Let’s Go to Cozumel, Mexico!


These are photos I took of a trip to Cozumel in 2010. The Mister and I had a great time!

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.
Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

We took a long walk and visited some Mayan ruins which was exciting. I think out of everything we did in Cozumel, this was my favorite part.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

It was a perfect day for walking along the beach!

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

Photo © 2024 KL Hawke, all rights reserved.

I hope if you are in a cold area, this warmed you up!

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Featured Image by Erin from Pixabay

© 2024 Copyright | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures!!.. “Life gives us brief moments with another, but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a lifetime, So live that your memories will be part of your happiness.” (Author Unknown)… 🙂

    Hope your path is paved with peace, love and happiness and until we meet again…
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

    • You are so welcome, Dave. I was all about those Mayan ruins. My dad and I were talking, and we both think he and I should have gone into an anthropological field. There are so many to choose from. But I am drawn to things like this and always want to learn more.

    • Thank you, Thomas. We did, it was terrific. I think you’d like it very much. We went there because we wanted this vacation to be somewhere that neither of us had been to. I’ve been to 48 states (I’m missing Alaska and Hawaii), so we decided to go there.

  2. Great vacation and some great shots too! Isn’t it amazing how these structures got built. All by hand. No machines, no computer parts. Just human craftsmanship. I know most of the heavy work was done by slaves, but still..

  3. I’ve never been to Cozumel, but did visit Tulum on a honeymoon, which sparked a lifelong fascination with this ancient and intricate society. They lived by not one but seven calendars, you know, at least one of which continued accurate both temporally and spiritually right up through the 20th century.

          • Okay ~ be aware that compared to our little identical boxes of crosshatched blank squares, this one of their seven different calendars, all by itself, mathematically speaking, is mind blowingly complex. And that’s before you get into the significances of the various resulting glyph placements and combinations.

            You know what? The best guide I’ve found for my tiny little mind is put out by a group in Mt. Shasta CA ~ and they have a site rite here on WP, or did last time I checked. You might be able to find them by search bar in the Reader.

            Happy hunting, let me know if you need input!

            • Hahaha, you’ll find ’em!

              I myself researched this calendar by deeply reading it every morning for about six months. It took between a half hour and an hour to ‘get it,’ and then I’d follow the indicators through that day, for accuracy.

              Even without a whole society of people around me feeling and reading the same flow, I didn’t find its indicators significantly in error for even one day out of that time ~ ten thousand years after its creation!

              It reminds me of nothing so much as a cosmic set of biorhythms…

  4. Girl Kymber, now this is a scene I could wake up to year-round. These are some awesome photos and obviously a vacation to remember! 📸🌟⛰ Thanks so much for sharing a piece of your warm impressions ChickieDee. 🥰🌞😍

  5. As someone who cherishes travel experiences, I find Cozumel to be a haven of relaxation and exploration, where every corner holds the promise of discovery and delight.

    • In some of the ruins, you can still see the red handprints they left on the walls all around the doorway to signify who helped build it. I was surprised that they were still there after all this time. It’s amazing to see.

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