OC Tag #2 Keniesha


The rules:

  1. Pick a character you’ve created.
  2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were that character.
  3. Tag at least four people to do this meme

I’ll be doing a few of these so if you would like to participate, consider yourself tagged! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Also, if there is a character from Noble Doubt you want to see me include in this, let me know in the comments. Thanks!


  1. What is your name? Keniesha Noble
  2. Do you know why you were named that? I never asked or wondered.
  3. Single or taken? It’s complicated.
  4. Stop being a Mary Sue! Get outta my Kool-Aid.
  5. What’s your eye color? Deep, deep brown
  6. How about hair color? Luxurious black. You wish you had my mermaid hair.
  7. Have you any family members? Mmmmhmmm. My family is small, it’s just me,  my little sister, our husbands and my girls.
  8. Oh, how about pets? I have enough to take care of so animals are out of the question. Memphis and Liev can do that whole farm and animal thing, but it’s not for me.
  9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? Self-pity
  10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? I don’t have much time for that sort of thing. I’m just working hard to keep it all together for my little sister.
  11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Probably but I can’t think of anything too awful. Even if I could, what’s the use in dwelling on it? It’s time to move on already.
  12. Ever… killed anyone before? Are you seriously asking me that? Why? What do you know?
  13. What kind of animal are you? The kind with razor sharp claws if you hurt anyone I love.
  14. Name your worst weaknesses. I’ve been told I can be really bossy. Frankly, I don’t think giving out good advice is being bossy. I’m just here to help.
  15. Do you look up to anyone at all? I looked up to my parents before they died, now I have to rely on myself.
  16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual? Straight
  17. Do you go to school? Who has the money? I used to wish I could put Memphis through school but I was barely making it as it was. Besides, I have other priorities now.
  18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? Yeah, sure, but that’s turning out to be a bust.
  19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? Fan-who? What?
  20. What are you most afraid of? Losing the family I have left.
  21. What do you usually wear? My style is fun and funky.
  22. What’s one food that tempts you? I will never turn down a warm bowl of pasta.
  23. Am I annoying you?  No, I’m used to irritating questions… I have kids, you know.
  24. Well, it’s not over! Then get on with it.
  25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? I’d say, middle class, but we’re on our way up.
  26. How many friends do you have? I have a lot of what I’d call acquaintances, but no close friends. I would like to be able to confide more in Memphis, however, she has her own things going on and I don’t want to burden her because she’s fragile.
  27. What are your thoughts on pie? I hate fruity desserts.
  28. Favorite drink?  I like those froufrou drinks. You know, the kind with the little umbrella that you would sip if you were alone on a beach in the Caribbean.
  29. What’s your favorite place? Anywhere I can remind Memphis or my girls what they should be doing!
  30. Are you interested in anyone? I’ve always had a little crush on that actor, Samuel Serendipity. But I live in the real world where things like that don’t happen.
  31. That was a stupid question. No question is stupid. Not asking the question, that is stupid.
  32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? Who has time for swimming? And if I did swim, it wouldn’t be in anything but a pool. You can’t see what’s under there in the ocean or a lake.
  33. What’s your type? The kind I can tell what to do. I’m losing faith in Mango at the moment – there is something up with that dimwitted man.
  34. Any fetishes?  Wouldn’t you like to know?
  35. Camping or indoors?  Ew! I work hard to keep everything we have, so I’m not laying down good money to sleep outside like a hobo.

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  1. What a great character!! It looks like I’m far from the only one who misses her! Every once in awhile in your story a situation will come up, and I think “I wonder what Kenisha would say?”. I never realized that she thought of Memphis as being fragile! That came as a surprise to me. It will be fun to see what other characters are like, should you do more of these! (PLEASE!) ♥

    • OMG – I do the same thing! I often think, “What would Keniesha say to that one?” LOLOL Part of the rift in their relationship came from the fact that Keniesha felt she couldn’t confide in Memphis because it would burden her too much. Good thing they got over that! lol

      I would love to do more of these. 😀 Someone suggested I do Chrissy Valentine’s. LOL 😀 That should be interesting!

  2. Keniesha, I have missed her so much. YES QUEEN!!!
    She is such a no-nonsense, tell it like it is bad ass.
    These tags have been spreading like wildfire. Probably because they are so much fun. Everyone has done such a great job.

    • Thank you 🙂 I think so, too. These have been a really nice creative break for me, not just to make them but to see everyone else’s, too.

      I miss Keniesha, too, soooo much! <3

  3. I dropped a like but I don’t feel like I can just leave without mentioning that this is great as usual 🙂 Keniesha is a cool character 🙂 (Sorry I don’t have anything to say, I’m afraid the past few days of commenting on everything has tired me out).

  4. Aaaah Keniesha!!!! Hands down my favorite Noble Doubt character *ever*!! 😀 Keniesha, I am a fan-who!! 😂
    Great job on the answers! When I was reading them, I nearly thought I was hearing her sassy voice <3 I felt sorry that she had to go through life feeling that Mango abandoned her, but I hope they met again in sim-heaven or something 😁

    • I hope so, too! I was thinking something like that when I wrote this. <3 Keniesha is hands down my faovrite sim and character, too! lol When I'm writing her, it all just pours out – she has always been like that. 🙂

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