Tour of Cobblestone


Welp, I really did it this time. LOL Funny story…

This entire time, I’ve been thinking my 1800s save was in Winchester Farming Community.

While taking pictures of the world, I kept thinking, “This doesn’t look like Winchester.” I’ve played that world quite a bit, and it just didn’t look right.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at my save file, and I found out I was in Cobblestone this entire time! Haha

I just think it is hilarious that I didn’t know where I was.

Anyway, Cobblestone is a Victorian world which is why I chose to play it in the first place with my Willoughby family. There are trains but no cars, which is something I was searching for all along because when I play different time periods, I like to totally immerse myself in the gameplay. Seeing a modern car would just ruin it for me.

I will include a link to Cobblestone’s download on Mediafire below. The world was created by KarilynMonroe2.

Here is the Willoughby house. It is on a peninsula, isolated from the town. To get here from town, there is a long, winding road.

Another view of the house.

This is a shot, looking at the town from the Willoughby house.

This is the courthouse where, to the right, you can see a train coming through one of the many tunnels in Cobblestone.

This is the view from town, looking at the Willoughby house which is to the right of the lighthouse.

Another picture of the Willoughby house. You can see how long the road is from town.

More train tunnels on the other side of town.

Special thanks to Hilly for requesting this tour of Cobblestone! If you have ideas of things you want to see, feel free to let me know!

I hope you enjoyed today’s installment.

As always, thank you to Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) who edited this little entry.

And thank you, kind friends, for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting.

Willoughby House Lot: Villa McPhee
World: Cobblestone

*Please note, my photos are taken in game using ReShade which is a generic post-processing injector. The coloring of the world may look different to you, depending on how you have set your game up.

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  1. Thank you for sharing Cobblestone. I recognized it’s based on the Sunset Valley map.
    Sorry for not commenting your content lately. My hubby was very sick since Easter, I was in hospital every day.
    Thank God he’s now recovering, but it was a hard time.
    According to that I had to put down one my cats shortly after with liver failure. All this wore me out badly.
    But I was always there, lurking. I really love the “Long winding road”. The pictures are just perfect.

    • Yes! I kept thinking, this doesn’t look at all like Winchester, but it reminds me of Sunset Valley. lol

      I’m so sorry your husband has been ill. I pray he will make a full recovery soon.

      I’m also sorry about the loss of your cat. I know how much that hurts. 🤍🌺

      Thank you again for stopping by and commenting. I hope all is well in your world very soon.

  2. I love Cobblestone, it’s sooo quaint! Stirs desires in me; they say, “Make a trip there.” “You know, I might just do that.” After all I am a mind-time-traveler. Thank you for sharing. Blessings

    • Thank you so much. There are so many options in this game. You can create the world or use worlds other people have created. This is Sims 3. Sims 4 is a bit different; you can switch worlds, but you can’t create your own. You have to use the worlds that Electronic Arts have made. I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing Sims 3 because the options are endless. 😀

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