
Getting to Know Jem – Character Tag

Happy time zones, Friends! I was tagged by the wonderful Jowita (neverdoitagain) and thought I would do this one with Jem since we don’t get to see his side of things very often. Thank you for tagging me, Jowita!

Shall we get started?

Getting to know: Jem

► Name? ➔ Jeremy Poe, but Jem is what people call me.
► Are you single? ➔ No, I’m totally taken and loving it!
► Are you happy? ➔ Now I am. I had a rough two years without Bea, but I’m making up for lost time.
► Are you angry? ➔ No, not really. I’m usually really happy.
► Are your parents still married? ➔ Yes, and I think it’s because they rarely see one another.


► Birth Place? ➔ Fortress Rock.
► Hair Color? ➔  Red.
► Eye Color? ➔  Gray.
► Birthday? ➔ September 19th.
► Mood? ➔  Excited! I’m told I get too caught up in excitement and that I’m impulsive, but I want to live my life to the fullest!
► Gender? ➔ Male.
► Summer or winter? ➔  Winter, which I miss since moving to Sunlit Tides. My dad and Bea’s dad host an ugly sweater party every year and I miss that, too.
► Morning or afternoon? ➔ Morning. I like to get my day started and to stay busy.


► Are you in love? ➔ I thought this was pretty clear. I once thought I was in love with this other girl, but when it comes down to it, it’s always been Bea.
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ I don’t know because I’ve never really thought about it. I’ve known Bea my whole life and I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love her.
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ She did. It was a difficult time but not meant to be.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ No, but I’ve had mine broken hard.
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔  No! It’s what I’ve always wanted.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ I’ve done more than that. hehehe
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ How would I know if it’s a secret?
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Why would I do that? I pursue what I want and I get it.


► Love or lust? ➔ Love all the way!
► Lemonade or iced tea? ➔ Tea in any form is gross. Just the smell of it makes me want to hurl. I don’t really drink lemonade either but at least I like it.
► Cats or Dogs? ➔ Neither. Animals are dirty and shouldn’t be allowed in the house. Bea grew up with her dad’s dog and I could barely tolerate it.
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔ I like to have lots of friends. I don’t care if they’re not close because Bea is my best friend. Growing up, I wasn’t very popular, so I had to compensate with my personality. Now, I’m the life the of the party!
Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔ Romantic night in with Bea.
► Day or night? ➔ Nighttime with my new wife!


► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ No, but that’s because my mom was never around and my dad didn’t do the whole curfew thing.
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ No, but one time, I was walking back to my house but my eyes were on Bea who was waving bye to me from her yard. I walked right into a tree head first. My dad never let me live it down when I told him how I got the knot on my head!
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Oh, yes. When I was a teen, I wanted to be with Bea so bad, I couldn’t stand it. Then I met… well, I don’t like to even say her name but I wanted her so much. When that didn’t work out, I realized Bea was the one I was supposed to be with.
► Wanted to disappear? ➔ All the time when I was a kid in school.


► Smile or eyes? ➔ Eyes… Bea’s blue eyes.
► Shorter or Taller? ➔ She’s about the same height as me. I’m on the shorter side.
► Intelligence or Attraction? ➔ Attraction. Intelligence is something she also has, though.
► Hook-up or Relationship? ➔ Relationship.


► Do you and your family get along? ➔ I guess. I mean, I don’t feel very close to them but we don’t fight either.
► Would you say you have a “messed up life”? ➔ Not at all. It was getting messy at one point, but I fixed that.
► Have you ever run away from home? ➔ No.
► Have you ever gotten kicked out? ➔ No, never.


► Do you secretly hate one of your friends? ➔ No. But I would if they tried to come between me and Bea.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? ➔ No. I have tons of friends but none of them are what you would call close or good.
► Who is your best friend? ➔ Bea, of course.
► Who knows everything about you? ➔ No one knows everything about me. I find it hard to talk sometimes and there are things better left to me alone.


I hope you enjoyed learning more about Jem. Cheers!

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I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱

48 Comments on “Getting to Know Jem – Character Tag

  1. This is really interesting! Jem really was a complex character. There are some red flags, though, that a lot of his answers totally depended on a Bea. It’s like he was totally obsessed with her and couldn’t think for himself or something. I got to say, though, that I hated his attitude about animals! Someone who doesn’t like animals totally gives me the heebie-jeebies.

    1. Same here!! Big time!! Like, if you don’t like animals, I don’t like you. LOLOL

      Jem really did base a lot of his answers on Bea, you’re right. I guess I shouldn’t say much of anything else right here, but I know what you mean! lol 😀

  2. This was so fun to read! 😄 <3 Jem shares the same opinion for tea with my husband, lmao! (I really can't understand that though as I love it!)
    I wonder who that girl that broke his heart is… and if she has anything to do with him moving to ST and get married so quickly!

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 I’m so glad you liked this. I’ve been tagged twice more, so I can’t wait to tackle other characters. Is there anyone you’d like to see? Perla, maybe?

      I can’t understand that about tea either, tbh. haha That’s a good question and you’re going to find out really soon!

  3. Well, I’m finally caught up! What a ride it’s been! You’re so inspiring, that you completely destroyed my writer’s block I was having with my legacy story. Can’t wait to see their baby! 😀

    1. You really flew through all of that! Thank you so much for your kind words. They’re so encouraging. And I’m glad your writer’s block is history! Woot!

  4. Poor Jem. He is a bit too obsessed with Bea and Bea hasn’t reciprocated yet. He has to get over his aversion to pets and tea. I suspect if Bea doesn’t spank him and lay down the law, his impulsiveness will end up with more bills. Just wait until Bea finds out his ex is pregnant with quintuplets. She’s going to blow a gasket over Johnny Appleseed over there snoozing in his man chair in the living room with the Sports Channel blaring on the TV.

    1. OMG His ex is pregnant with quintuplets!! hahahaha I think you should write this story! 😂😂 Yeah, she’d definitely blow a gasket at that. I love it! 😂😂

          1. Waaa haaa haaa! No way. I’d get you in so much trouble with your Boomcha fans after I went somewhere off script into LaLa Land. I ask myself what Jem could have done to really get himself in hot water that compelled him into Bea’s suspicious arms. Then I had a vision of a crowded nursery and Jem’s nervous look. 😳

            1. LOLOLOL That’s hilarious! I could see that, actually. 😀 And for the record, I’m already way off script. I had this entire outline for the generation and it’s in the trash. hahaha

            2. Off script can sometimes be the greatest parts as long as you don’t find yourself upside down in the ditch in a hand painted Volkswagon minibus. 😆🙀

    1. Yep, you are definitely right about how hard he rebounded into Bea. I’m sure you’re also right that she will find out about this. I don’t see how it could go over in any way but bad.

  5. Wow! I’ve Anyone who doesn’t like animals, well… what’s he really got to hide? Animals and children always know. Bea is an obsession with him, it seems. It sounds like he could become quite smothering and… scary thought, but will he be jealous of the baby? Not to mention, babies are messy. Red flags, in my book.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more regarding the ability of animals and children to detect whether someone can be trusted or not. I hope he’s not jealous of the baby, but you never know. He does seem smothering to me, too. Oh, yeah, and good point about how messy babies are! Definite red flags.

    1. That’s one of the reasons I don’t much like writing in first person. Everything you know and see is from their POV. I would love to write this in third and show Jem’s side of things because there are always two sides. But, I’ll have to figure it out another way. 😀

          1. EddieSims does this soooooo well, and I can’t quite grasp how to do it yet. I feel like I know most of her characters even though there is only one POV.

  6. Wow, Jem is… intense. He just comes across as a little too chipper to me. He had problems once and then he fixed them? Just like that? I feel like he’s holding some stuff back and that doesn’t bode well for his and Bea’s marriage. This was so interesting to read, Kym! I’m getting more and more intrigued with this generation!

    1. Intense is a good way to put it. lol You could be right about him holding some things back. We already know he hasn’t answered Bea’s big question about why he was in such a rush to get married. I’m so glad you’re intrigued by this generation! 😀 That makes me so happy.

  7. I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing to be so devoted to your partner as Gem seems to be. As long as he makes sure not to smother Bea with his affections, and of course it’s a two-way. Let’s hope Bea is as devoted as he is.

    1. Yes, that’s a really good point you make. I think it’s fine, too, as long as he doesn’t lose himself. I wonder if Bea is as devoted as he is? That’s a good question. 🙂

  8. Such an unusual time for you to post! Also, thank you for the shout out and kind words, you’re too sweet.
    His answers were quite similar to Ron, as they’re both hopelessly in love. I liked the connection especially with the eyes question and how they were both referring to their loved one when asked about preferences.
    “I’ve done more than that. hehe he” LOL, loved it!
    I had no idea he hated pets. He and Shari would NOT get along! As for tea, I can’t understand 😛 Sorry that he wanted to disappear when at school…
    I do wonder about the girl he mentioned a few times… Who could that be?

    1. LOL It was scheduled at the wrong time. 😀 He did sound similar to Ron, didn’t he? Jem has some definite quirks when it comes to pets and tea! haha I wonder how he’ll like Perla’s cats nosing around?

      Yes, who is this girl he mentioned? We will find out but I can’t say when. 😂😳

  9. Oh! That was really interesting! Something I didn’t know I wanted until I saw it. Jem really is an interesting guy! It makes me nervous how many of his answers rely directly on Bea. Yes, she’s great. But also I know from personal experience how important it is to remain your own person.
    Thank you for nominating me! I’m putting it on my to-do list ☺️

    1. I’m glad you thought this was interesting. 😀 And you’re welcome on the nomination. I can’t wait to see which character or characters you do! 😀

      As for Jem, you’re so right about how many of his answers rely on Bea. I couldn’t agree with you more regarding how important it is to remain your own person. Hopefully, he’ll figure this out.

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