Featured Author, an Interview with Kat!

2Hello and happy Wednesday! It is with great pleasure that I introduce the work of Kat to you! She writes a sweet story at Katbagal’s Sims 3 Stories about the Beauregard family. At present, Charlena, Javes, Mikel, Philly and the newest addition, Loretta are currently living in Aurora Skies. The family is very busy and there’s always something going on!
At the moment, Kat has decided to put her story on the back burner while she pursues a career she has always dreamed of having. Hopefully, she’ll return to her writing in the near future. Good luck with your new adventure, Kat!

1. How long have you been playing The Sims and what got you into it?
I’ve been playing The Sims for about four years now. I saw an advert on TV for The Sims Freeplay when it first came out and I downloaded it out of curiosity and liked it. Later on, I started watching YouTube and loved The Sims playthroughs so I got The Sims for my Xbox and started playing from there, but after a few years, I finally got a computer for my Sims.
2. Why did you begin blogging your sims story?
I started blogging because I love writing stories and I love playing The Sims so I thought why not put them together. Plus, it’s always been a dream of mine to publish my writing so that other people could read it.
3. How do you come up with your story ideas?
I mainly just play the game and let whatever happen, happen. Sometimes I’ll write out a base idea and see how it goes. If I start posting new stories again I will have a more structured storyline and put more planning into it.
4. Do your sims actions help create new ideas or make the story go in a different direction than you had intended?
Yes, for sure. Most of the time when I split up a household the inactive one will do unexpected things and completely change the storyline.
5. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/animal?
Definitely a cat. My entire gaming/writing presence is my gamer name, Katbagal.
6. Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

I do read quite frequently, mostly Sci-Fi and Non-Fiction. My favorite authors are Dan Brown and Edgar Allen Poe.

7. Is there anything you wish was different about your story?

Yes, many things. If I start posting to my blog again I will most likely do so with a refreshed family/storyline.

8. Do you proofread/edit all your own writings or do you get someone to do that for you?

I do it all myself. I do have software that corrects spelling/grammar though.

9. Do you believe in writer’s block?
Yes. I’ve had it plenty of times writing stories. I’ll just stare at the blank page and I can’t think of anything to write, even if I have a storyline going.
10. If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
Digital Fortress by the great Dan Brown because it has been my favorite book ever since I read it and there just isn’t anything else like it. With each chapter it got better and better, I couldn’t put it down. Reading it also helped me love books more because the writing was, in my mind, a true masterpiece.

Thank you, Kat, for a very insightful interview!
If you would like to read our featured author’s Sims story, it can be found here:

Author’s Note: If you are a blog author (it does not have to be The Sims related) and would like to be featured in an interview, please send me an email using my contact form below! I would love to interview you, too!

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  1. Thank you! 😀 It’s an honor to be featured on your blog. You’re such an inspiration to me and so many other Sims bloggers. I do plan on coming back to blogging in the future by the way, but I’ll most likely have a new storyline and characters in store. 🙂

    • You are so welcome and thank you for your kind words. Thank you also for agreeing to be interviewed. I really loved reading your answers! 🙂
      I’m so glad you’re planning on returning. I wish you all the luck in your endeavors. 🙂

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