© 2024 Copyright | K.L. Hawke | All Rights Reserved.

On Sunday, we were getting ready to go out. I sat down and Josie-Pye started lining up her toys at my feet. They ended up in a pretty perfect straight line. It was the funniest thing.

I praised her greatly for the number of “kills” she presented.

Afterward, I wondered if she lined them up so perfectly because she has OCD.

Do cats get OCD?

© 2024 Copyright | K.L. Hawke | All Rights Reserved.

When she was finished, she decided to move her blankets around on her bed on the window seat. After a time, though, probably because the curtains were still closed which prevented the sun from worshiping her, she gave up on that idea.

© 2024 Copyright | K.L. Hawke | All Rights Reserved.

Finally, she decided to nap on the back of our “Papa Bear Chair.” That’s what we call it because it was my beloved grandfather’s chair.

On the armrests, the stain is worn away where his hands always rested. It’s like having a piece of him near us. ❤️

Bonus Pictures!

© 2024 Copyright | K.L. Hawke | All Rights Reserved.
Posted at booomcha.com with permission of KS.

Meet my dear friend, Jumanji. (Or “Manji” as he is also called). He owns my younger sister, Kari, who we were visiting.

Isn’t he magnificent in every way? 😀

© 2024 Copyright | K.L. Hawke | All Rights Reserved.
Posted at booomcha.com with permission of KS.

Uh-oh. We’ve disturbed His Royal Highness and he wants us to go away. This is only his 12th nap today and that means he has many more he has to squeeze in before nightfall.

Sorry, Manji. 😂

I’m so glad you stopped by today. I hope this week goes well for you.

And thank you, kind readers, for liking, lurking, reading, and commenting. You are important!

Featured Image by Umut İzgi from Pixabay

Copyright © 2023 | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Yes, cats can exhibit behaviors that seem to indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), although it’s not exactly the same as in humans. Some repetitive behaviors, such as object alignment, might be caused by factors like stress or anxiety. However, it’s always advisable to consult a veterinarian to assess the cat’s behavior and determine whether intervention is needed or if it’s normal behavior.

  2. Thank you for sharing!!.. cats are independent thinkers and live life to the fullest their way… they are the envy of everyone… reminds me of a poem about dogs but could be about cats also, so just put Josie-Pye’s name in place of dog….. 🙂

    He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
    My other ears that hear above the winds.
    He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

    He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being:
    By the way he rests against my leg
    By the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile
    By the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
    (I think it makes him sick with worry when he
    is not along to care for me.)

    When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
    When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
    When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.
    When I am a fool, he ignores it.
    When I succeed, he brags.
    Without him, I am only another person. ,With him, I am all-powerful.
    He is loyalty itself., He has taught me the meaning of devotion.
    With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.

    He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
    His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
    His presence by my side is protection against, my fears of dark and unknown things.
    He has promised to wait for me…, whenever…wherever–in case I need him.
    And I expect I will–as I always have.
    He is just my dog.
    (Author Gene Hill…)

    Hope all is well, your path in life is paved with peace, love and happiness and until we meet again…

    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    May your troubles be less
    Your blessings be more
    And nothing but happiness
    Come through your door
    (Irish Saying)

  3. Cat pics brighten up anyone’s day! Whenever we leave, Bond has a couple toys he drags through the house and leaves by the door leading into the garage. I love what you said about your grandfather’s chair.

    • Thank you, Teri. Bond sounds so cute! xo I love hearing about the cats that own us. 😀

      Thank you. We just visited his grave (and my grandma’s) on Friday and it brought a lot of emotions out. I’m so glad to have the “Papa Bear Chair.” 🙂

  4. We have two feral cats who moved into my workroom a couple of years back. I get the real presents in the morning, dead mice and little rabbits lined up outside because they know I cannot hunt for myself. They seem to look at me like I am in special need of their attention. They look at our dogs the same way. We are interesting creatures and they tolerate us, but rather useless 🙂

    • LOLOL I’m thinking you’re right about that! That really did make me LOL. 😀

      I love when my cat sits on the back staircase watching The Mister and I work in the kitchen. I often wonder if he’s surveying his kingdom, or what. LOL

  5. Kymber, your delightful recount of Josie-Pye’s meticulous toy arrangement and her cozy nap spots brings such warmth and humor to our day! It’s fascinating to ponder whether our feline friends have quirks like OCD, or if they’re just expressing their unique personalities. Your storytelling, enriched with the loving memory of your grandfather’s chair, creates a vivid picture of life’s simple joys and the deep bonds we share with our pets. And the glimpse into Jumanji’s royal routine is just the cherry on top! Your appreciation for these moments and your readers shines through beautifully. Thank you for brightening our week with these charming anecdotes. Cheers, Mike

    • Hi, Thomas! 🙂 I don’t know if they can get OCD, but I do know they can suffer from anxiety.

      I’m sorry you’re allergic. Cats can be a lot of fun. But then, so can dogs. I enjoy telling my father about the fun things your dogs do. He enjoys your stories a lot. When he was a child, he had a spaniel mix named, “Bootsie.” 🙂

      Thank you. I hope you had a good National Love Your Pet Day, too.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 Josie-Pye loves her toys. The ones in the picture look a little ratty and she has newer toys that aren’t so mangled, but she always pulls those specific ones out of the basket to play with. 😀 She carries them around in her mouth.

      The orange boy is such a laid back cat. lol He like it when I come over to visit and say, “Hello, Mister Man! How’s my boy?” lol

  6. Perfect pics for “Love Your Pet Day”! Cats are meticulous creatures, so they probably do have OCD. 😆 At least Josie-Pye doesn’t present you with actual kills! Our dog is always rearranging her blanket too, then walks away. What a wonderful keepsake you have with the Papa Bear chair. A cherished heirloom, no doubt.

    • I hate to admit it, but it was accidental that this was published on “Love Your Pet Day.” lol I wish I was that clever.

      When I found out my birthday is “World Toilet Day,” I haven’t cared to keep track of things like that since. LOLOLOL 😀 Seriously. It’s sad, but true. 🤣😂 When I found out, I asked my mother if I could legally change my birthdate but she was of no assistance in that circumstance. 😀

      Anyway, you are right, of course, that it’s a good thing Josie-Pye does not present real kills. She’s an indoor kitty and (knock on wood!) she has never brought us anything that was once living. Before we moved here, our boy Cesare left a dead mouse in our bedroom doorway. I almost stepped on it. Blech. lol As The Mister disposed of it, I made sure Cesare was flooded with compliments. I always look at the floor where I’m walking each morning, just in case.

      Your dog is such a sweetie. I love when they do that. And then she walks away! That made me laugh! 😀 Josie-Pye sat for maybe two seconds. lol

      I love our “Papa Bear Chair.” Even though it’s been decades since he died, I miss my grandpa so much. He was full of compassion, a man of few words. He fed all the squirrels by hand and never met a stranger. 🙂

  7. I love that your cat has OCD; so do I so we’d get along purr-fectly! xoxo
    I think our Nicholas has OCD too, in a “health inspector” sort of way. If the other two use a litter box and don’t cover it up good enough he chases them!

  8. Being Italian I have a lot of superstitions. We believe that a cat is a lost soul waiting to get into heaven, so you shpuld always be nice to a cat. The play CATS is based on that.

  9. We have an OCD cat! He too lines up his toys (mostly empty food cans, he loves to play with them and carry them around). Sometimes he lines them up straight, sometimes in a triangle, sometimes in a circle. It is really crazy. He also has severe anxiety in general and pull his hair out all the time 🙁

    • Oh no! Poor little fellow. We had a cat who did that, too. She was a regular at the cat-doctor’s office.

      I love that your boy lines up his toys, and sometimes even in a triangle! That is so cool!

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