WFC: Explained!


Because Generation 3 is starting with a completely new idea, and therefore a new direction, I thought it might be helpful to explain what I can about the community I’ve created for this generation.
The problem, however, was that it seemed like a lot of information to release all at once with the first chapter, so, today is the day for some answers!


If you have questions or comments, please leave them below. I would love to hear from you! <3
On Saturday at 10 a.m. (EST), Blue’s story continues with Chapter 3.2: Dear Diary, Meet Hester Prynne!
Thank you again,

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  1. I’m so excited that you chose Winchester! I did part of my legacy there and it’s really quite a lovely world. It doesn’t look like much initially but once I started playing there I found so much beauty! Looking forward to Blue’s adventures here.

  2. I just loved the world!!!! ♥♥♥ And your explanations were the reason why I had to think about Anne of the Green Gables… and the simple life at that time! ♥♥♥

  3. BRAVO! I like the changes to the write up. It’s less wordy and sounds more like you than the original did. I think I am finally going to play this world. I’ve had it sitting in my worlds forever. I love the buildings in the town. It’s very much like me and I think if I could find this town in RL, hubby and I would be very happy there, which is why I downloaded it in the first place.
    Now, on we go with the story!

    • Thank for your help, Bee 🙂 WCF is a small world, but I really like it. I’m much like you where I like how rustic it is and the quaint buildings are so sweet. I would totally live there. 🙂

  4. I love how you have created this and Bee did a wonderful job on the house. I feel like th connection to the Amish in a way exists, but I understand they are not them. It’s a very original idea and I wonder if Blue will join the society. It will be a hard life lesson for her if she does, as far as the rules they are living by are considered. Saturday, be there already!

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