Chapter 1.3: Dear Diary, My Bad News


Entry 3:


You know, diary… erm journal… I wasn’t always like this. Yes, it’s true that I valued books higher than most people and that I’ve always been socially awkward, but I haven’t always lacked such confidence in myself.

Keniesha is always saying I need a boost in my self-esteem. Well, no joke. But even she knows, it wasn’t so low until our parents died.

We were sitting on the couch again and talking about them. It was almost like they were in the room.

I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of poor me’s. The fact is, I don’t remember anything about my birth parents and I had a great childhood.

There I go, tearing up again as I think about how close I was to them. Especially to my dad. He was there for me in every way a little girl needs a father. He went out of his way to make me feel like I was just as important as Keniesha.

My parents loved each other and their children dearly. Honestly, I think it did something to my heart when they died. It’s never felt the same since.

Often times, I feel like I can still hear their footsteps in the hallway or their voices speaking tenderly to each other. But I’m not crazy; Keniesha says sometimes she can hear them, too. She doesn’t believe in ghosts. She says when we hear them it’s because we want them here with us so badly.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but daddy’s smile could light up the entire room. I mean, look at that! How could you not smile back at him? How could anyone ever be sad?

Don’t get me wrong. My mom was a great person, too. She was pretty, kind and loving. She was the stricter of the two, but she still had a soft heart for her children.

So, back to the couch where Keniesha and I were pretty much every night before bed. We liked to chat and eat ice cream or sometimes we’d just talk about our day. She said she had something important she needed to talk to me about.

“I’m not trying to be blunt, but I just don’t know what to do,” she said. “Our jobs just aren’t enough to stay in this house. It was okay for a while because we had the trust fund, but I’ve been doing the math and it’s just not going to be possible. We’re going to have to make plans to move.”

I felt like a spear had been driven through my heart. It kept me impaled and I couldn’t catch my breath.

“I know you just got out of high school and I’m so thankful this didn’t happen before you graduated because you had enough to deal with. There’s just no putting it off any longer. I’m not moving up the career ladder very fast, and you’re only starting out.”

I closed my eyes, willing this problem to go away. But, you know, that never works.

“Are you going to say anything? Are you mad at me?”

“Oh, I’m mad all right! But not with you,” I fumed. Why was this happening? I finally caught my breath but now I just wanted to punch something. Where was that Garret Covington guy when I needed him?

“I’m really sorry this is happening. I’d give anything if it weren’t. But the fact is, we’re just going to have to get through this and stay strong. It will be okay.”

I wished I could muster up the same resolve she had.

I thought about us as children again, standing in this very room and a faint smile came over my face. Maybe we would be all right. But I would miss the memories here so much. How could I possibly leave this behind and live somewhere else? My head began to pound and my heart ached again.

“I know this is a shock and I don’t want to move either. I’m really sorry, Sis.”

“I’m not angry with you, honest. I know you’ve worked really hard to make ends meet. I guess I just didn’t realize it was coming to this.”

“What’s that little smile for?” she asked.

“I was thinking about how much fun it was here, growing up with you.” She laughed a little and I continued, “You always had a plan for fun!”

She laughed more now. “Oh, I remember! I led you to a lot of trouble!”

We sat for a few minutes in silence, each lost in our own thoughts of the past.

Finally, Keniesha said, “Hey, I know it’s cliché, but it’s also true. We’ll be okay as long as we stick together.”

I nodded in agreement. “Yeah. We’ll be okay.”

How could I say anything different to her when it was clear she felt so badly about it? She was always so good to me. The last thing I wanted was to be any sort of burden to her.

I had to get out of there for a while. Keniesha was off to work anyway. I had the day off. For once, I wished I had to work, too, because I think it would have helped getting my mind off of our troubles.

I went to a different beach then where I had met Liev. I wanted to be alone. I wasn’t much of the crying type, so I decided I’d read.

It was not my day, though. That vile man Garret had come there, too. I saw him and turned my back, continuing to read. Maybe he would walk past me. But he didn’t do that.

I straightened my back as he approached. Why in the world would he want to talk to me, of all people?

He seemed uncharacteristically bashful. “Hi, Memphis.”

“Hi,” I snapped. I was not in the mood to take any of this guy’s crap.

“Hey,” I continued, surprised by my by my own tone of voice. (I didn’t know I could sound so snotty.) “Does your grandpa know you raided his closet? I mean, who wears a sweater vest and tie to the beach?”

He winced. “I thought you might still be pissed about that.”

“Well, I guess I didn’t hit you hard enough because here you are, talking to me.”

“What can I do to make it up to you? You cannot believe how sorry I am.”

He seemed sincere, but I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure about that. “You could leave me alone for starters.”

“Are you trying to break my heart?”

Are you kidding me? I thought to myself.

“How could I possibly break your heart?” There was no way I was falling for a stupid line like that. “There is no way I could mean anything to you.”

“I know that I really like you and that I was a total idiot at your party. There’s no excuse for it. I’m just really hoping you’ll give me another chance.”

I squinted my eyes and wrinkled my nose as I thought about it.

“Come on,” he said with a winning smile, flashing those amazing teeth. “I promise I won’t insult you, yell at you, or do anything to make you hit me again.”

I forgot myself and laughed. “Okay, okay, maybe dinner.”

His smile widened. “Great! Tomorrow night, 7 p.m. I’ll pick you up.”

I nodded despite myself and the fact that just a couple hours ago, I wanted to hit him again, even harder than I had the first time.

After he left, I was alone again. Slowly, I began to remember that I hated Garret’s guts.

Good gravy! How did this happen? And could I get out of it?

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  1. Oh nooooo, Memphis!!! That was the worst thing you could do! He’s no good, and you should’ve gone with your first instincts.

    Awww, so sad that they have to move out of the family home. 😩 That’s a tough one to swallow.

    • Thank you. It’s tough, that’s true. Memphis, I don’t think, has ever lived anywhere else before. I’m thinking Keniesha hasn’t either. But, it has to be done.

      You’re so right about relying on your instincts. Yikes!

  2. What sweet memories of her parents. You have to have a big heart to take in another person’s child. Bravo to them. Hmmm, I hope Memphis is careful with Garrett.

    • I hope she is, too. Garret is really one of those tricky people that you never know where he’s coming from. I really loved playing the Noble family a lot. 🙂

  3. Oh no, don’t fall for the smile Memphis! I can’t tell if he’s acting extra hard, or if he did really make a mistake he’s attempting to make amends for… hmm, guess I’ll have to see.
    Memphis’ memories of her parents were so sweet~ They looked so lovely and caring, it’s so sad her and Keniesha are all alone now and facing some difficulties. It’ll be hard for them to part from their home I’m sure.

  4. hahaha! it’s hilarious how she gets herself into situations just because she gets carried away, and then she kind of snaps out of it later.

    I just want to say I called it! Ha! We haven’t seen the last of this Covington guy. Not sure if I trust him at all, but we’ll see… we’ll see…

  5. Wow! Both parents are such lovely sims! The way they smile is amazing. Bitter is only that Memphis seams to fall for Gareth… how can she? So fast? That were also bad news!!!

  6. Memphis, he drew you into those big eyes of his and played you like a fiddle =p Poor girls, having to move out 🙁 I hope they’ll be able to bring enough things from the old place with them to the new to make it feel like home soon.

  7. You captured some wonderful expressions on all of your characters! Mom and Dad were so realistic looking, as well as expressive in Memphis’ memories! Her relationship with Garrett may work out well on many levels…I’ll just have to read on to find out!

  8. This was so moving! Memphis and Keneisha are such vivid characters. I could really feel how lost Memphis was to face moving out of the home she grew up in.

    And Garret… he seems really dangerous. Either that or he has a major problem with his image.

  9. I love your beautiful sims♥! I hope Memphis keeps on her toes with this jerk. Maybe he needs someone like her to cool his attitude, but I would rather see her being bolstered by Liev. He, at least seems sincere! Hmmm.

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