Bonus Post: What Could Have Been!


Well, it seems there was some bitter-sweetness going on in chapter 5.11’s comment section. lol

It seems some of you were feeling a little sad that you would never know what Myung and Holden’s child might look like.

But, guess what? I played around with them in CAS and made pretend children for them because I, too, was curious!

Here is what happened! I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Bonus Post: What Could Have Been!

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        • Yes, I think you’re right. 😀 I did do a thing where I had them have a couple kids just to see what they would look like. Myung was so pretty, I thought. The kids mostly looked like Holden, though, if I remember right.

  1. Aaawww that’s too bad that those kids are never really going to see the light of day (that last female one especially is gorgeous) – but I’m sure that Holden’s genes are able to make any heir beautiful, lol – he’s just sooo handsome! 😍
    Looking forward to see the actual heir! <3

    • Thank you 🙂 I thought the last girl was especially beautiful, too, because she picked up more of Myung’s genes. I’m looking forward to seeing the actual heir, too! <3

  2. Did you happen to save any of these theoretical babies? If so, would you be willing to share? I’m gearing up to start a new save (an ISBI LOL) and would happily put any of these lovelies in town. If not, I understand totally.. they’re just gorgeous. 🙂

    • Oh wow! There’s an idea! 😀 I’ll have to look in my bin because I am not sure if I just took pics or if I saved them to the bin, too. 😀 Thank you for your interest!

      And, an ISBI! Those are my favorites! I always thought if I did a challenge, it would be an IBSI. lol I can’t wait to see yours and I will let you know about whether I saved those or not. 🙂

  3. I’m too excited about leaving early to work, and I could wait lol. They’re all cute! Hopefully Holden’s real children will be just as beautiful.

  4. They’re so pretty! I especially think the blonde woman looks gorgeous 🙂
    I have no doubt that the actual heir/spares will look just as gorgeous though. Holden still did the right thing!
    I loved seeing how his kids could have looked 🙂 thanks for sharing, Kym <3

    • Thank you, Louise. 😀 I like the blonde woman, too.

      I think you’re right about the actual heir/spares. I’m glad you liked seeing what could have been. 😀

    • You are so welcome! And thank you, too, for the lovely comment. I thought they looked pretty good, too. haha Holden needs to think about his future and soon because we are a bit behind schedule! LOL

  5. Ah, they are all beautiful. Good genes, definitely! Anyway, I would like to know who Holden eventually chooses to make little potential heirs. Might be that one girl whose name starts with J and isn’t Jowita?

    • Thank you, Jowita. 😀 Holden’s choice is coming up soon because I’m a little bit behind schedule! LOL

      Hmmm….. do you speak of Julie? 😀 I know you ship them something fierce. :O I make no promises. :O

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