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. “No, Momma. It’s-It’s Bram. I don’t want to leave him.”

I held my hand out to her, palm up, and she held it while I spoke. “You love him, don’t you?”

She sniffled as she nodded.

“Does he feel the same way?”

“He hasn’t said it, but I think so. What if he’s moved on by the time I’m done with school?”

“If that happens, he wasn’t much of a boyfriend. You’re young, Kara, he might be the one you’re meant to be with, or he might only be your first love. You won’t know unless you go away to school, and experience life for a while. Right now, you have nothing to compare him to.”

“That makes sense. I just hope he feels the same way and will wait.”

One of my fears, Diary, was that Kara would make the same mistakes I did when I was her age. Remember how I jumped into marriage before even thinking about it? Yeah, that will not happen to Kara. I’m as determined as she is.

“You need to read the family diaries. I’ll get them for you.”

“I’d like that.”

Part 4: Reminiscing (The Final Entry from Bea’s Diary)

Dear Diary, it is with a bittersweet heart that I write my last entry for the legacy. I reread my passages, and I can’t believe everything that happened.

I remembered old friends like Perla, and even Jem. In fact, seeing photos of him forced me to think about everything he’d done to me.

I forgive you, Jem. And, I hope you can forgive me, too, for not realizing before it was too late how much pain you were in.

While I didn’t excuse that he kidnapped Kara and kept her from me for years, I needed him to know I made mistakes, too. Maybe if I’d been more in tune with his mental state, I could have prevented so much.

Next, I turned pages until I found my parents. They had an up and down kind of relationship, but I never doubted they loved each other. They raised me well, and I miss them.

My wedding day, and Kara as a toddler. It was sweet seeing the photos of her playing. She was such a spunky little thing.

That was the last time I saw her until she was twelve.

Our family when we found Kara, and she was living at the center. I miss those little boys. But they are fine young men now.

So much happened in this house, good and bad. I love this life and hope my grown children will come home often.


Thank you for supporting me for 6 whole generations! I can’t wait to get started on Kara’s generation, but, it will have to wait until I’ve had a week off. 😀 I hope you’ll join me here again on July 13th for Kara Poe’s official debut!

Memphis Noble – Gen 1
Leo Capra – Gen 2
Blue Capra – Gen 3
Marty Larochette – Gen 4
Holden Sprague – Gen 5
Bea Sprague – Gen 6
Kara Poe – Gen 7

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  1. What a fantastic generation, Kymber ❤ Truth to be told, it was also one of the most heartbreaking. I loved Bea’s pragmatic, hardworking, optimistic attitude at the very beginning, building her own life alongside her hilarious friend Perla—so for Jem to enter, destroy her dreams, and end up completely derailing her life was truly terrible. She’s struggled through so much, and changed so much.

    I’m glad that Bea found Perry (he’s such a great character) and built a lovely big family after the devastation, and I hope that she will be able to finally live in peace now, but I think Jem’s character was what incited me the most. However, as you’ve accomplished with many characters in the story, he was also complex, and in his end, even a little sympathetic. He could never be forgiven for kidnapping Kara, though—her stolen childhood was possibly the saddest part of this generation.

    It was wonderful seeing Kara steadily heal and grow into this wonderful young woman, still shy, but brave. The experience of her processing the trauma in the youth center and slowly coming out of her shell, not without hiccups along the way, was written with incredible realism and sensitivity. I’m really glad she found a friend (and love) in Bram, and I look forward to reading her journey. I wonder what the mystery box will entail (side note, I love The Inheritance mini stories, they’re so fun). Knowing this legacy, I’m sure Kara has many hardships ahead, but I’m crossing my fingers that it won’t be as tragic!

    • Thank you so much, Lila. 🙂 It’s wonderful to see you again. This generation was difficult for me to write, but I am glad you found it to be everything I hoped it would be. Thank you again.

  2. Bram is so handsome! I love that pic of them sitting by the fire with him leaning over. They are so cute.

    I totally see why Bea doesn’t want them to rush things, and of course she’s right about if Bram doesn’t wait for her, he wasn’t a good boyfriend anyway. I think things will turn out much differently than it did with Bea and Jem though. 😀

    Kara has a lot she can learn from the previous heirs. Love the pics of them at the end!

    • Thank you, Heather. 🙂 I couldn’t resist those pics by the fire and outside. 😀

      I’m pretty sure you’re right that Kara’s romance will turn out differently than Bea’s did with Jem. I think she’s had enough darkness in her life already.

      You’re right that Kara has a lot to learn from the previous heirs.

    • Thank you so much, Lisa ❤️ I think it’s strange when you get to the end of a generation, too. I can never wait to move on to the new heir, but I always miss the previous one.

  3. Wow, those 30 chapters went by too fast (and not just because I binge read them in a week). Bea’s story turned out nothing like I thought it would. In the end I am glad that she was able to forgive Jem. Holding on to all that pain and anger is not good.
    Yay!! I can’t wait to see Kara’s view of the world.

    • Thank you so much ❤❤ I always feel, toward the end of a generation, that it whipped by. lol I think you’re right that it was good she forgave Jem. I like what you said about holding onto pain and anger, because that’s so true.

      I can’t wait for you to see Kara’s story!

  4. I’m going to miss Bea! Do we ever not miss the heirs of the outgoing generations though? I still miss Memphis but I always get attached to founders xD

    Also, my first thought when reading was that I love the house. I’m not sure I ever noticed how spectacularly homey it was until you had the blur going on in the first few images.

    • You’re so right about missing the heirs we leave behind. We’ll see Bea again, but it won’t be the same.

      OMG, I miss Memphis, too! ❤

      Awwww… I’m so glad you like the house. I’ve really enjoyed playing it.

  5. I can’t believe that’s another generation down! You’re such a powerhouse in this community, haha, how on earth do you manage?!
    That picture where Kara is on her tiptoes to kiss Bram is just so, so cute. And they are in general very cute. I wonder what will happen during college.. I hope they’ll remain together, but this IS a legacy so….
    I loved the nostalgic trip down memory lane with the diary hand over. So excited for Kara’s story! <3

    • LOL A powerhouse, eh? I think it’s more that OCD keeps me going. haha 😀

      I’m so glad you love that pic. I thought it was cute, too. So innocent.

      You’re so right about this being a legacy where anything can happen. It’s only a matter of time that you find out if she and Bram are able to make it work or not. 😀 😀

      I’m glad you’re excited for Kara’s story. I’m so excited, too! ❤❤

  6. Happy Birthday, Kara! She really is a warrior, and it’s so sweet she’s fallen for Bram, someone who can make her feel alive & safe. What a memorable birthday to share that first kiss  ♥
    I think Bea shows such incredible strength, too, not just in how she’s supported Kara but in her forgiving Jem and realising her own mistakes.
    Absolutely amazing ending, Kymber, I’ve loved this!!

    • Thank you, Caz ♥ I love how you described her as a warrior. ♥ She’s come such a long ways. I loved that first kiss moment between Kara and Bram.

      I’m glad you see the strength in Bea. She’s changed a lot from the young girl that was so careless about her life and future. I think it was important that she forgive Jem, but also realize the things she could have done differently.

      I’m so glad you loved this. You really made my day!

  7. Woot!! This was such a lovely chapter and farewell to generation 6!! I loved how Bea read the diary and reminisced about her past experiences and all the people in her life! It almost made me tear up <3
    Buuuut now to the important stuff, lol: I think I have a new sim crush and his name is Bram, lmao! XD He's sooo handsome and dreamy and it seems like his personality is equally beautiful <3 I love the poses you used for their small private moment! I really like him and Kara together, and I truly hope they're meant for each other! <3
    Congratulations on wrapping this generation up! It was very sad at times, but great nonetheless 🙂 And I can't wait for Kara's story, I'm sure it will be awesome! <3 <3

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m glad you liked the farewell. It’s always bittersweet for me.

      I’m so glad you love Bram! You can totally see why Kara is hooked now. hahaha He really does have a beautiful personality. We’ll see very soon whether they’re meant for one another or not.

      I can’t wait for Kara’s story to begin!

  8. I can’t believe it’s been this long. Gen 7 already! I can’t imagine how Bea feels. It’s almost like she just got her little one back and she’s all grown up now.
    I like Bram. Of course Bea approves. He’s like a perfect gentleman.

    • Thank you, Violincat. 🙂 I can’t believe it’s been this long either. You’re so right about Bea. She feels like she only just got Kara back, but she’s so proud of how far she’s come, too.

      I like Bram, too, and glad you do. Bea had reservations at first because of his father’s link with The Inheritance, but when she met him, she realized what a great guy he is. 😀

  9. What a wonderful way to wrap up this generation ❤️ I’m excited to see Kara’s story and if she stays with Bram. His family running The Inheritance might be an issue in the future. I loved the little recap at the end, we’ve gone through so much with Bea! Can’t wait to read Kara’s story!!

    • Thank you, Raymond ❤️ I’m so glad you loved the way the generation wrapped up. And, I’m even more glad you are looking forward to generation 7 with Kara! You’re right that the Inheritance might be a problem in the future. Kara will be tackling the mystery box pretty early on, so you’ll probably see this happening in one way or another. Kara’s story coming right up! 😀

  10. I agree with Jowita, bittersweet is the best way to describe this chapter. It was nice to see how you remembered the past while looking forward to the future. I am super excited to see what happens next!

    • Thank you, Bee. Do you see all the compliments about Bram? These readers love him! Thank you again for creating him and letting me use him. Wait till they meet Jarah! :O

      I’m super excited for what’s next, too.

  11. Congratulations! It seems like yesterday I binged a couple of chapters!

    Bea is a really good mother. So different from her own. She parents like her father did. Holden! Booo. I miss him.

    I really hope Kara and Bart find there way back to each other. She’s grown so much. Her mother was right. She did most of it herself and really, Bea does get a ton of credit. She never gave up. The trip down memory lane was great and emotional!

    • Thank you, Audrey! 🙂 I feel like it was yesterday, I was trying to figure out how to make Memphis’ story last 30 chapters. I have no idea why I picked 30. LOL

      You’re so right about Bea parenting more like Holden rather than Ellie. Kara needed a good mom, that’s for sure.

      I think Kara won’t want to lose Bram even though they are apart while she’s at uni. I can’t wait for 7.1. I hope you like it. 😀

      I like what you said about Kara and Bea there regarding the credit. They both worked hard.

    • Thank you, Jina. I hope Bram and Kara get together in the next generation, too.

      Oh dear @ your comments. I check my spam folder several times a day and haven’t seen them in there. But I will continue to keep my eyes open.

  12. This was such a bittersweet generation. Bea had many, many down and depressing moments, but there were some good and happy ones, too. I’m glad she’s made peace with her life and can send Kara off to University without hovering annoyingly…well, maybe somewhat anyway. She took it better than Ellie when Bea was going off.

    I love Bram and am really hoping it will work out. Long distance love doesn’t survive in many relationships, so there will be a tough road ahead.

    I must say, I am very impressed with your knowledge on visual impairment etiquette. 😁 Some people are totally clueless, but it looks like you’ve done your homework. I live it every day, so definitely feel free to come to me if any other questions arise. Also, if you want to know about guide dogs or anything like that, definitely let me know. 😊

    • Thank you, Sharon. 🙂 I agree that this generation was bittersweet. Bea’s story was hard, but I’m glad she’s made peace, too. I like what you said about how she took Kara leaving better than Ellie took Bea’s leaving. So true.

      I love Bram, too. I’m thinking the separation might not be a total bad thing because he still has some figuring to do regarding his future, too.

      Thank you regarding the visual impairment etiquette. I forgot I could ask you questions. Expect that to be included in my email back to you! 😀 😀

      • It’s hard when you have to beat up on your characters. If you’re like me (and I know you are), you get attached to your characters and want things to work out. Making a good story means having to smack them around a bit. Yeah, Ellie was a mess, but Bea took it like a trooper for the most part. 🙂

        That separation is one of the hardest things for a couple, but some time away can help them gain some new perspective. It can make the relationship stronger, too, once they are back together. It’s a tough thin but is a necessary one sometimes.

        Hey, you’re welcome! 🙂 Glad to help any time. Fire away when any questions come up, and I’ll be looking forward to that email.

        • Thank you, Sharon. 🙂 Yes, you know what I’m saying. It is very hard because you get so attached. But if there’s no conflict at all, it’s pretty boring, too. I totally agree with what you said. As for Ellie, I think she was a trooper in her way, too, because of what she went through on her honeymoon, and afterward.

          I think you’re also right about the separation giving them each time for a new perspective.

          I will definitely be firing away with those questions soon! Thanks again. 😀

  13. This is so epic! I really felt the weight of your accomplishment in looking through the generational portraits! I felt an electric shock of memory seeing Blue’s picture–I love her so much. None of these generations has been predictable! Each life has taken an unexpected twist. Remember Mango?

    I guess the mystery of the photo in the box will come into play in Kara’s story… and maybe, with Bram, we’ll get more of the Inheritance.

    I feel so lucky and honored that I’ve been with you almost the whole time! I discovered this a few chapters into gen 1, quickly went back to catch up, and have been here the whole time! I bet I’m one of your five longest readers! It’s an honor, especially now that you’ve been discovered and have so many avid fans!

    Congratulations to you, and here’s to gen 6!

    • Thank you, CT 🙂 It means so much, the encouraging words you put forth here. I think I loved Blue the best, too. And, yes, Mango! LOLOL You waited three generations for the end of that mystery. lol

      Kara will definitely be tackling the mystery box and some big things (if I write it how I imagine) will happen as a result. You will definitely see The Inheritance, but it may not be as you expect. 😀

      I remember when you began reading and I did a happy dance in my chair. lol 🙂 You are one of my longest readers, for sure.

  14. Wow Bram! He turned out gorgeous. How bittersweet this was. I always have this bittersweet feeling whenever I hand to torch over to the next gen, even though the one prior is still alive and all, but it’s always kinda sad and at the same time insecure and exciting (my story is gameplay based so I really never know what will happen).
    I loved this emotional chapter.

    • Thank you so much 🙂 Bram is right up Kara’s alley. LOL I always get the bittersweet feeling, too. Still, I can’t wait to get into what Kara is about. 😀

      I’m so glad you loved the chapter.

  15. Bram aged up nice! And, now he looks much to cool to be “Bram.” I still like Abraham LOL.

    I really liked part 1. Bea sounded so motherly–not that she never sounded motherly before, of course. I dunno. It was just such a mom post lol.

    Smoke follows ugly?! What a thing to say to a child! A girl at that.

    I too love a good smelling man LOL.

    Oh good, she’s going to school! Weeeeee! MAN, I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for the next generation than now lol. I CANNOT wait to learn Kara’s reactions to reading all the diaries. Especially Bea’s to learn what happened to her and Holden’s to help her discover what her “abilities” really are.

    • Thank you, Jess. 🙂 Yessss, you might be right about the whole Bram/Abraham thing. LOL

      I think I know what you mean about Bea sounding motherly. It’s nice to see her having normal mom episodes. lol

      Yeah, Jem was so not funny.

      Me, too! Good smelling men, mmhmm.

      Yes, she’s going to school. And LOL @ her reaction reading the diaries. This will definitely be addressed, if not immediately, soon. 😀

  16. Oooh, Bram has turned out to be a handsome guy – no wonder Kara is in love. 😉 They’re cute together and I can’t wait to see where the relationship goes.
    I’ve loved reading this generation, even though there were times when I was a little worried for Bea, lol. 😛
    All the same, I’m excited to read the next gen, especially since we’re getting Kara’s take on things and she’s so different and has a very unique take on things. 🙂
    And of course, we NEED to know what was up with Rosetta. If we don’t find out, I’ll be leading a reader’s revolt!
    Congratulations on finishing another wonderful generation, Kym. <3 It was awesome. 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Louise. 🙂 This generation was a doozy, so I’m looking forward to toning it down next gen. Kara is going to do something super exciting, but I’m not planning on burdening her with too much sadness. I mean, she’s already be through quite a lot. lol

      And! The mystery Rosetta left will definitely be solved in the first 10 chapters (give or take) of Gen 7. 😀 So, no reader’s revolt, unless you decide you don’t like the answers. Then, I wouldn’t blame you. haha

  17. Oh, this was such a bittersweet post. I love how Marty reminisced about the past, and we got to reminisce along with her.
    Bram and Kara love each other. It’s sad to know she’ll be departing soon, when they haven’t even truly begun their relationship, but I’m looking forward to see if he’s “the one” for her.
    This was such a great generation ♥

    • Thank you so much, Jowita. I’m so glad you liked Bea’s generation.

      I agree that Kara and Bram love each other. I can’t wait to show you 7.1! Kara’s generation is going to be lighter fare, but the mystery Rosetta left will be solved.

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