Another Announcement RE: Noble Doubt!


Well, here we are again, Friends. The family member who was hospitalized a few weeks ago is once again in the hospital. I’ve been spending the days and nights up there with this person as they are near and dear to me. I ask you to bear with me once again as I am unable to put out Saturday’s chapter of Noble Doubt on time.

The upcoming weeks will be challenging at best, but I will do my utmost to make certain that I don’t veer too far off schedule. I don’t think I could handle that. But if I rush things out while this is happening in my personal life, I’m afraid it will be sub-par, and I can’t have that either.

My goal is to have the chapter out on Wednesday instead. We will see what happens, and I will keep you informed.

We only have four chapters left of Generation 6, and then Kara takes over. I’m excited about this because Kara has some sides to her you’ve never seen! lol She is quirky, and determined to be herself in a world that wants her to fit in. Expect more mystery as we discover who the boy from the pictures is, and some fun, too, as Kara maneuvers through a world that is bewildering, but amazing to her as well.

Thank you so much for your patience,

P.S. Cesare is a cat who can only approve. When the task is too hard, he leans on his good friend Capricorn to manage the difficult projects. So, when there is a responsibility as great as this, it can only be done right by Capricorn.

Meet Capricorn the Cat who always has a look of disdain on her face, and she approves of NOTHING.

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    • Thank you. I meant to tell you about this in an email, but then, I spent last night in hospital for myself. I’m fine, just had an allergic reaction to a medication that was new.

      Hugs right back atchya!

  1. I do hope everything is going well for you and your loved one. I somehow relate well to Kara. Hmmm, I wonder if Kara is… no, it couldn’t be, INFJ. 😳. Strangely enough, I also relate to Capricorn’s non-approving grumpy look. While on travel, my hotel has decided to burn down and I’m experimenting with being homeless at 1:30 am with my iPad as my only possession. Well, my underwear and flip flops don’t count as part of my inventory although they are equally important to me. I think my Sponge Bob Square Pants boxers are a little disconcerting to the crowd out here but at least my flip flops coordinate well. I decided that my look and Capricorn’s look are surprisingly similar. I always look on the bright side. It’s not winter. Take care of you and your loved one Kymber and no worries on waiting for the next post.

    • Thank you so much ❤ We’re hanging in there.

      Oh, my goodness! I bet you’re right that Kara is an INFJ! Why didn’t I realize until you mentioned it? 🙂

      Oh, dear, I hope you managed after the hotel fire left you with nothing but your underclothes and flip flops. At least your flip flops matched the ensemble. 🙂 I can definitely see why the look on your face matched Capricorn’s.

  2. So sorry Kymber, hope he or she recovers very soon…

    And please dont forget to look after yourself. and try to stay strong

    Capricorn looks like one mean cat… wouldn’t want to see him in a bad mood :))

    • Thank you so much, Darren ❤ You offer sound advice, and I appreciate that as well.

      Capricorn looks ornery, it’s true, but she really is the sweetest little darling. haha

  3. Oh, my! Capricorn is beautiful. Lots of wishes for support and resilience while you move through this challenging times! Your readers will wait, and I’m sure we’ll all send you uplifting thoughts and feelings. Take special care of yourself, too, while you’re there for others.

  4. Best wishes to you and your family. I always look forward to new chapters but as adwilson1991 said family comes first. I love Capricorn, such beautiful colouring. ❤️

  5. Although your story is looked forward to/anticipated, family ALWAYS comes first! Wishing your family member receives a prompt and accurate diagnosis so they can fully recover from this. Sending along positive vibes of healing to them and calm/peace of mind to the rest of you.

  6. Take care, I hope the family member gets better. As a side note, I love Capricorn, you’re right, she doesn’t seem to be approving of anything!

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