Ellsworth & Q-Tip! (1)


Allow me to introduce Ellsworth & Q-Tip! Weird names, I know. lol This is a story I originally posted on Tumblr.

Ellsworth is based on a beagle I once had as a child. He was not a smart boy, but he was the goodest. Q-Tip is based on a cat I had from the time I was 4 years old until I was 23. He was smart as a whip, but kinda judgmental.

Their caretaker is Georgia Burnette, but the gameplay/story is going to be from Ellsworth and Q-Tip’s POV.

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  1. I love it! I did have a question; so what made you want to start doing a “Dear Diary” type of thing? was it just a thought that came to your mind and you started doing it, or was it and idea, or is it a actual challenge? I guess that’s more than one question sorry. The only reason why I ask is, not only do I love reading what you write, but I created a Sim and am thinking about doing a “Dear Diary” for them. I just want to know what the…I guess fundamentals are behind it, if that makes sense. Also..do you like write a rough draft of your things before you post them up? 🙂

    • Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment and questions. So, Bee told me she missed having a story from me back in 2016. I had a different site before this one on weebly. Anyway, I was thinking about what kind of format I wanted to do, and I remembered how much I enjoyed Bram Stoker’s Dracula. lol Obviously, I didn’t go down the vampire path, but it was that book’s journal entry writing style that got me going. I’m not following any specific challenge as my story is a mixture of game play and plot. As far as a rough draft, what I normally do is I write up a general outline for each generation. For each chapter, I want to see what happens in game, so that gives me ideas, too. So, I take pics first, then weave my story around them. I put my pics in the new post, leaving room to write between each one. Then, I just write. And I rewrite. And I delete. And, I move paragraphs. lol Then I paste it into ProWritingAid to see where I can improve. Then, finally, I send it to Bee for editing. She tells me through FB messenger if there is anything she doesn’t like, or doesn’t flow right. She also lets me know if she thinks I need to pull more emotion from my characters, etc.

      And, that is my process. 😀 😀

      • Oh okay! That’s awesome! Alright thanks for letting me know. To be honest, I just write what comes to my mind. I’m sure you noticed that parts of Survivor’s Remorse really don’t make sense. Where I’ll say one thing in the beginning of something, then later down the line or even in another chapter…say another thing like “first to change at such a young age” – yet he was born a vampire…I suppose that didn’t make sense. What do you think of my writing? Hmm I’ve never heard of ProWritingAid, is it free? What does it do? An I love your style, it’s amazing. Your process is amazing, maybe I should try that, to be honest I do need to change up some of my writing…please tell me what you think of my writing, honestly and I’ll go from there. 😀

        • I’m so glad you found my answer helpful. 😀 I am not sure if ProWritingAid has a free version. I paid for it, but when I did, it was half off for lifetime access. What doesn’t this app do? lol It corrects grammar, spelling, tells you if you have too many overused words, tells you if you have sentences that are too long or not flowing well, checks your readability, tells you if you’re using clichés, and so much more.

          Here is where you can find it: ProWritingAid. This program is an in depth analysis of your writing, and I highly recommend it.

          There is another online program called the Hemingway Editor that has basic function, and is pretty helpful. You just paste your content into the box and see what it says. 🙂 You can find that here: Hemingway Editor. It tells you what grade level you’re writing is, checks for long sentences, adverbs, grammar, etc.

          Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate it a great deal.

          I really like your writing, and I truly enjoy your story. I can tell you have fun writing, and to me, that is pretty important. It’s hard for me to critique because I don’t think about that when I am reading, if that makes sense. I just read the things I enjoy, and you’re on that list. 😀 😀 Feel free to contact me, though, if you want to chat about writing. 😀 You can use my contact form here: Contact. I’d love to hear from you.

          • Thank you so much! I appreciate it, and I will definitely check into Hemingway Editor, it sounds super awesome, and I’ll also look into ProWritingAid as well. Thanks for also answering my questions, and for being honest. I appreciate it alot, it means a lot to me as well. Yes, I have a lot of fun writing, my idea’s come to me at the oddest of hours, and times. An it does indeed make sense, when it come to critiqueing, your so into a story, who has time to stop and be like wait what…especially when they’re really enjoying it. I totally get what you mean.

            You’re welcome, and I appreciate your words as well. You are very kind. And sure thing, I’ll contact you when I wish to chat about writing. 🙂 I’m glad I’m on your list of things you enjoy reading! 😀

            • You’re welcome, happy to help. I’m so glad what I said made sense. I kept rereading it and wondering if I was saying it right. LOL I’m glad I’m on your reading list, too. 🙂

            • 🙂 Yeah. I do that alot, wonder if what I said makes sense. I did check out Hemingway Edit, and the Web version is free so I will keep that bookmarked and use it. I haven’t looked fully into ProWritingAid yet, will though.

            • Hey, I had a question. Where did you get the eyes and the clothes for your sims in the sims 3 for St Cyr? I love them alot! Oh and what Skin do you use?

            • Oh goodness. Those are good questions. lol Back then, I was using default eyes from Tifa. You can find them here:

              Eyes N73.

              Back then, I used a bunch of different skins from Tifa, Ephemera, Burnt Waffles, and I can’t remember who else. If you have a specific one in mind, I can try to help you find it.

              The clothes were from a set of Amish clothes by Poppy Sims, and her site is no longer there. 🙁

            • Okay thank you! Yeah, I just redownloaded The Sims 3 onto my laptop, and was super curious! Your Sims looks super realistic! My sim I created doesn’t look like that…then again, it couldn’t recognize my video card for my laptop, and she is a vampire. I started her yesterday, she has the rockstar aspiration.

            • My Sims 3 game was being lame yesterday. I may have to go through a few mods. It wouldn’t let my sim return home from the future, a error kept popping up. But I am playing a legacy sim for the Sims 4… created a Sim from the my story in cas they made him a vampire. 😊 So now he will be a ‘Fang Legacy’

            • Fang legacy! That is sooo cool! I would love to see that one. Sims 3 is so persnickety. Just today I made a new story save file because I was getting too bulky.

            • Yeah, I uninstalled The Sims 3 today. I’ll try it again some other time. Might have been the Mods or something for it.

              Yeah, it’s going good. I had his boyfriend move in with him after he proposed to him. Then I just had them get married not to long ago, and are actually wearing rings for it. Rare for me to have my sims wear rings once they get married. His husband wants him to turn him into a vampire, but I’m like no that would be bad, it wouldn’t work for the Legacy since ou know they do have pass on on. The only one who will be living for ages is my sim, not sure how the story should even start out. Heh.

            • That darn sims 3! lol I hope next time it behaves itself better. lol

              That sounds like fun! I can see why you need the husband to remain mortal. This seems like a good foundation for a story. 😀

  2. Cute, cute. Your kitty and doggy are so dang cute. Our Chloe was the Alpha to our dog Ferguson, even though he demanded so much of our attention, unlike a cat. Even though it was very sad to have lost Ferguson, it allowed us the time to be with Chloe undisturbed. Ferguson tended to push his way in if we showed her any attention.

    • Thank you, Jo. Awww…. I love how they each have their own personalities. I know you must have missed Ferguson terribly, but I bet Chloe enjoyed having that one on one time.

  3. I can’t stop thinking now.. Is ‘goodest’ a word? 😂

    Aww these are cute! I love that your old kittykat was judgemental, so is mine! Ellsworth & Q-Tip are both totally rockin’ those bowties!
    Caz xx

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