It’s Been a Crazy Cat Day!

Image Copyright © 2024 | KL Cosner Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

I haven’t been able to post in a while as I’ve been busy with Katy and the Littles with back to school stuff. Oh, and the girls and I are making glue books which has been a riot!

Anyway, I had to show you my crazy day with Binx! He’s a climber!

So, why is it cats climb so high but then they’re unable to get down?

He wanted me to help him and I’m like, “Dude, I’m 5’2″ and we have 12 foot ceilings. Do the math.”

lol Anyway, I did get him down. Hopefully, he’s had his taste of the adventure and doesn’t wish to repeat it! Fingers, eyes and toes are crossed!

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Thank you so much for stopping by! I am looking forward to hearing from you. 🙂

I hope to get caught up soon. I miss you all and your wonderful sites. I’ll be making rounds again soon!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. Binx looks just like my Harry. Not sure about not being able to get down though. I have a sneaking suspicion they’re playing with us. My cat Rosie used to climb up onto the roof via the fence, then meow piteously for ‘help’. As another shortie, I had to use a ladder to get her down, twice. The third time the husband [now known as the ex] wouldn’t let me go to the rescue, saying she could get down on her own. I really, truly hate the fact that he was right! And she never did it again either. -sigh-

  2. Oh, just like a cat, all aloof and brave and I don’t need you until they get to the Save Me stage. The future will determine if any lessons were learned. Glad you were spending time with the Littles Kymber. Have a great Tuesday. Allan

    • hahahaha You are so funny, but you’re right about cats. Let us hope lessons were learned.😂

      Those Littles are so fun! Thank you, Allan. I hope you are having a great Tuesday, too.

  3. Hey there KymberNoodle! I have missed ya girlfriend. Hope all is well but of course leave it to you to have some strange and unusual “cat-antics” that defy gravity! LOL 😹😺🙀 Have a FANtabulous and Puuuurrrrfect week ahead! 😁🥂😍

    • You’re right. lol He was so proud of himself. This pic was taken just before he began to worry. lol 😂

      It’s a crazy time of year with all the shelves emptying in no time flat. LOL Thank you so much for stopping by. 🌺🩷

  4. Curtain climbing was always a fun activity for our cats when we had them. Also we have a tall hutch cabinet they loved to climb to the very top. Then would meow for us to come get them down. Silly kitties! Your Binx looks happy as can be up there. … Good to know all is well with you. 🙂

    • LOL Cats gotta be cats, I guess! haha 🐱🐱🐱 That’s funny about them climbing your hutch and then needing help to get down. Silly is right! 😂 Binx was definitely proud of his accomplishment. LOL

      Thank you. 🌺🩷 I’m so glad to see you, and I hope you are well, too.

  5. I was wondering how you have been. Getting the kids ready for school is not an easy task. Binx is fearless, just like a tomcat has to be. It’s your fault anyway, you know that right. Curtains are a special cat treat, so are Christmas trees and fabric rolls and…. sigh, everything we have. 🙂

    • LMAO!😂 You are completely right about that! Other cat treats: climbing the window screens, toilet paper rolls (if I had claws, I would shred the TP, too), and there is a floor lamp that Max has found out if he pulls the little chain, it turns off and on! haha I’m sure there’s more.

      I hope you’re doing well, my friend. 🌺

  6. That is amazing! Nice to see you again!

    Question: I’ve come to S in my AtoZ list, and that’s SimLit. You are a slam dunk for that article. Are you interested in guest posting that one on WordDreams? All you have to do is write a definition, 5-10 tips for writing SimLit, and the top 5-10 books. No pressure, though. I get how life makes a mess of plans! If you are interested, I’ll push the article back a few weeks, give you time to send me something. Hugs to you and hope all is going well with back-to-school prep!

    • I’m thankful for that, too. Although one of the seams came loose, so I have some sewing to do.

      It’s been wonderful to focus on them. They are so precious. I’m probably going to share a post about the Littles’ favorite things. 😀

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