The Gender Bend Challenge!


I was tagged a while back by Amy to do this challenge. I apologize for publishing this post so much later. It was a lot of fun to do. I wanted to get a different pic of Matt but I don’t have time. So, here it goes “as is.” 😀

In this challenge, I did not change any facial features even though I wanted to really badly! lol What I changed: hairstyle, makeup, clothing.

As far as tagging goes, if you have not been tagged, please do this because I love seeing the characters like this. 🙂

Thank you again for the tag, Amy!

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  1. Holy sex changes, Batman! Hahahaha. This was fun to see.

    Blue looks so much like Leo. Leeeeooooo!!! 😩😩😩😩😩

    I agree with everyone…Xalen looks so much better as a man. LOL.

    • LOLOL I really did LOL at your “Holy sex changes, Batman!” 😀 LOL

      Blue surprised me by how much she resembles Leo. Leeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooo! lol

      Xalen needs to keep his face, I reckon. 😀 😀

    • Thank you! 🙂 I had so much fun doing this challenge. Matt and Marty turned out really well, I think. Blue’s alternate is a bit of a baby face. LOL And Xalen! His face belongs on a man. haha

  2. Ooh la la, female Matt is a bombshell! 😍 (but I don’t think she would appreciate that comment much, lmao)!
    I totally agree with everyone about Xalen – he’s a fine looking man, but as a woman… meh. Too much masculinity there! 😁
    Blue looks so much like her dad, it’s crazy! <3

    • I thought girl-Matt was, too! I was pleasantly surprised about how he turned out. LOL You’re probably right about him.

      With Blue, I can see both Leo and Chrissy. I think she has Chrissy’s cheeks.

  3. Omg I love these lol. Makes me wish I had characters to genderbend! When I start writing again I’ll definitely have to revisit this challenge. 😂
    Xalen does not make a pretty woman haha. But the rest look decent. Matt makes a surprisingly attractive woman!

    • I’m so glad you love these, thank you. I think your genderbend would be amazing@

      Poor Xalen, not getting any love. 😛 😀 I thought Matt won this challenge. 😀

  4. It’s interesting how versatile some of the features are! I still think Holden looks like Xalen more than like Marty, and I never realized how much Blue looked like her dad! This would be fun to do with some of my sims. =D

    • Thank you, Marj! <3 Remember when I did that side by side matchup of Xalen and Holden? They look almost identical except that Holden does seem to have Marty’s cheekbones. lol

      I think you should do this with your sims, for sure.

  5. Aww yours came out quite wonderfully 😀 Some of mine were horrific, haha. I agree with Jowita that I’d have liked to have seen Memphis and Leo as well~ With the exception of Xalen, everyone looks like they could be a regular character XD Thanks for doing it!

    • Thank you and thank you also for the tag. Memphis and Leo will be next up. 😀 Thank you so much for the suggestion. Everyone says, “With the exception of Xalen.” LOLOL And it’s so true!

          • I sent it through your blog.
            I can tell you here, it’s not private or anything. I just wanted to let you know that chapter 5.6 came through my reader right after 5.5 did. There are only pictures, and you can’t leave a comment. That is why I sent the message. Your chapter list doesn’t have 5.6 being posted until next week.

            • Oh, I see. I wonder why I didn’t get your message?

              Anyway, yes, that was an accident. I still can’t see very well and only meant the one chapter to be published. I flubbed it all up. LOL

            • Thank you so much. <3 They’ve ruled out a lot of different things that can cause a sudden change in eyesight, which is good. But in the meantime, they are changing some meds I take to see if one of the new ones is causing this.

  6. Marty is super similar to her dad!
    And I would love to see Memphis and Leo, too, just so we could get the whole squad of heirs 😀
    I agree with Louise, Xalen looks MUCH better as a man.
    I don’t think Blue looks just like Leo. That nose she definitely got from Chrissy.

    • Oh yes, I will Memphis and Leo for sure. 😀 That sounds like fun! I will get on that after I finish up The Inheritance’s first chapter.

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  7. Matt makes for an extremely lovely lady! Xalen… Xalen belongs in the realm of male characters who are better as males because he’s just too manly to look good as a woman… (sorry Xalen). He can hang out with Lady Carlo, lol 😛

    • Thank you, Louise! 🙂 I think so, too! It surprised me when I saw him as a girl. But it was the good kind of surprise. lol

      He can hang out with Lady Carlo. hahahaha Oh my, sounds interesting. 😀

    • Hiya, Fibi! I miss you and I’m glad you stopped in. <3 I was so busy comparing boy-Blue to Leo, I didn’t think to put her next to Leo Jr. But I think you’re right! 😀

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