Memory Lane Challenge


I’d like to thank Sempreviva’s Sims, The Kingston Legacy, Stories by Bee, and The Windsor Legacy for so graciously nominating me for this challenge! I really appreciate the nomination and I’m happy to be receiving it. Check their blogs out! They are all really cool with engaging stories!
1. Congratulations! You’ve been nominated for a totally legit award. Get a gold star and stick it on your forehead like a boss. (done!! LOL)
2. Share FIVE of your favorite moments from your legacy/challenge/story so far.
3. Nominate 3-5 blogs to do the same. 
So, here we go!

Chapter, 1.7: when Liev and Memphis were watching a romantic comedy called “Slacking with You: a Love Story.” I just love Memphis’ expression and how happy they were.
Chapter 1.23: the car crash that changed their lives and the direction of the story forever.
Chapter 2.3: I love this moment with Leo and Blue. She was such a fun and cute kid and he was a terrific dad. I had a hard time narrowing their moments down to one picture.
Chapter 2.9: Leo took Keniesha to the Grammy Awards. She looked so good and actually left him at one point to walk the red carpet by herself. I love her so much! <3
Chapter 3.14: Leo was deathly ill and Mango cured him. I really loved bringing that storyline forward and how it turned out.

I’m a little late to the game and so I am not sure who has done this and who hasn’t as it seems to have made some rounds. So, if you have not yet done this challenge and would like to, you have just been nominated by me! 🙂

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    • Oh, yes, that car crash reminder was probably not good. hahaha At the time, I was proud of how it all turned out. I actually worked on that scene and making the fire gifs for a couple weeks. I was sooo green. LOLOLOL Now, I see tons of things I would change about it all.

  1. Congratulations again!! 😀 I love those pictures, and the first one especially is so sweet and lovely! <3
    Wow, I'm so behind, I see major events happening in the story! I really must catch up soon! Congratulations again, I loved seeing your favorite pictures, although I'm sure it was a difficult task choosing between all of them! 😉

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