My Beloved Cat

Image ©2013 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

Did I adopt the cat or did he adopt me? I stare at him and I am so grateful he’s my friend. He’s big, orange and beautiful. As he gazes back at me, he squints his yellow eyes and seems to smile. 

I do not know what happened to him in the past, but he’s safe and loved now. As I get to know him, I am also amazed that someone would have given him up in the first place, if that’s what happened to him. 

He was found during the winter in an abandoned hotel. The windows were broken out and it was cold and snowy. A lady found him and began to feed him. She couldn’t keep him but she continued to feed him. He was living with feral cats, but it was obvious to her that he was not feral. He was ear-tipped, so she knew he was neutered. 

Image ©2013 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved.

After a time, the woman decided that this cat belonged in a rescue. When I met him, he had been in a cage for quite a while and he was overweight. As I walked near his cage, he rolled onto his back and began to purr very loudly. It was at that moment that I knew he belonged in our family and lives.

Since his adoption, he has stopped hiding under the bed and he seeks our company. He loves to play and has lost a lot of weight, too. When I sit at my desk, he jumps up and butts his head against my cheek as if in greeting. He’s adorable and has a beautiful personality.

I am so lucky to have him in my life! I tell everyone to give older cats a try and to adopt if they can. I didn’t just change his life by adopting him, he changed mine. 

Happy timezones, friends! This is an entry I found last night in an old journal that I never published on my blog. I wrote it in 2013 not long after we adopted our dear Cesare. I still stand by every word. He definitely changed my life for the better. I only regret we didn’t have more time with him. I miss him every day. xo #AdoptDontShop

I cherish the way he changed my life.

I hope you’re having a lovely Tuesday! 🩷🌷🐱

Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I am far behind in responding, but I will get there. Please know that even if I have not answered yet, I do appreciate each and every one. I’m hoping to catch up very soon! xoxo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. Cute photo and a glowing story about Cesare. Sounds like quite the connection by how he greeted you at the rescue center. And that’s a wonderful description of how he’s become part of your family. 🙂

  2. I am confident my cat during my teen years chose me, and to this day I still think about the great times we had. Great post and tribute to Cesare.💗 Thank you for sharing this!

    • Thank you so much, Bruce! I’m sure you’re right about your cat choosing you. I think cats really do that. When I saw Cesare turn onto his back and purr at me, it was a sign of that very thing, I think. I’m glad you have lots of good times to remember your cat by. That’s lovely. 💗

  3. I love this, Kymber. I’m absolutely convinced cats choose us. Bond was returned to the shelter before we adopted him, and I’m pretty sure he was mistreated by whoever had him first judging by his actions when we rescued him. But now he’s safe, loved, and head bonks us every day to show his affection and gratitude..

    • I’m so glad you love this, Teri. I’d forgotten all about this journal entry and the pictures I’d taken. I love hearing about Bond. And his name is perfect, I think. I’m so glad he found you, and you him because it sounds like he really needed you after being mistreated. It saddens me to the core when I think of any animal being mistreated. I’m so glad he is safe and loved. Head bonks are the best!

  4. Such a beautiful, heartfelt post! Cesare was lovely. Will you adopt another cat? Yes, older cats are great! We have three black kitties that appeared (magically, it seems) in our backyard. We found them after we came from a vacation and here they ar. Happy purrs!

    • That is lovely! I’m so glad they found you and you brought them into the family. That’s so sweet.

      We have another cat named Josie-Pye, and I think she would benefit having another buddy. I’m not ready yet, but I’m sure it will happen in the near future. 🙂

  5. Oh my goodness KymberNoodle, this brought tears to my eyes. At first I thought you adopted another cat who looked exactly like Cesare, until I finished reading your post in its entirety. What a beautiful and heartwarming tribute to his memory. 😺😻😸 Oh how I love this girlfriend. 💖

  6. Cesar reminds me of my orange cat. We gave him the name Cujo since he was so kind he needed some street credit. He was with us for twenty years and I still miss him. Your diary entry put a smile on my face. Thank you, Kymber.

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