The Unique Blogger Award


I’d like to thank Maha of funhouse vision for so graciously nominating me for this award! I really appreciate the nomination and I’m happy to be receiving it. Check her blog out! It’s full of articles on fashion, food, art and beauty.

  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate  8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.

Questions from Maha:
What makes your blog unique?
I think my blog is unique because it has my voice in the writing. That’s one of the things I find so pleasant and unique when I read other peoples’ blogs, too.
What’s an interesting/unique quality you have?
I don’t know how interesting it is, but I have a detail oriented mind. Of course, this also means I tend to overthink things upon occasion, but I am me.
What’s your favourite topic to blog about?
I have written some short stories which I like to dabble with but nothing really pleases me the way writing my story does. I just love these characters; they are alive to me, if that doesn’t sound too silly. Through them, I can do and say things I never would in real life.
My Nominees:
   (Once again, it was difficult choosing, but I tried to nominate those I have never nominated for anything before.)

  1. Cathy Tea’s Simlit Anthology
  2. The Greenleaf Legacy
  3. Racket-Rotter Chronicles Part Deux
  4. The Starlings
  5. Sims Stories (by Mastress Alita)
  6. fabtiffsim TS4 Legacies
  7. Not Just a Book Sims
  8. saintswest
  9. murdervalleysims
  10. Go for the Crown
  11. Twisted Sim
  12. Tookii
  13. Nevi’s Dreams

My Questions: 

  1. What is something unique you’ve wanted to try but were too scared or nervous?
  2. What’s a unique quality or attribute you have?
  3. Is there a documentary or book that really changed the way you thought about something?

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