Chapter 6.20: Dear Diary, Family Moments



Hi, everyone, I’ve never done this before, but I thought I’d put the kids ages here since I’d like to remember them myself. And, perhaps you’re curious as well. 🙂

Kara – 13
Andy – 10
Joey – 9

And… if you’re wondering, Karen’s daughter Teagan is 9.

Expect these ages to change in the near future! 😀

The other thing I thought I’d mention is that I changed makeups on some characters, so they may appear a bit different.

Okay, on with the show!

Part 1: Grandma gets a Greeting

Dear Diary, my relationship with my mother is like nothing I’ve experienced before. Since our heart to heart, I’ve gained a new understanding and respect for this woman. I used to think she was cold and standoffish. Now I know she was trying to protect herself from further pain and disappointments.

I wonder if my father ever realized how his shooting changed her. I’m sure he noticed changes, but could he pinpoint them to that incident? While Mom and I are more open with each other now, I’m not comfortable broaching such a personal subject with her. Not after everything she had to relive to bring me up to date.

Today was exciting for both of us because, for the first time, she would meet Kara. We planned to arrive late in the afternoon and stay for dinner so we could eat with her.

When we arrived, Kara was in the courtyard near the benches. That spot was kind of our unofficial place to visit. The Autumn air was brisk, but that never seemed to bother Kara. She spent most of her life outdoors, so this is where she liked to be.

As we approached, I was afraid that Mom would scare Kara. I know Mom had made great efforts to be softer, and more pleasant to be around, but I imagined Kara could frighten easily.

I stole a glance at Mom right at the moment she saw Kara. It pleased me to see such a huge, open smile on her face. This put me at ease faster than anything else could have.

Kara seemed different. She stood straighter, and looked us right in the eye, a small smile playing on her full lips. It struck me that she wouldn’t be this age much longer. My arms ached to hold her, to finally have full contact with my child.

“Kara, this is your Grandma Ellie,” I told her.

“Hi, Grandma.”

As soon as the words left Kara’s mouth, I saw my mom’s hard countenance melt like dew before the morning sun. If there was anything left of the ice queen prior to that moment, it was nowhere in sight now.

Mom stepped forward, linked her arm through Kara’s and the two took a walk around the courtyard. I walked behind them, listening to their conversation. As Mom spoke, Kara was totally engaged.

At one point, they stopped in front of a tree. Kara reached forward with her left hand, her fingers brushing a leaf. It was clear in the delicate way she handled the leaf she revered nature in a way I’d never thought about.

Mom took this moment of silence to tell Kara a story about a girl who became orphaned, then moved to an orphanage on a secluded island…

Part 2: Bea Shows Off a Skill

“What can we do?” I asked as Kara dropped ingredients into a food processor.

Much to my amazement, Kara was preparing spaghetti for us to eat. She told us she had made it before and enjoyed cooking.

“Grandma can tell me more about the orphan girl. Why did she want to move to the city from the island if she was already happy?”

Mom smiled and said, “Well, you’re right, she was happy, but she felt there was more out there to experience. The city had schools where she could learn to write, for instance.”

“The city had the young man, too,” Kara said as she continued pulsing the ingredients in the food processor.

“Indeed,” Mom said. “You know, you’re a lot like the girl in the story. You lived a… very private life, then, you emerged into the world. There is so much for you here.”

Kara was quiet as she transferred the sauce into a pan and put it on the stove. Mom and I shared a glance, and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Perhaps the story had gone too far and Kara was uncomfortable now.

When dinner was ready, we sat at the table and dug in. It was so good!

“Kara, this is amazing!” I said.

“Thank you. I will learn lots of recipes and cook them all.”

“I think that’s wonderful, Darling.” The “darling” part kind of slipped out, but it seemed to fit, too. Immediately, I thought of all those years ago when I was a young girl, and struck out on my own. My dear friend Perla, who had long since passed away, had always referred to me as “darling.” A smile touched my lips as I took another bite. I had found my special “darling” now.

“Grandma, were you the orphan girl from the story?”

Mom’s eyes glistened, and she dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. “Why, yes, I was. The young man was your grandpa.”

Kara paused, a forkful of spaghetti poised in the air. “I thought so.” After she ate her next bite and finished chewing, she said, “I want to be like you.”

My eyes met mom’s. I was seeing her in so many new ways lately. But now… now I realized how proud of her I was, and all she’d accomplished. She was a hard woman, but she’d survived the fire that claimed her parents. When she was barely an adult, she ventured from the quiet island to the fast moving city. Before hooking back up with my dad, she supported herself, worked, and went to school. From there, she held a family together after traumatic circumstances, worked for Aunt Rosetta as an office assistant, eventually rising in the ranks to Chief of Staff.

Say what you want, my mom is Wonder Woman!

After dishes and visiting a while longer, we tucked our girl into bed. As Kara drifted off, I stared at the family portrait on the bedside table.

Then, I whispered to my mother, “I want to be like you, too.”

Part 3: Bea & Perry’s Decision

Mom and I got home after eleven, and all I could think about was my comfy bed and Perry’s arms around me.

“Sorry I’m home so late.” I said to Perry who followed me into the bedroom.

“How’d it go?”

“It went well. Kara absolutely adores Mom. And, Mom was so sweet.”

“You seem shocked,” he said with a laugh.

I laughed, too. “It wasn’t long ago, she was nothing but snark, and I was yelling at her, and calling her old woman!”

After we quieted down, I said, “I wish I hadn’t missed the boys tonight. I’m worried that I’ll spend so much time with Kara, they’ll feel neglected.”

Perry’s eyes softened. “You’re a good mother, Bea, and the boys know what’s been going on.”

“I thought since I didn’t see them much today, we could take them to see Kara tomorrow. I think the timing is finally right.”

He frowned slightly, but his smile didn’t fade. “I’m afraid I have a meeting tomorrow that I can’t miss. I don’t mind, though, if you’d like to take the boys without me.”

I tried to smile through my disappointment. It wouldn’t be fair to make Perry feel guilty about missing this since he’d already put aside so much work to be there for what he could.

“As long as you don’t mind,” I finally said.

He kissed my cheek. “Did you see Dr. Fellowes today?”

As soon as he said her name, I could feel my back stiffen, and my feelings bristling. When all was said and done, I had to admit Dr. Fellowes was good for Kara. I even liked her on a personal level. The problem was with me. I’m the mother of three children. It’s not like I’m inexperienced. There were so many times I felt like I should have say as Kara’s mom. It didn’t sit well with me that I did not have any control over the situation.

I was jealous of Dr. Fellowes and her relationship with Kara. Deep down, it hurt me that Kara would confide in her instead of me. It’s something I have to come to terms with, and I’m working on it.


“Oh, uh, yeah, I saw her,” I stammered. “She approves of the boys coming. And, um, well, there’s one other thing she mentioned.”

Perry’s right eyebrow went up, and he nodded.

“She thinks I’ll understand Kara better if I take a free class offered at the local VA Medical Center.”

“What kind of class is that?”

“It’s an informational class about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She says Kara has that and that it would be helpful if I understood what it is, and how that affects Kara.”

Perry seemed to consider this for a moment, then, he pulled me into an embrace, holding my head in his hands so he could look into my eyes.

“We’ll take it together,” he said before kissing me.

Part 4: The Siblings Together

Andy and Joey could barely contain their excitement as we entered the youth center. I’d already explained to them why the building was locked down, and that they may see a policeman or two while there.

They wanted to know why Kara couldn’t leave, so, I told them, in as vague of terms I could, what had happened to their sister. They seemed to accept the fact she needed to recover from a trauma and have medical care because they didn’t ask about that again.

Kara was waiting for us in the dayroom. As soon as she saw the boys, her eyes lit up.

Joey, unable to contain himself any longer, broke into a sprint and hugged Kara tightly. She giggled a little, and I felt encouraged when she bent down and hugged him in return.

“That’s Joey, the youngest,” I told her. “He’s a snuggler.”

Joey stepped away, his face red and mumbled, “No, I’m not.”

I saw the sneaky smile he flashed for Kara, though.

“I’m glad to meet you both,” Kara said.

Andy’s mouth was a firm straight line when he said, “I’m still sorta the oldest because I’m the oldest boy.”

There was a faint, amused smile on Kara’s face. “I don’t feel like the oldest right now, so you can keep that position.”

Within minutes, they were making silly faces at each other.

Part 5: Karen Has a Point

After seeing Kara, I took the boys down the street so I could chat with Karen. Even after all these years, she was the one I looked to when I needed to share something.

“You have puppy eyes,” she said.

“You can’t imagine what it felt like to have all three of them together like that.”

“I bet it was wonderful. I’m glad it went well, and I hope it continues that way once she moves in.”

“You’re worried about that.”

“Worried seems like a strong word,” she said. “But, think of it from the boys’ point of view. They have this older sister who’s been talked about, longed for, over the years and, suddenly, she appears. That’s exciting.”


Karen looked away from me as she gathered her thoughts. I could see a crease forming between her brows. “It’s not real yet. This is a novelty right now, that’s all. When Kara moves in, you will have to be diligent in how you provide attention. It might be hard to spend as much time with them when you’re busy making sure Kara is okay.”

She had a point. I’d been so focused on just getting my daughter home, I hadn’t even considered yet what it would be like once she was there.

“I think the boys will understand,” I decided.

Karen’s crease deepened. “They’re still pretty young, and they still need their mom.”

Sighing, I said, “You’re right. Asking them to understand the situation is asking a lot. They’re smart kids, and they’re kind, too. Still, they might feel just as out of place as Kara will when the time comes.”

“I’ll be around to help, of course.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m totally counting on that.”

She grinned. “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me about some class?”

Over the next several minutes, I filled her in on the PTSD information class Dr. Fellowes wanted me to take. I also told her how Perry said he would go, too.

“When is this class?”

“Next Thursday night at seven.”

Without hesitation, she whipped out her personal calendar and marked the date and time down. “I’m going, too.”

Diary, I don’t know what I ever did to deserve such loving people in my life. At every turn, I made huge mistakes, yet even with the unpleasantness that came with those decisions, goodness surrounded me, too.

I’d done nothing to deserve such love and kindness, but I would never take it for granted either.


First up, I would like to say a big thank you to Jowita (neverdoitagain) for making the framed picture of my family portrait! She did such a great job and I’m so thrilled about it! Thank you, Jowita!

Secondly, I’d like to thank Bee (Poses by BeeStories by Bee) again for the youth center she built for me. Kara and the crew have been spending a lot of time in this building and it’s been fun! Today, you saw the kitchen/dining where Kara’s been learning how to cook! Thank you, Bee!

Thirdly, I would like to say Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Thank you all for your continued support. I appreciate the likes, comments, and even the lurkers.

This post is Cesare Approved.

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  1. It sounds like things are going really well, and definite progress is being made. It’s so nice that all the siblings got to meet and that it went well. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when everyone is permanently together though. There will be some setbacks, I’m sure, but there is such a great support system there that they will make it through. I’m definitely sure of it. The fact that everyone is going to the PTSD class drives it home. They all want to be there for each other, and it’s really heartwarming.

    • Thank you. 🙂 All the siblings have met, Kara is improving. The stage is being set for the family reunion Bea wanted before but didn’t get. lol

      I think you’re right about how the dynamic will change once they are all living together, though.

      I’m glad you found this heartwarming. ❤❤❤

  2. I’m glad that Bea and Ellie came to an understanding. Ellie really has been through a lot, and is a very strong woman! Something that I tend to forget now that we’re on to Bea’s perspective. It’s good that all three of them could reflect on that. Cara looks like she’s developing her skills and style too! She’s looking very cute this chapter. The meeting with the boys went great, too!

    I’m glad Karen reminded Bea about being a mother to all of her kids. I think she’s been doing as well as anyone can so far, and wouldn’t want the boys to feel less than their sister after she moves in. And even if they act understanding, does not mean that it is best for them. Kids will do a lot to please their parents; whether or not something is ok is for the parents to decide.

    It’s so great that Perry and Karen decided to take the class, too. They are really supportive!

    • Thank you so much, Heather. ❤️ I am glad Bea and Ellie understand each other better now, too. Ellie’s been through a lot, as you said, and it changed her. But I think things will be better for all of them now.

      Kara is definitely developing her skills, and she was glad to meet the boys.

      I think Karen’s reminder was good because it would be easy for Bea to focus on Kara and forget that the other kids need her, too. I like what you said about even if they act like they are understanding, it might be different when she lives with them permanently.

      Bea really has good support, and people who love her. ❤️

  3. The scene with Ellie being sweet to Kara melted my heart. She really is a nice woman, despite how she’s acted in the past. I’m glad Bea acknowledges her jealousy and is working to deal with it. I’m excited to see how the class helps! It’ll be interesting to see how the first negative interaction between Kara and her siblings goes… With two younger brothers, I’m sure there’s bound to be one in the future.

    • Thank you, Raymond 🙂 You’re right about Ellie. I think she was just trying to protect herself, but then, she realized how much she was missing. She’s really trying now to be a good grandma.

      Bea is struggling with so many conflicting feelings right now. It’s good if she can recognize what they are. lol

      That’s such a good point about conflicts with the younger brothers! LOL There are bound to be negative interactions, for sure.

  4. I’m so sorry for my – once again – super late comment! 😭
    I’m sooo impressed with Ellie right now! She had been so cold for so long, yet she showed that she can still realize she’s made mistakes and learn from them too. And I love the fact that she connected so fast with Kara! <3 It's duch a shame Holden isn't there to see it..!
    Great advice as always, Karen 😉 Let's hope Bea really listens!
    This was such a sweet chapter, I loved it!

    • Thank you, and no worries, chickie. 😀 I’m so glad you liked the chapter.

      I’m impressed with Ellie, too. I think when Bea yelled at her, she finally realized she needed to take a look at herself. Now, she’s trying to put her words into action.

      Kara is really doing great! I wish Holden was here, too. I’m kind of still sad he went so suddenly like that. ❤

  5. Aww, I’m glad grandma Ellie is showing her softer side, just with Kara calling her Grandma and then with the orphan girl story…and Bea saying she wanted to be like her mother, too…you can’t help but aww at these developments! And Kara sounds like quiet the chef, I wonder if that could turn into a career path for her in the far off future..?
    I’m sorry I’m a little late with catching up but I wanted to wish you a happy Easter too, I hope you’re having a lovely long weekend 🙂
    Caz xx

    • Thank you so much, Caz. I’m glad about Grandma Ellie showing her softer side, too. I know Bea was relieved. lol

      Yes, Kara is definitely turning into a little chef. Maybe she comes by it naturally from Jem. Bea would never say that, though. LOL Kara already knows how to fish and garden, so I thought cooking would be good for her to learn. That’s a good idea about it becoming a career path in the future.

      My Easter was wonderful, thank you. I hope yours was as well. Our whole family got together at my parents’ house for dinner. Afterwards, we did our yearly watch of Judy Garland and Fred Astaire in Easter Parade. 😀 xo

  6. Aw, I’m so proud of the entire family. I hope Kara is strong enough when she moves back in, because Iworry the boys might be a bit difficult to her if they feel like they’re wanting for attention. Karen has a good eye for advice, as always.
    I love that they’re all supporting Bea with the class, too. PTSD is such a complicated thing in many ways, and how drastically it can affect your life is something that’s hard to understand unless you’ve dealt with it first hand. I think the class will be nothing but good for them, though I worry Bea might be upset at learning how it will affect Kara moving forward.

    • Thank you 😀 I’m so happy you’re proud of the family. They are all trying to do their part to change for the better. I can see why you’re hoping Kara is strong enough when she moves back in. It will be a different dynamic with her brothers than she’s having now, seeing them briefly at the center. Hopefully, the boys will adjust well, too, as they really don’t have a clue what it will be like either when Kara comes home. You’re right about Karen. 😀

      I think it’s great, too, that they’re all taking the class together. You’re right that PTSD is complicated and hard to understand. You are probably right about Bea’s reaction, too.

  7. This was such a great chapter moving things forward. I loved that Ellie melted and showed a softer side to herself and was able to restore the relationship with Bea and bond with her granddaughter in a way that might never had happened had Kara not been kidnapped and found.

    I say every time Perry is in a chapter how much I love him. 😍 He has definitely been Bea’s rock through everything. And now Kara is finally getting a family, a little at a time. I fear how she will react to Perry. I hope it’s good since she sees him in the picture. But if she has PTSD, an adult male could cause her to have flashbacks.

    • Thank you, Audrey 🙂 I’m glad you liked the chapter. Ellie is really trying to change the way she deals with her loved ones and people in general. Bea was worried how it would go with her and Kara, but it seemed to go great. I like the point you made how all of these character changes may not have come about if Kara hadn’t been kidnapped. I think you’re right.

      I’m so glad you love Perry. He really did turn out to be Mr Wright. LOL

      I think Kara and Perry will continue to get along as they always did before. She adored him. And, who couldn’t love Perry as a dad? 😀

      That’s another good point you make, though, about the PTSD and how that affects Kara.

  8. If Kara is 13, Andy should be no younger than 11 since Kara was a year old when Bea found out she was pregnant with him. That is the extent of my math skills today lol.

    Oh wow. It hadn’t occurred to me that she spent most of her life outside and that’s why she loves the courtyard. Nice! And, she is oh so cute with those pigtails and school uniform looking outfit. The meeting with Ellie was sweet, and I’m glad she’s softer now cuz I sure thought she’d scare the girl too LOL.

    Kara was so confident and spunky in this chapter! And she accepted a hug! I’m loving it.

    Karen is still so beautiful and supportive as ever. Good to see her again.

    • Thank you, Jess 🙂 Yes, I like your math skills. They are probably more accurate than mine. 😀

      I love dressing Kara since I didn’t get to put her in anything nice when she was a child. lol I’m really getting a feel for her style. 😀

      Oh, yeah, Bea was having some reservations. She knows Ellie is trying, but what if she slipped back into her old skin while visiting Kara? lol I’m glad it worked out.

      Kara is really blossoming! And, yes, she hugged her brother! Who is this girl? lol

      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing Karen again. I’ve missed her.

      • You know…Kara’s dynamic is very interesting. So, on one hand, she’s learning how to do basically everything on top of learning how to trust, getting over fear, etc. But on the other hand, she’s freakin 13 and is also dealing with teenage hormones, changes in her body, etc. In light of all of that, I think she is handling life VERY well. I was thinking that her caring about her hair and creating her own style and stuff was probably more related to the teen stuff.

        • Oh, wow! Those are such good points about Kara, what she’s dealing with, and her age. Perhaps she is handling things so well because of the controlled environment she is in. Hopefully, when she joins real life, she’ll be able to continue doing as well.

          I definitely think you’re right about the hair thing and that it’s more related to her age than anything else. She has probably realized after a time that the other girls in the center take the time to do their hair, etc., too.

  9. I’m so glad to see Kara adjusting to a normal routine and I’m very glad Karen explained to Bea what to expect when Kara comes home. Bea is very lucky to have a wonderful support system, as well as Kara. I’m too am curious to see how that’s going to go. I love the makeup change, by the way! Awesome chapter, as usual! 😊

    • Thank you, Stormy 🙂 I think it’s good to see Kara adjusting to a normal routine, too. Karen is really concerned about them all living together again because it might not go the way idealistic Bea thinks it should. I can’t wait to see how that goes, too. 😀

      I’m so glad you liked the makeup change. ❤

  10. Well, they’ve made phenomenal progress. It looks like there’s plenty of love to go around. PTSD classes are an added plus. It reminds me of my mother’s Alzheimer’s. My sister and I were so unequipped to deal with those idiosyncrasies until we took the class. There are some issues that are not easily dealt with otherwise. Even if you’re a natural healer, there is still much to learn. Too bad they don’t have a kiddie version. If the boys lean more towards being like Perry, they will be fine.

    • Thank you so much, Jolie 🙂 They’re all making great progress, it’s true. I like what you said about dealing with Alzheimer’s. When I was a Hospice nurse, dementia was my specialty area, so I can appreciate what you say about coping with what comes with that. It is very difficult, for sure. I think you’re right that even if you’re a natural healer, there is still a lot to learn. It’s true. That’s a good point about a kiddie version of the PTSD class. Let’s hope the boys take after Perry. 🙂

  11. All the character development from Ellie, Bea, and Kara warms my heart. They’re both learning and growing so much. I loooove Kara’s new hairstyle and outfit. It’s so cute on her and she looks so grown up! 🙂 The reunions with her grandma and brothers were both so wonderful. I especially liked the part with the boys because it was so sweet and simple, in a way. Just kids being kids. 🙂 And finally, Karen is still just the queen. She was always smart as a whip and so good for Bea in many ways. I’m glad she’s still around. 🙂
    I loved how sweet and heartwarming this was! <3

    • Thank you, Louise 🙂 I’m glad their character development warms your heart. I think since Bea and Ellie had that talk, it leaves Ellie more free to be the person for Kara she always wanted to be for Bea. I’m so glad you like Kara’s new styling! 😀 I don’t know if you watch The Magicians, but I picture Kara dressing sort of like Alice does on that show. 😀

      Yes! When Kara and the boys met, they were just kids, and it was simple. I’m glad you liked that part.

      Queen Karen! lol 😀 I love it! I think she’s still good for Bea, too. She’s always been that strong friend Bea needs in her life.

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this. ❤❤

    • Thank you, CT 🙂 Yes! You were spot on that they needed to learn more about Kara’s diagnoses and how it all affects her. I think you’re right that what they learn will be very helpful.

  12. Your pictures look a bit different, like you’ve started using DOF or something like that! They’re nice 🙂
    I’m glad you put the ages. I’m always having such a hard time making them reasonable, and for them to fit in the story, I haven’t even been using them for some time now. Except that Britt is older than Ron, haha.
    The boys finally met Kara! I’m so glad!
    Also, it went very closely to how I thought it would go, with Ellie telling Kara her story. I do think that might be helpful for her.
    Ah, the PTSD classes, and everyone is going. I believe it will help them to understand Cara more, although they will never truly know how she feels.
    I’m so happy you like this picture I’ve made for you! ♥ Happy Easter!

    • Thank you, Jowita. 🙂 Yeah, I worked so hard on these pics. lol I’m still not satisfied with them, but at least I’m trying. haha (Mr. Hawke says I’m very trying indeed. 🤪)

      I was so excited for the boys to meet Kara. She loved them right away. I can’t wait to see how their relationship fairs once they all live together in the same house.

      Yes! You were so spot on with Ellie and Kara, it’s scary. It’s like you zoomed right into my brain and wrote this yourself. LOL

      I’m hoping the class gives them some insight into what Kara is dealing with.

      I LOVE that picture!!! I can’t even express how thrilled I am that you made that. ♥ ♥

      Happy Easter!

      • It really shows that you’ve worked hard on them. They look great! I’ve been working on mine, too. Although I am always a little scared to run my game since ReShade is hard on the computer and it always gets loud right away. I liked playing with the lighting in the club!
        I can’t wait to see what their relationship is like later on either!
        Oh my, yes. I thought then I had such a genius idea. And it panned out exactly like how I said. I was so satisfied with mydelge, haha.
        I’m so glad you love this picture. I can see that becoming a treasure for Kara that she always keeps with herself to feel safe, and be reminded of the love of her family ♥

        • Thank you! 🙂 I thought your pics looked really good, too. The club lighting looked super!

          LOL It really was a genius idea you had! 😀 It’s so funny how spot on you were.

          Yes! I can see Kara keeping the pic with her always to feel safe, too. ♥ I’m so glad you put it in the frame you did. 😀

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